Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/highlight.exu is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 -- Test file for Kate's Euphoria syntax highlighting/code folding.
0002 -- BEGIN region marker test
0004 -- code here
0006 -- END region marker test
0008 -- The N Queens Problem:
0009 -- Place N Queens on an NxN chess board
0010 -- such that they don't threaten each other.
0011 constant N = 8 -- try some other sizes
0012 constant ROW = 1, COLUMN = 2
0013 constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0
0014 type square(sequence x)
0015 -- a square on the board
0016     return length(x) = 2
0017 end type
0018 type row(integer x)
0019 -- a row on the board
0020     return x >= 1 and x <= N
0021 end type
0023 function threat(square q1, square q2)
0024 -- do two queens threaten each other?
0025     if q1[COLUMN] = q2[COLUMN] then
0026  return TRUE
0027     elsif q1[ROW] - q1[COLUMN] = q2[ROW] - q2[COLUMN] then
0028  return TRUE
0029     elsif q1[ROW] + q1[COLUMN] = q2[ROW] + q2[COLUMN] then
0030  return TRUE
0031     elsif q1[ROW] = q2[ROW] then
0032  return TRUE
0033     else
0034  return FALSE
0035     end if
0036 end function
0038 function conflict(square q, sequence queens)
0039 -- Would square p cause a conflict with other queens on board so far?
0040     for i = 1 to length(queens) do
0041  if threat(q, queens[i]) then
0042      return TRUE
0043  end if
0044     end for
0045     return FALSE
0046 end function
0048 integer soln
0049 soln = 0 -- solution number
0051 procedure print_board(sequence queens)
0052 -- print a solution, showing the Queens on the board
0053     integer k
0054     position(1, 1)
0055     printf(1, "Solution #%d\n\n  ", soln)
0056     for c = 'a' to 'a' + N - 1 do
0057  printf(1, "%2s", c)
0058     end for
0059     puts(1, "\n")
0060     for r = 1 to N do
0061  printf(1, "%2d ", r)
0062  for c = 1 to N do
0063      if find({r,c}, queens) then
0064   puts(1, "Q ")
0065      else
0066   puts(1, ". ")
0067      end if
0068  end for
0069  puts(1, "\n")
0070     end for
0071     puts(1, "\nPress Enter. (q to quit) ")
0072     while TRUE do
0073  k = get_key()
0074  if k = 'q' then
0075      abort(0)
0076  elsif k != -1 then
0077      exit
0078  end if
0079     end while
0080 end procedure
0082 procedure place_queen(sequence queens)
0083 -- place queens on a NxN chess board
0084 -- (recursive procedure)
0085     row r -- only need to consider one row for each queen
0086     if length(queens) = N then
0087  soln += 1
0088  print_board(queens)
0089  return
0090     end if
0091     r = length(queens)+1
0092     for c = 1 to N do
0093  if not conflict({r,c}, queens) then
0094      place_queen(append(queens, {r,c}))
0095  end if
0096     end for
0097 end procedure