Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/test.mkiv.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 % ConTeXt test file for Kate's syntax highlighting and code folding
0004 %% Comments
0005 %   This is a comment
0006 \%  Not a comment
0007 \\% This is a comment
0009 % Titles should be bold
0010 \subject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Subject<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0011 \subsubject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-subject<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0012 \subsubsubject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-subject<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0013 \subsubsubsubject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-sub-subject<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0014 \subsubsubsubsubject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-sub-sub-subject<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0015 \section<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Section<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0016 \subsection<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-section<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0017 \subsubsection<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-section<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0018 \subsubsubsection<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-sub-section<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0019 \subsubsubsubsection<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Sub-sub-sub-sub-section<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0021 %% Start/stop blocks
0022 <beginfold id='1'>\startsection</beginfold id='1'>
0023 Can be nested
0024 <beginfold id='1'>\startitemize</beginfold id='1'>
0025 \item normal
0026 <endfold id='1'>\stopitemize</endfold id='1'>
0027 normal
0028 <endfold id='1'>\stopsection</endfold id='1'>
0029 % \startblock \stopblock should be comments
0032 %% Commands
0033 \def<beginfold id='1'>\startstuff</beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Custom environment start<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0034 \def<endfold id='1'>\stopstuff</endfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Custom environment stop<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0035 <beginfold id='1'>\startstuff</beginfold id='1'> should not be normal command colour (it is an error to miss <endfold id='1'>\stopstuff</endfold id='1'>)
0037 \def\sayHello<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Héllò Wø®łÐ<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0038 % This prints Héllò Wø®łÐ@@@ , If it were \sayHelloAAA it would be
0039 % an error, so the @ is not in the macro
0040 \sayHello@@@
0042 \def\testUnderscores<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Text_With_Underscores<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0043 % This prints Text_With_Underscores_ note the final underscore and no error
0044 \testUnderscores_
0046 \def\€<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Macro with sign<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0047 % This is a single macro
0048 \€ % This prints Macro with sign
0049 \€A % This prints Macro with signA   (not an error)
0051 \setupindenting[yes, big]
0054 %% Inline math
0055 $equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0056 it can also run over multiple lines
0057 % Comment
0058 $
0059 normal
0060 \mathematics{equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0061 it can also run over multiple lines
0062 \mathematics{nested math should be green} this should still be green
0063 % Comment
0064 }
0065 normal
0066 \math{equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0067 it can also run over multiple lines
0068 \math{nested math should be green} this should still be green
0069 % Comment
0070 }
0071 normal
0072 \m{equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0073 it can also run over multiple lines
0074 \m{nested math should be green} this should still be green
0075 % Comment
0076 }
0077 normal
0078 \mathematics the first character should be green <beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'><endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0079 \math        the first character should be green <beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'><endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0080 \m           the first character should be green <beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'><endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0081 \formula     the first character should be green <beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'><endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0082 normal
0083 % $should$ \mathematics{still} \math{be} \m{commented}
0085 % The underscore after sum should be blue, not macro color
0086 Math macro with underscores \m { v = \sum_0^1{ \sqrt{2} }! }
0088 %% Display math
0089 $$
0090 equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0091 it can also run over multiple lines
0092 % Comment
0093 $$
0094 normal
0095 <beginfold id='2'>\startformula</beginfold id='2'>
0096 equations are green, \commands somewhat darker
0097 it can also run over multiple lines
0098 % Comment
0100 Nested formulae should not work
0101 The following should be red:
0102 \startformula
0103 Should still be math colour
0104 <endfold id='2'>\stopformula</endfold id='2'>
0105 normal
0107 % This is a regular macro, not math macro
0108 \def\mathematicsMacroShouldNotMatchThis<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>Not Math<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0110 %% Verbatim
0111 <beginfold id='3'>\starttyping</beginfold id='3'>
0112 All text in here should be verbatim colour
0113 % This should not be a comment
0114 &@@#^%&^#$
0116 Nested typing should be displayed in verbatim colour
0117 \starttyping
0118 \stoptyping
0119 should still be verbatim colour
0120 % This should not be a comment
0121 <endfold id='3'>\stoptyping</endfold id='3'>
0123 normal
0126 %% Tables
0127 <beginfold id='1'>\starttabulate</beginfold id='1'>[|c|c|c|]
0128 \FL
0129 \NC header1 \NC header2 \NC header3 \NR
0130 \ML
0131 \NC value1 \NC value2 \NC value3 \NR
0132 \NC value4 \NC value5 \NC value6 \NR
0133 \BL
0134 <endfold id='1'>\stoptabulate</endfold id='1'>
0136 Commands for TABLE environment (<beginfold id='1'>\bTABLE</beginfold id='1'> and <endfold id='1'>\eTABLE</endfold id='1'>, <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> and <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'>, etc.) should emulate start/stop blocks
0137 <beginfold id='1'>\bTABLE</beginfold id='1'>[split=yes]
0138   <beginfold id='1'>\bTR</beginfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value1 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value2 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value3 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <endfold id='1'>\eTR</endfold id='1'>
0139   <beginfold id='1'>\bTR</beginfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value4 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value5 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <beginfold id='1'>\bTD</beginfold id='1'> value6 <endfold id='1'>\eTD</endfold id='1'> <endfold id='1'>\eTR</endfold id='1'>
0140 <endfold id='1'>\eTABLE</endfold id='1'>
0142 <beginfold id='1'>\startxtable</beginfold id='1'>
0143   <beginfold id='1'>\startxrow</beginfold id='1'>
0144     <beginfold id='1'>\startxcell</beginfold id='1'> value1 <endfold id='1'>\stopxcell</endfold id='1'>
0145     <beginfold id='1'>\startxcell</beginfold id='1'> value2 <endfold id='1'>\stopxcell</endfold id='1'>
0146   <endfold id='1'>\stopxrow</endfold id='1'>
0147   <beginfold id='1'>\startxrow</beginfold id='1'>
0148     <beginfold id='1'>\startxcell</beginfold id='1'> value3 <endfold id='1'>\stopxcell</endfold id='1'>
0149     <beginfold id='1'>\startxcell</beginfold id='1'> value5 <endfold id='1'>\stopxcell</endfold id='1'>
0150   <endfold id='1'>\stopxrow</endfold id='1'>
0151 <endfold id='1'>\stopxtable</endfold id='1'>
0155 \subject<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'> Languajes directly usable in \CONTEXT <endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0157 % These three sould have their own separate syntax highlighting
0159 <beginfold id='4'>\startluacode</beginfold id='4'>
0160     context.chapter(<beginfold id='5'>{</beginfold id='5'>first<endfold id='5'>}</endfold id='5'>, "Some title")
0161     context.startcolumns(<beginfold id='5'>{</beginfold id='5'>n = 3, rule = "on"<endfold id='5'>}</endfold id='5'>)
0162         context("Hello one")
0163     context.column()
0164         context("Hello two")
0165     context.column()
0166         context("Hello three")
0167     context.stopcolumns()
0168 <endfold id='4'>\stopluacode</endfold id='4'>
0170 <beginfold id='6'>\startMPcode</beginfold id='6'>
0171     transform pagecoords;
0172     pagecoords := identity scaled 10mm shifted (100mm,150mm);
0173     fill ( (0,0) -- (2,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,2) -- cycle )
0174         transformed pagecoords withcolor green;
0175     draw ( (2,0) .. (2,1) .. (1,1) .. (1,2) .. (0,2) )
0176         transformed pagecoords;
0177     drawarrow ( (0,0) -- (2,2) ) transformed pagecoords;
0178 <endfold id='6'>\stopMPcode</endfold id='6'>
0180 <beginfold id='7'>\startXML</beginfold id='7'>
0181 <beginfold id='8'><</beginfold id='8'>context name="MathModeMacroFind" attribute="Math" lineEndContext="#stay">
0182     <beginfold id='8'><</beginfold id='8'>DetectChar char="{"              attribute="Brace" context="#pop!MathModeMacro"<endfold id='8'>/></endfold id='8'>
0183     <beginfold id='8'><</beginfold id='8'>RegExpr    String="&macro_math;" attribute="Macro" context="#pop"<endfold id='8'>/></endfold id='8'> <beginfold id='9'><!--</beginfold id='9'> 1 token <endfold id='9'>--></endfold id='9'>
0184     <beginfold id='8'><</beginfold id='8'>RegExpr    String="[[:graph:]]"  attribute="Math"  context="#pop"<endfold id='8'>/></endfold id='8'> <beginfold id='9'><!--</beginfold id='9'> 1 token <endfold id='9'>--></endfold id='9'>
0185 </context<endfold id='8'>></endfold id='8'>
0186 <endfold id='7'>\stopXML</endfold id='7'>