Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/test.ini.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ; comment
0002 ; comment with ### alerts
0003 # alternative comments
0005 <endfold id='1'></endfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>[Empty section]</beginfold id='1'>
0007 <endfold id='1'></endfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>[Section 2]</beginfold id='1'>
0008 Key1=String Value
0009 Key2=42
0010 Key3=3.14
0011 Key4=-42
0012 Key5=
0013 Key\SubKey=True
0015 <endfold id='1'></endfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>[Section 3]</beginfold id='1'>
0016 ; = in values are fine
0017 ; inline comments are not supported, ;/# are part of the value
0018 key4 = foo = True; bar = False
0019 key4b = abcd#1234!
0020 key5/subkey = "foo\nbar 123.123 123456"
0022 <endfold id='1'></endfold id='1'><beginfold id='1'>[php]</beginfold id='1'>
0023 error_reporting=~E_NOTICE
0024 error_reporting=E_ALL | E_STRICT