Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/test.adb.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
0002 with Ada.Strings;  use Ada.Strings;
0003 with Put_Title;
0005 procedure LAL_DDA is
0006     Collection : Repinfo_Collection;
0008     A_Basic_Record       : Basic_Record         := Basic_Record'(A => 42);
0009     Another_Basic_Record : Basic_Record         := (A => 42);
0010     Nix                  : constant Null_Record := (null record);
0012     procedure Process_Type_Decl (Decl : Base_Type_Decl);
0013     --  Display all representation information that is available in
0014     --  ``Collection`` for this type declaration.
0016     procedure Process_Variants
0017       (Variants : Variant_Representation_Array; Prefix : String);
0018     --  Display all representation information for the given record variants.
0019     --  ``Prefix`` is used as a prefix for all printed lines.
0021     package Expr_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Expr);
0022     use type Expr_Vectors.Vector;
0023     package Expr_Vector_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
0024       (Positive, Expr_Vectors.Vector);
0026     function Test_Discriminants
0027       (Decl : Base_Type_Decl) return Expr_Vector_Vectors.Vector;
0028     --  Fetch the vector of discriminants to use for testing from nearby Test
0029     --  pragmas.
0031     procedure Error (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Message : String) with No_Return;
0032     --  Abort the App with the given error ``Message``, contextualized using
0033     --  ``Node`` 's source location.
0035     package App is new Libadalang.Helpers.App
0036       (Name         => "lal_dda",
0037        Description  =>
0038          "Exercize Libadalang's Data_Decomposition API on type declarations",
0039        App_Setup    => App_Setup,
0040        Process_Unit => Process_Unit);
0042     package Args is
0043         use GNATCOLL.Opt_Parse;
0045         package Rep_Info_Files is new Parse_Option_List
0046           (App.Args.Parser, "-i", "--rep-info-file",
0047            Arg_Type   => Unbounded_String,
0048            Accumulate => True,
0049            Help       => "Output for the compiler's -gnatR4j option");
0051     <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'> Args;
0053     ---------------
0054     -- App_Setup --
0055     ---------------
0057     procedure App_Setup (Context : App_Context; Jobs : App_Job_Context_Array) is
0058         pragma Unreferenced (Context, Jobs);
0059     <beginfold id='1'>begin</beginfold id='1'>
0060         Collection := Load (Filename_Array (Args.Rep_Info_Files.Get));
0061     exception
0062         when Exc : Loading_Error =>
0063             Put_Line
0064               ("Loading_Error raised while loading representation information:");
0065             Put_Line (Exception_Message (Exc));
0066             New_Line;
0067     <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'> App_Setup;
0069     ------------------
0070     -- Process_Unit --
0071     ------------------
0073     procedure Process_Unit (Context : App_Job_Context; Unit : Analysis_Unit) is
0074         pragma Unreferenced (Context);
0076         function Process (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status;
0078         function Process (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status is
0079         <beginfold id='1'>begin</beginfold id='1'>
0080             <beginfold id='2'>case</beginfold id='2'> Node.Kind is
0081                 when Ada_Base_Type_Decl =>
0082                     Process_Type_Decl (Node.As_Base_Type_Decl);
0084                 when Ada_Pragma_Node =>
0085                     declare
0086                         PN   : constant Pragma_Node := Node.As_Pragma_Node;
0087                         Name : constant Text_Type := To_Lower (PN.F_Id.Text);
0088                         Decl : Ada_Node;
0089                     <beginfold id='1'>begin</beginfold id='1'>
0090                         <beginfold id='3'>if</beginfold id='3'> Name = "test_object_type" then
0091                             Decl := PN.Previous_Sibling;
0092                             <beginfold id='3'>if</beginfold id='3'> Decl.Kind /= Ada_Object_Decl then
0093                                 Error
0094                                   (Node,
0095                                     "previous declaration must be an object"
0096                                     & " declaration");
0097                             <endfold id='3'>end if</endfold id='3'>;
0098                             Process_Type_Decl
0099                               (Decl.As_Object_Decl
0100                                 .F_Type_Expr
0101                                 .P_Designated_Type_Decl);
0102                         <endfold id='3'>end if</endfold id='3'>;
0103                         <beginfold id='3'>if</beginfold id='3'> I > 1 then
0104                             Put (", ");
0105                         <endfold id='3'>end if</endfold id='3'>;
0106                     <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'>;
0108                 when others =>
0109                     null;
0110             <endfold id='2'>end case</endfold id='2'>;
0111             return Into;
0112         <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'> Process;
0114     <beginfold id='1'>begin</beginfold id='1'>
0115         Put_Title
0116           ('#', "Analyzing " & Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Unit.Get_Filename));
0117         <beginfold id='3'>if</beginfold id='3'> Unit.Has_Diagnostics then
0118             for D of Unit.Diagnostics <beginfold id='4'>loop</beginfold id='4'>
0119                 Put_Line (Unit.Format_GNU_Diagnostic (D));
0120             <endfold id='4'>end loop</endfold id='4'>;
0121             New_Line;
0122             return;
0124         elsif not Unit.Root.Is_Null then
0125             Unit.Root.Traverse (Process'Access);
0126         <endfold id='3'>end if</endfold id='3'>;
0127     <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'> Process_Unit;
0128 <endfold id='1'>end</endfold id='1'> LAL_DDA;
0130 type Car is <beginfold id='5'>record</beginfold id='5'>
0131     Identity       : Long_Long_Integer;
0132     Number_Wheels  : Positive range 1 .. 16#FF#E1;
0133     Number_Wheels  : Positive range 16#F.FF#E+2 .. 2#1111_1111#;
0134     Paint          : Color;
0135     Horse_Power_kW : Float range 0.0 .. 2_000.0;
0136     Consumption    : Float range 0.0 .. 100.0;
0137 <endfold id='5'>end record</endfold id='5'>;
0139 type Null_Record is null record;
0141 type Traffic_Light_Access is access Mutable_Variant_Record;
0142 Any_Traffic_Light       : Traffic_Light_Access :=
0143                            new Mutable_Variant_Record;
0144 Aliased_Traffic_Light   : aliased Mutable_Variant_Record;
0146 pragma Unchecked_Union (Union);
0147 pragma Convention (C, Union);    -- optional
0149 type Programmer is new Person
0150                    and Printable
0151 with
0152    <beginfold id='5'>record</beginfold id='5'>
0153       Skilled_In : Language_List;
0154    <endfold id='5'>end record</endfold id='5'>;
0156 3#12.112#e3
0157 3#12.11 use
0158 --     ^ invalid
0159 3#12.23#e3
0160 --    ^ invalid
0161 3#12.11ds#
0162 --     ^ invalid
0163 1211ds
0164 --  ^ invalid