Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/klipper.gcode.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <indentfold>{% set target  = params.BED_TEMP|int %}
0002 {% set current = printer.heater_bed.temperature %}
0004 {% <beginfold id='1'>if</beginfold id='1'> current < target - 20 %}
0005 G4 P{ 5 * 60 * 1000 }       #Milliseconds to dwell
0006 {% else %}
0007 G4 P{ 1 * 60 * 1000 }
0008 {% <endfold id='1'>endif</endfold id='1'> %}
0009 G92 E0               # Reset Extruder
0010 G1 Z2.0 F3000        # Move Z Axis to travel height
0012 SET_PIN PIN=my_led VALUE=1
0013 G4 P2000
0014 SET_PIN PIN=my_led VALUE=0