Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.jsp.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'>
0002   This page won't actually work, as it is simply designed to display jsp syntax highlighting.
0003 <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0004 <%@ page info="A Page to Test Kate Jsp Syntax Highlighting" language="java" errorPage="/test-error-page.jsp"%>
0005 <%@ include file="/include/myglobalvars.jsp"%> --%>
0006 <%@ page import="java.util.*,
0007                  java.io.*,
0008                  java.math.*" %>
0009 <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/lib/si_taglib.tld" prefix="si"%>
0010 <jsp:useBean id="aPageBean" scope="page" class="my.package.MyPageBean"/>
0011 <jsp:useBean id="aRequestBean" scope="request" class="my.package.MyRequestBean"/>
0012 <beginfold id='2'><%</beginfold id='2'>
0013   // We can decipher our expected parameters here.
0014   String parm1 = noNull(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_1)).trim();
0015   String parm2 = noNull(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_2)).trim();
0016   String parm3 = noNull(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_3)).trim();
0017   String parm4 = noNull(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_4)).trim();
0018   String parm5 = noNull(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_5)).trim();
0020   // A sample collection of Integers to display some code folding.
0021   List intList = getIntList(10);
0024 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>
0025 <html>
0026   <title>A Sample Jsp</title>
0027   <head>
0028   <beginfold id='3'><script</beginfold id='3'> language="javascript"><!--
0029     function doAlert1() <beginfold id='4'>{</beginfold id='4'>
0030       alert("This is the first javascript example.");
0031     <endfold id='4'>}</endfold id='4'>
0033     function doAlert2() <beginfold id='4'>{</beginfold id='4'>
0034       alert("This is the second javascript example.");
0035     <endfold id='4'>}</endfold id='4'>
0036   //--><endfold id='3'></script</endfold id='3'>>
0037   <beginfold id='5'><style</beginfold id='5'> type="text/css">
0038     body<beginfold id='6'>{</beginfold id='6'> color: yellow; <endfold id='6'>}</endfold id='6'>
0039   <endfold id='5'></style></endfold id='5'>
0040   </head>
0041   <body>
0042     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> The top label table. <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0043     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0044       <tr>
0045         <td><font size="3"><b>The following parameters were detected:</b></font></td>
0046       </tr>
0047     </table>
0049     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Display the parameters which might have been passed in. <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0050     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0051       <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Label; Actual Parameter String; Value Detected <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0052       <tr>
0053         <td><b>PARAMETER_1</b></td>
0054         <td align="center"><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>PARAMETER_1<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td>
0055         <td align="right">&quot;<beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>parm1<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>&quot;</td>
0056       </tr>
0058       <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Label; Actual Parameter String; Value Detected <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0059       <tr>
0060         <td><b>PARAMETER_2</b></td>
0061         <td align="center"><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>PARAMETER_2<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td>
0062         <td align="right">&quot;<beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>parm2<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>&quot;</td>
0063       </tr>
0065       <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Label; Actual Parameter String; Value Detected <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0066       <tr>
0067         <td><b>PARAMETER_3</b></td>
0068         <td align="center"><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>PARAMETER_3<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td>
0069         <td align="right">&quot;<beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>parm3<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>&quot;</td>
0070       </tr>
0072       <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Label; Actual Parameter String; Value Detected <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0073       <tr>
0074         <td><b>PARAMETER_4</b></td>
0075         <td align="center"><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>PARAMETER_4<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td>
0076         <td align="right">&quot;<beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>parm4<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>&quot;</td>
0077       </tr>
0079       <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Label; Actual Parameter String; Value Detected <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0080       <tr>
0081         <td><b>PARAMETER_5</b></td>
0082         <td align="center"><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>PARAMETER_5<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td>
0083         <td align="right">&quot;<beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>parm5<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>&quot;</td>
0084       </tr>
0085     </table>
0087     <br><br>
0089     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Display our list of random Integers (shows code folding). <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0090     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0091 <beginfold id='2'><%</beginfold id='2'>
0092   if (intList != null && intList.size() > 0) <beginfold id='7'>{</beginfold id='7'>
0093 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>
0094       <tr><td><b>Here are the elements of intList...</b></td></tr>
0095 <beginfold id='2'><%</beginfold id='2'>
0096     Iterator intListIt = intList.iterator();
0097     while (intListIt.hasNext()) <beginfold id='7'>{</beginfold id='7'>
0098       Integer i = (Integer) intListIt.next();
0099 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>
0100       <tr><td><beginfold id='2'><%=</beginfold id='2'>i.toString()<endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'></td></tr>
0101 <beginfold id='2'><%</beginfold id='2'>
0102     <endfold id='7'>}</endfold id='7'>
0103   <endfold id='7'>}</endfold id='7'> else <beginfold id='7'>{</beginfold id='7'>
0104 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>
0105       <tr><td><font color="blue"><b><i>Oooops, we forgot to initialize intList!</i></b></font></td></tr>
0106 <beginfold id='2'><%</beginfold id='2'>
0107   <endfold id='7'>}</endfold id='7'>
0108 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>
0109     </table>
0111     <br><br>
0113     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> We can call javascript functions. <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0114     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0115       <tr><td colspan="2"><b>Test our javascript...</b></td></tr>
0116       <tr>
0117         <td><input type="button" name="button1" value="Alert 1" onmouseup="javascript:doAlert1()"></td>
0118         <td><input type="button" name="button2" value="Alert 2" onmouseup="javascript:doAlert2()"></td>
0119       </tr>
0120     </table>
0122     <br><br>
0123     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> If we actually had defined a tag library. <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0124     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0125       <tr><td>
0126       <my:SampleTag prop1="first" prop2="third">
0127         <my:SampleTagChild nameProp="value1"/>
0128         <my:SampleTagChild nameProp="value2"/>
0129       </my:SampleTag>
0130       </td></tr>
0131     </table>
0133     <br><br>
0134     <beginfold id='1'><%--</beginfold id='1'> Expression language. <endfold id='1'>--%></endfold id='1'>
0135     <table width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
0136       <c:if test="${!empty param.aParam}">
0137         <c:set var="myParam" scope="session" value="${param.aParam}"/>
0138       </c:if>
0140       <tr><td>myParam's value: &quot;<c:out value="${myParam}" default=="Default"/>&quot;</td></tr>
0141     </table>
0142   </body>
0143 </html>
0144 <beginfold id='2'><%!</beginfold id='2'>
0145   <beginfold id='8'>/*</beginfold id='8'> A place for class variables and functions... <endfold id='8'>*/</endfold id='8'>
0147   // Define some sample parameter names that this page might understand.
0148   private static final String PARAMETER_1            = "p1";
0149   private static final String PARAMETER_2            = "p2";
0150   private static final String PARAMETER_3            = "p3";
0151   private static final String PARAMETER_4            = "p4";
0152   private static final String PARAMETER_5            = "p5";
0154   // Returns str trimmed, or an empty string if str is null.
0155   private static String noNull(String str) <beginfold id='7'>{</beginfold id='7'>
0156     String retStr;
0157     if (str == null)
0158       retStr = "";
0159     else
0160       retStr = str.trim();
0162     return retStr;
0163   <endfold id='7'>}</endfold id='7'>
0165   // Returns a list of Integers with listSize elements.
0166   private static List getIntList(int listSize) <beginfold id='7'>{</beginfold id='7'>
0167     ArrayList retList = new ArrayList(listSize);
0168     for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
0169       retList.add(new Integer( (int) (Math.random() * 100) ));
0171     return retList;
0172   <endfold id='7'>}</endfold id='7'>
0173 <endfold id='2'>%></endfold id='2'>