Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.js.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #! shebang
0002 #! no-shebang
0004 <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'> comment <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0006 function fun()
0007 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0008     var boo = <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> 'key': <beginfold id='3'>[</beginfold id='3'> 1, 2.0, 3.0e1, 004, 0x5 <endfold id='3'>]</endfold id='3'> <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>;
0009 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0011 class MyClass; // reserved keywords
0013 // Member objects: text after "."
0014 object.property instanceof Number;
0015 iden1.iden2  . iden3.class class;
0017 var escapes = "aa\b\n\0a\"a\x12a\32a\u{123}a\$\%\ \#\y\aaa\
0018 aaa";
0019 var octal = 0o124;
0020 var bin = 0b1010;
0022 日本語().ლಠ益ಠლ.ñá = 42;
0023 δ /No-Regex/
0025 // Only highlight valid regular expressions, of a single line, after strings
0026 // See: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-TmLanguage/issues/786
0027 "text" /No-Regex
0028 "text" /Regex[:)]*/;
0029 const a = "6" / 2; <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>comment<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> const b = 5;
0030 console.log("4" / "2"); // 2
0031 // Single quote
0032 const a = '6' / 2; <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>comment<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> const b = 5;
0033 console.log('4' / '2'); // 2
0034 // Template
0035 const a = <beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>6<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'> / 2; <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>comment<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> const b = 5;
0036 console.log(<beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>4<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'> / <beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>2<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'>); // 2
0038 // Built-in
0039 const os = require('os');
0040 JSON.stringify("hello");
0041 console.error("hello");
0042 Math.LOG10E;
0044 String.raw<beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>raw text \.\n${}<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'>
0046 // Tagged template literals
0047 tagFunc<beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>
0048     Hello world!
0049     ${ alert("Hello!"); }<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'>;
0050 obj.something.tagFunc<beginfold id='4'>`</beginfold id='4'>Setting ${setting} is ${value + 5}!<endfold id='4'>`</endfold id='4'>;
0052 <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'> 
0053    NOTE: The words "todo", "fixme" and "note" should be rendered in a different style
0054    within comments, match should be caseless (to test for regexp insensitive attribute).
0055    The regex used for this rule is <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0056    String = /\b(?:fixme|todo|note)\b/
0057    <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'> Thus,  for example "Notebook" is not caught by
0058    this rule. (the "?:" in the subpattern is there to avoid the regex engine wasting time
0059    saving a backref, which is not used for anything. I do not know if the overhead of parsing
0060    that is greater than the time saved by not capturing the text...)
0061    The rule for catching these words is placed in a context "Comment common", which is used
0062    by both comment contexts (single line, multiline) using the new "IncludeRules" item.
0063 <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0065 // test if regex support works - nice with new fallthrough prop in context:)
0066 somestring.replace( /dooh/ , "bah!");
0067 re=/foo/ig; // hehe
0069 somestring.search(
0070        /^foo\w+\s\d{0,15}$/
0071                   );
0073         re =
0074         /dooh/;
0076 // This is supposedly legal:
0077 re = somebool ? /foo/ : /bar/;
0079 // NOTE - Special case: an empty regex, not a comment.
0080 // The rule uses a positive lookahead assertion to catch it: "//(?=;)".
0081 re = //;
0082 re = /a|b/;
0084 <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>
0085    Tests for the regex parser.
0086    It will parse classes, quanitfiers, special characters and regex operaters,
0087    as specified in the netscape documentation for javascript.
0088    Regexps are only parsed in their clean form, as the RegExp(string) constructor
0089    is using a quoted string.
0090    TODO: Find out if more regex feats should be supported.
0091          Consider using more itemDatas - assertion, quantifier are options.
0092 <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0094 re = /^text\s+\d+\s*$/;
0095 re = /a pattern with caret \(^\) in it/;
0096 re = /(\d{0,4})\D/;
0097 re = /[a-zA-Z_]+/;
0098 re = /[^\d^]+/;
0099 re = /\s+?\w+\.$/;
0100 re = /\/\//;
0101 re = /a|b/;
0103 // the following are not regexps in E4X (=xml embedded into JavaScript)
0104 var p = <p>Hello World</p>
0105 var p = /</
0106 var p = />/
0108 // a test if #pop back from a comment will work
0109 re = <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>/foo/<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> /bar/;
0110 //           ^ POP
0111 //             ^ we got back after pop in comment, if there is regexp attribs here :-)
0113 <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>
0114    Some tests if the fallthrough works.
0115    The fallthrough happens if a regexp is not found in a possible (!) position,
0116    which is after "search(" or "replace(" or "=" or "?" or ":" in version 0.1 of the xml file
0117 <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0119 var foo = 'bar';
0120 //        ^ fallthrough!
0123 somestring.replace( new RegExp("\\b\\w+\\b"), "word: $1");
0124 //                  ^ fallthrough expected. ("new" whould be bold)
0127 something.method =
0128     function ( a, b, c ) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'> ... <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0129 //  ^ fallthrough ?!
0131 something.other =
0132 function ( d, e, f ) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'> ... <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0133 // fallthrough expected at col 0 ("function" should be bold)
0135 var ary = new Array(5);
0136 //        ^ fallthrough ? (if keyword is correctly rendered)
0138 var b = a ? 1 : 0;
0139 //          ^   ^ fallthroughs. numbers must be rendered correctly.
0141 var c = d ? true : false;
0143 var conditinalstring = b ?
0144   "something" :
0145   "something else";
0146 // guess...
0149 <beginfold id='1'>/*</beginfold id='1'>
0150    Normal program flow...
0151 <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0153 if (something)
0154   dostuff();
0155 else
0156   dont();
0158   return;
0160 try <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> bla() <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'> catch (e) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> alert("ERROR! : " + e) <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0162 for (int i=0; i < j; i++)
0163   document.write("i is" + i + "<br>");
0165 while (something)
0166 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0167   block();
0168   picky:
0169     if (!1)
0170       break;
0171     else
0172       continue;
0173 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0175 with (a) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0176   do <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0177     stuff( b ); // a.b if it exists
0178   <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'> while (itmakessense);
0179 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0181 switch (i) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0182   case 0:
0183   f();
0184   break;
0185   default:
0186   break;
0187 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0189 // Numerics
0190 var a = 0xA;
0191 var b = 0b1;
0192 var c = 0o7;
0193 var c = 07;
0194 var c = 08;
0195 var d = 1.1E+3;
0196 var e = 1.E+3;
0197 var f = .1E+3;
0198 var g = 1E+3;
0199 var h = 1.1;
0200 var i = 1.;
0201 var j = .1;
0202 var k =  1;
0203 // Bigint
0204 const binBig = 0b101n;
0205 const octBig = 0o567n;
0206 const hexBig = 0xC0Bn;
0207 const decBig = 123n;
0208 // Invalid numbers
0209 var l = 0xA1t;
0210 var m = 0b0123;
0211 var n = 0o29;
0212 var n = 000_7;
0213 // Number with separator
0214 let a = 0xA_b_1
0215 let a = 0xA_b_1n
0216 let a = 0xA_b_1_
0217 let a = 0xA_b__1
0218 let b = 0o1_2_3
0219 let b = 0o1_2_3n
0220 let b = 0o1_2_3_
0221 let b = 0o1_2__3
0222 let b = 0o1_2_38
0223 let b = 01_2_3
0224 let b = 01_2_3n
0225 let b = 01_2_3_
0226 let b = 01_2__3
0227 let c = 0b0_1_1
0228 let c = 0b0_1_1n
0229 let c = 0b0_1_1_
0230 let c = 0b0_1__1
0231 let d = 1_2_3
0232 let d = 1_2_3n
0233 let d = 1_2_3_
0234 let d = 1_2__3
0235 let d = 01_2_8