Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.haml.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <indentfold>!!!
0002 %html<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'> :xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", :lang => "en", "xml:lang" => "en"<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0003   %head
0004     %title BoBlog
0005     %meta<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>"http-equiv" => "Content-Type", :content => "text/html; charset=utf-8"<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0006     %link<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'main.css', type: 'text/css'<endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0007     :css
0008 </indentfold>      body <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0009         font-size: 16px;
0010         margin-top: 0px;
0011         margin-bottom: 0px;
0012         font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
0013 <indentfold>      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0015 </indentfold>      p <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0016         margin: 0px;
0017         padding: 0px;
0018 <indentfold>      <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0019   %body
0020     #header
0021       %a<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'>
0022         href: root_path,
0023         name: "home"
0024       <endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0025         %h1 BoBlog
0026       %h2 Bob's Blog
0027     #content
0028       - @entries.each <beginfold id='3'>do</beginfold id='3'> |entry|
0029         .entry<beginfold id='1'>{</beginfold id='1'> id: entry.id <endfold id='1'>}</endfold id='1'>
0030           %h3.title= entry.title
0031           %p.date
0032             Posted on #{entry.posted.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")}
0033           %p.body= entry.body
0034       = button_to "Load more", entries_path,
0035         <beginfold id='3'>class</beginfold id='3'>: "btn btn-primary",
0036         method: :get,
0037         params: <beginfold id='3'>{</beginfold id='3'> last_id: @entries.map(&:id).min <endfold id='3'>}</endfold id='3'>,
0038         form: <beginfold id='3'>{</beginfold id='3'> data: <beginfold id='3'>{</beginfold id='3'> turbo_stream: true <endfold id='3'>}</endfold id='3'> <endfold id='3'>}</endfold id='3'>
0039     :ruby
0040       provide(:title, user_title(@user))
0041       provide(:og, user_opengraph(@user))
0042       provide(:meta, user_twitter_card(@user))
0044       parent_layout 'user/profile'
0045     #footer
0046       %p
0047         All content copyright © Bob
0049     #filterTest
0050       %p Just testing some more HAML filters
0052       :coffee
0053         window.alert "Hello from CoffeeScript #{1}"
0055       :coffeescript
0056         window.alert "Hello from CoffeeScript again, #{1 + 1}"
0058       :css
0059 </indentfold>        #filterTest <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0060           display: none;
0061 <indentfold>        <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0063       :erb
0064         For some reason <%= "ERB works too #{@abcdef}" %>.
0066       :plain
0067         Anything else should be treated as plain text.
0068         This also means that the following shouldn't be highlighted:
0070         %h1#superawesomeheading Heading 1
0072       %div Filter test done