Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.dox.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 This is a pseudo doxygen file to test Kate's doxygen syntax highlighting.
0003 Normal text, no HL.
0004 ===================
0005 a multiline comment may begin with a <beginfold id='1'>/*!</beginfold id='1'> <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>, too. That should work,
0006 because it is the same "entrance rule".
0008 popping tests:
0009 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>multiline <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0010 <beginfold id='1'>/*!</beginfold id='1'> multiline <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0011 //! singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
0012 /// singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
0013 ///< singleline, where */ should be ignored! still doxygen HL mode
0014 begin and end immediately:
0015 /********/ actually no doxygen comment - used for "info boxes" :)
0016 /**/ <-- it really works --- end of doxygen HL mode
0017 <beginfold id='1'>/*!</beginfold id='1'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0019 <tag> <normal comment HL>
0020 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest of line is normal comment HL <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0021 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest of line is normal comment HL
0022  * comment HL mode
0023  <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0025 <tag> <word> <normal comment HL>
0026 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file aword rest of line is normal comment HL <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0027 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword <-- pop! no doxygen HL mode
0028 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file aword rest of line is normal comment HL
0029  * comment HL mode
0030  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0032 <tag> <rest of line is string>
0033 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short description <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0034 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>A <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
0035 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short description 
0036  * comment HL mode
0037  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0039 <tag> <word> <rest of line is string>
0040 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword rest of line is string <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0041 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
0042 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword rest of line is string 
0043  * comment HL mode
0044  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0046 <tag> <word> <word> <normal comment HL>
0047 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword rest of line is normal HL <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0048 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
0049 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword aword <-- pop! end of doxygen HL mode
0050 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword rest of line is normal HL
0051  * comment HL mode
0052  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0054 Tests for HTML tags in doxygen HL mode:
0055 =======================================
0056 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='blubb'> <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0057 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='blubb'<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> end of doxygen HL mode
0058 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='blubb<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'> end of doxygen HL mode
0059 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='blub<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>b'> end of doxygen HL mode
0060 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='b<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>lubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0061 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href='<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0062 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0063 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0064 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" hre<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>f='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0065 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb" <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0066 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb"> <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0067 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb"<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> end of doxygen HL mode
0068 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blubb<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"> end of doxygen HL mode
0069 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="blub<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>b"> end of doxygen HL mode
0070 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href="<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0071 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0072 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0073 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a h<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ref="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0074 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0075 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><a<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0076 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>a href="blubb"> end of doxygen HL mode
0078 //! <a href="blubb" href='blubb'> */ stay in doygen HL mode
0079 //! <a href="blubb" href='blubb'*/> stay in doygen HL mode
0080 //! <a href="blubb" href='blubb*/'> stay in doygen HL mode
0081 //! <a href="blubb" href='blu*/bb'> stay in doygen HL mode
0082 //! <a href="blubb" href='*/blubb'> stay in doygen HL mode
0083 //! <a href="blubb" href=*/'blubb'> stay in doygen HL mode
0084 //! <a href="blubb"> */ stay in doygen HL mode
0085 //! <a href="blubb"*/> stay in doygen HL mode
0086 //! <a href="blubb*/"> stay in doygen HL mode
0087 //! <a href="blub*/b"> stay in doygen HL mode
0088 //! <a href="*/blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0089 //! <a href=*/"blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0090 //! <a href*/="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0091 //! <a h*/ref="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0092 //! <a */href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0093 //! <a*/ href="blubb"> stay in doygen HL mode
0094 //! <*/a href="blubb">  stay in doygen HL mode
0095 //! <a href="blubb">  stay in doygen HL <mode
0096 here should be normal HL mode (no doxygen!)
0098 Tests for HTML tags in doxygen HL mode with tags:
0099 =================================================
0100 <tag> <normal comment HL>
0101 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> line is normal comment HL <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0102 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> end of doxygen HL mode
0103 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'> end of doxygen HL mode
0104 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href='<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0105 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb"> of </a href=<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0106 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href="blubb<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"> of </a href=*/'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0107 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a href=<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0108 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <a h<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0109 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest <<endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0110 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'><beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> rest of line is normal comment HL
0111  * comment HL mode <html> text </html>
0112  <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0114 <tag> <word> <normal comment HL>
0115 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file awo<html_should_be_ignored_here>rd rest of line is normal comment HL <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0116 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file awo<html_should_be_ignored_here><endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>rd end of doxygen HL mode
0117 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file awo<html_should_be_i<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>gnored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
0118 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file awo<<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>html_should_be_ignored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
0119 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file a<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>wo<html_should_be_ignored_here>rd end of doxygen HL mode
0120 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\file aword rest of line is normal co<code>mment HL
0121  * comment HL mode
0122  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0124 <tag> <rest of line is string>
0125 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0126 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> end of doxygen HL mode
0127 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0128 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0129 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0130 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0131 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of <<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>/a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0132 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0133 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0134 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0135 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0136 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0137 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a h<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0138 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\brief A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description 
0139  * comment HL mode
0140  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0142 <tag> <word> <rest of line is string>
0143 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0144 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> end of doxygen HL mode
0145 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0146 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>'blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0147 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0148 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0149 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of <<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>/a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0150 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0151 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0152 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0153 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href=<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>"blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0154 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0155 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a h<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ref="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0156 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0157 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A shor<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>t <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0158 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page awor<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>d A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0159 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> end of doxygen HL mode
0160 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\page aword A short <a href="blubb"> of </a href='blubb'> description 
0161  * comment HL mode
0162  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0164 <tag> <word> <word> <rest of line is string>
0165 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword rest of line is normal HL <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0166 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword rest of line is<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0167 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0168 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aw<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ord end of doxygen HL mode
0169 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword end of doxygen HL mode
0170 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0171 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image awo<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>rd end of doxygen HL mode
0172 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>aword end of doxygen HL mode
0173 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\ima<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>ge end of doxygen HL mode
0174 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\image aword aword rest of line is normal HL
0175  * comment HL mode
0176  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> end of doxygen HL mode
0178 Some further tests for singlelinecomments (* / should not pop!)
0179 ===============================================================
0180 /// a singlelinecommment blubb blubb  */. stay in doxygen HL mode
0181 /// <beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> a singlelinecommment blubb b*/lubb. stay in doxygen HL mode
0182 <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'>end of doxygen HL mode
0183 /// \endcode
0184 /// <beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'>*/ a singlelinecommment blubb blubb. stay in doxygen HL mode
0185 <endfold id='2'></endfold id='2'>end of doxygen HL mode
0186 /// <beginfold id='2'>\code</beginfold id='2'> a multilinecommment blubb blubb
0187 /// blubb blubb
0188 /// <endfold id='2'>\endcode</endfold id='2'>
0189 /// \brief a descriptive text (string) stay in doxygen HL mode
0190 /// \brief a descriptive text (string)*/ description should go on here
0191 /// \brief a descriptive text */(string) description should go on here
0192 /// \brief */a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
0193 /// \ref aword a descriptive text (string) */ description should go on here
0194 /// \ref aword a descriptive text (str*/ing) description should go on here
0195 /// \ref aword a des*/criptive text (string) description should go on here
0196 /// \ref aword*/ a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
0197 /// \ref aw*/ord a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
0198 /// \ref */aword a descriptive text (string) description should go on here
0200 HTML comment tests:
0201 ===================
0202 //! \ref word de<!--*/ -->scriptive text (string)
0203 normal HL mode.
0204 //! \ref w descriptive text (string)
0205 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\ref word de<!--<endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'> -->scriptive text (string)
0206 normal HL mode.
0207 <beginfold id='1'>/** </beginfold id='1'>\ref w <!--
0208  * HTML comments
0209  * -->
0210  * normal doxygen HL mode.
0211  <endfold id='1'>*/</endfold id='1'>
0214 And final tests for a word: a single char:
0215 ===========================================
0216 <tag> <word> <rest of line as string>
0217 //! \ref word descriptive text (string)
0218 //! \ref w descriptive text (string)
0220 <tag> <word> <word> <rest is normal HL>
0221 //! \image word1 word2 b descriptive text (string)
0222 //! \image a word b descriptive text (string)
0224 <tag> <rest of line is string>
0225 //! \brief A b c d e description should go on here
0227 <tag> <word> <rest of line is normal doxygen HL mode>
0228 //! \file word rest of line is normal comment HL
0229 //! \file a word rest of line is normal comment HL
0231 no doxygen HL mode here.
0232 == END OF TESTFILE ==