Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.cfml.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> ColdFusion Sample File <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0002 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Source: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/using-arrays-and-structures/structure-examples.html <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0004 <head>
0005 <title>Add New Employees</title>
0006 </head>
0008 <body>
0009 <h1>Add New Employees</h1>
0010 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Action page code for the form at the bottom of this page. <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0012 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Establish parameters for first time through <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0013 <cfparam name="Form.firstname" default="">
0014 <cfparam name="Form.lastname" default="">
0015 <cfparam name="Form.email" default="">
0016 <cfparam name="Form.phone" default="">
0017 <cfparam name="Form.department" default="">
0019 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> If at least the firstname form field is passed, create
0020 a structure named employee and add values. <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0021 <cfif #Form.firstname# eq "">
0022 <p>Please fill out the form.</p>
0023 <cfelse>
0024 <cfoutput>
0025 <beginfold id='2'><cfscript</beginfold id='2'>>
0026 employee=StructNew();
0027 employee.firstname = Form.firstname;
0028 employee.lastname = Form.lastname;
0029 employee.email = Form.email;
0030 employee.phone = Form.phone;
0031 employee.department = Form.department;
0032 <endfold id='2'></cfscript></endfold id='2'>
0034 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Display results of creating the structure. <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0035 First name is #StructFind(employee, "firstname")#<br>
0036 Last name is #StructFind(employee, "lastname")#<br>
0037 EMail is #StructFind(employee, "email")#<br>
0038 Phone is #StructFind(employee, "phone")#<br>
0039 Department is #StructFind(employee, "department")#<br>
0040 </cfoutput>
0042 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Call the custom tag that adds employees. <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0043 <cf_addemployee empinfo="#employee#">
0044 </cfif>
0046 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> The form for adding the new employee information <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0047 <hr>
0048 <form action="newemployee.cfm" method="Post">
0049 First Name:&nbsp;
0050 <input name="firstname" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
0051 Last Name:&nbsp;
0052 <input name="lastname" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
0053 EMail:&nbsp;
0054 <input name="email" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
0055 Phone:&nbsp;
0056 <input name="phone" type="text" hspace="20" maxlength="20"><br>
0057 Department:&nbsp;
0058 <input name="department" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
0060 <input type="Submit" value="OK">
0061 </form>
0062 <br>
0063 </body>
0064 </html> 
0066 <cfoutput>
0067 Error. No employee data was passed.<br>
0068 </cfoutput>
0069 <cfexit method="ExitTag">
0070 <cfelse>
0071 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> Add the employee <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0072 <cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
0073 INSERT INTO Employees
0074 (FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Department)
0075 VALUES (
0076 '#attributes.empinfo.firstname#' ,
0077 '#attributes.empinfo.lastname#' ,
0078 '#attributes.empinfo.email#' ,
0079 '#attributes.empinfo.phone#' ,
0080 '#attributes.empinfo.department#' )
0081 </cfquery>
0082 </cfif>
0083 <cfoutput>
0084 <hr>Employee Add Complete
0085 </cfoutput>
0087 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> temperature.cfc <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0088 <cfcomponent>
0089   <cffunction name="FtoC" access="public" returntype="numeric">
0090     <cfargument name="fahrenheit" required="yes" type="numeric" />
0091     <cfset answer= (fahrenheit - 32)*100/180 />
0092     <cfreturn answer />
0093   </cffunction>
0094 </cfcomponent>
0095 <beginfold id='1'><!---</beginfold id='1'> test.cfm <endfold id='1'>---></endfold id='1'>
0096 <cfset fDegrees = 212 />
0097 <cfinvoke component="temperature" method="FtoC" returnvariable="result">
0098   <cfinvokeargument name="fahrenheit" value="#fDegrees#" />
0099 </cfinvoke>
0100 <cfoutput>#fDegrees#&deg;F = #result#&deg;C</cfoutput> <br />
0102 <cfset person = CreateObject("component", "Person") />