Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/folding/highlight.ahk.fold is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ^j:: ; hotkey label
0002 ::ftw::Free the whales ; hotstring label abbreviation
0003 ::btw:: ; hotstring label action
0004 MsgBox, You typed btw.
0005 Run, notepad.exe  ; Run Notepad when you press CTRL+N.
0006 MsgBox, Wow!
0007 MsgBox, There are
0008 Run, notepad.exe
0009 WinActivate, Untitled - Notepad
0010 WinWaitActive, Untitled - Notepad
0011 Send, 7 lines{!}{Enter}
0012 SendInput, inside the CTRL{+}J hotkey.
0013 return
0015 Numpad0 & Numpad1::
0016 MsgBox, You pressed Numpad1 while holding down Numpad0.
0017 Run, notepad.exe
0018 return
0020 ; Untitled - Notepad
0021 #IfWinActive Untitled - Notepad
0022 !q::
0023 MsgBox, You pressed ALT+Q in Notepad.
0024 return
0026 ; Any window that isn't Untitled - Notepad
0027 #IfWinActive
0028 !q::
0029 MsgBox, You pressed ALT+Q in any window.
0030 return
0032 ; Retrieve the ID/HWND of the active window
0033 id := WinExist("A")
0034 MsgBox % id
0036 ; Press Win+↑ to maximize the active window
0037 #Up::WinMaximize, A
0039 #i::
0040 Run, https://www.google.com/
0041 return
0043 ^p::
0044 Run, notepad.exe
0045 return
0047 ~j::
0048 Send, ack
0049 return
0051 :*:acheiv::achiev
0052 ::achievment::achievement
0053 ::acquaintence::acquaintance
0054 :*:adquir::acquir
0055 ::aquisition::acquisition
0056 :*:agravat::aggravat
0057 :*:allign::align
0058 ::ameria::America
0059 :*:ftw::Free the whales ; Hotstring modifiers
0060 this_is_a_label: ; label
0062 #IfWinActive Untitled - Notepad
0063 #Space::
0064 MsgBox, You pressed WIN+SPACE in Notepad.
0065 return
0067 Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}
0068 SendInput, [b]{Ctrl down}v{Ctrl up}[/b]
0069 return  ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this point will not get triggered.
0071 Send, This text has been typed{!}
0072 Send, {a}       ; WRONG
0073 Send, {a}{b}{c} ; WRONG
0074 Send, {abc}     ; WRONG
0075 Send, abc       ; CORRECT
0076 Send, ^s                     ; Both of these send CTRL+S
0077 Send, {Ctrl down}s{Ctrl up}  ; Both of these send CTRL+S
0078 Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}
0079 Send, {b down}{b up}
0080 Send, {Tab down}{Tab up}
0081 Send, {Up down}  ; Press down the up-arrow key.
0082 Sleep, 1000      ; Keep it down for one second.
0083 Send, {Up up}    ; Release the up-arrow key.
0085 Send,
0086 <beginfold id='1'>(</beginfold id='1'>
0087 Line 1
0088 Line 2
0089 Apples are a fruit.
0090 <endfold id='1'>)</endfold id='1'>
0092 Send %A_Hour%
0093 SubStr(37 * 12, 1, 2)
0094 SubStr(A_Hour - 12, 2)
0095 SubStr(A_AhkPath, InStr(A_AhkPath, "AutoHotkey"))
0096 SubStr("I'm scripting, awesome!", 16)
0098 SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
0099 WinActivate ahk_exe i)\\notepad\.exe$  ; Match the name part of the full path.
0100 WinActivate ahk_exe im)(*BSR_ANYCRLF)abc\Rxyz
0101 WinActivate ahk_exe im)(*BSR_ANY[^]]CRLF)abc\Rxyz
0103 if (MyVar = 5)
0104 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0105     MsgBox, MyVar equals %MyVar%!!
0106     ExitApp
0107 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0109 MyVar = Text
0110 MyVar = %MyVar2%
0111 MyVar = %MyVar2% some text %MyVar3%.
0112 MyVar := SubStr("I'm scripting, awesome!", 16)
0113 MyVar := "Text"
0114 MyVar := MyVar2
0115 MyVar := 6 + 8 / 3 * 2 - Sqrt(9)
0116 MyVar := "The value of 5 + " MyVar2 " is: " 5 + MyVar2
0117 if (Var1 != Var2)
0118     Var1 := Var2 + 100
0120 ; Some examples showing when to use percents and when not:
0121 Var = Text  ; Assign some text to a variable (legacy).
0122 Number := 6  ; Assign a number to a variable (expression).
0123 Var2 = %Var%  ; Assign a variable to another (legacy).
0124 Var3 := Var  ; Assign a variable to another (expression).
0125 Var4 .= Var  ; Append a variable to the end of another (expression).
0126 Var5 += Var  ; Add the value of a variable to another (expression).
0127 Var5 -= Var  ; Subtract the value of a variable from another (expression).
0128 Var6 := SubStr(Var, 2, 2)  ; Variable inside a function. This is always an expression.
0129 Var7 = %Var% Text  ; Assigns a variable to another with some extra text (legacy).
0130 Var8 := Var " Text"  ; Assigns a variable to another with some extra text (expression).
0131 MsgBox, %Var%  ; Variable inside a command.
0132 StringSplit, Var, Var, x  ; Variable inside a command that uses InputVar and OutputVar.
0133 if (Number = 6)  ; Whenever an IF has parentheses, it'll be an expression. So no percent signs.
0134 if (Var != Number)  ; Whenever an IF has parentheses, it'll be an expression. So no percent signs.
0135 if Number = 6  ; Without parentheses, the IF is legacy. However, only variables on the 'right side' need percent signs.
0136 if Var1 < %Var2%  ; Without parentheses, the IF is legacy. However, only variables on the 'right side' need percent signs.
0138 MyObject := ["one", "two", "three", 17]
0139 Banana := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>"Color": "Yellow", "Taste": "Delicious", "Price": 3<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0140 MyObject := Array("one", "two", "three", 17)
0141 Banana := Object("Color", "Yellow", "Taste", "Delicious", "Price", 3)
0142 Banana["Pickled"] := True ; This banana has been pickled. Eww.
0143 Banana.Consistency := "Mushy"
0144 Value := Banana["Color"]
0145 Value := Banana.Color
0146 MyObject["NewerKey"] := 3.1415
0147 MyObject.NewKey := "Shiny"
0148 MyObject.Push(Value1, Value2, Value3...)
0149 Banana.Consistency := ""
0150 RemovedValue := MyObject.Delete(AnyKey)
0151 NumberOfRemovedKeys := MyObject.Delete(FirstKey, LastKey)
0152 arr := [<beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>]  ; Creates an array containing an object.
0153 arr[1] := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>  ; Creates a second object, implicitly freeing the first object.
0154 arr.RemoveAt(1)  ; Removes and frees the second object.
0155 x := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>, y := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>             ; Create two objects.
0156 x.child := y, y.parent := x  ; Create a circular reference.
0157 y.parent := ""
0158 x := "", y := ""
0159 table.base.__Get(table, x)[y] := content   ; A
0160 table.base.__Set(table, x, y, content)     ; B
0161 RemovedValue := MyObject.RemoveAt(Index)
0162 NumberOfRemovedKeys := MyObject.RemoveAt(Index, Length)
0163 val := obj.Property := 42
0164 m1 := new GMem(0, 20)
0165 m2 := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>base: GMem<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>.__New(0, 30)
0166 x ? CallIfTrue() : CallIfFalse()
0167 ProductIsAvailable := (Color = "Red")
0168     ? false  ; We don't have any red products, so don't bother calling the function.
0169     : ProductIsAvailableInColor(Product, Color)
0170 MyObject.Pop()
0171 %Var%()
0173 Sleep MillisecondsToWait
0174 Sleep %MillisecondsToWait%
0175 Sleep % MillisecondsToWait
0176 MsgBox % 1+1  ; Shows "2"
0177 MsgBox   1+1  ; Shows "1+1"
0179 MsgBox % "This is text."
0180 MsgBox    This is text.
0181 MsgBox %  A_AhkVersion
0182 MsgBox   %A_AhkVersion%
0183 MsgBox % %A_AhkVersion%
0184 MsgBox % "Hello %A_UserName%."  ; Shows "%A_UserName%"
0185 MsgBox    Hello %A_UserName%.   ; Shows your username.
0186 MsgBox % "Hello " . A_UserName . "."  ; Shows your username.
0187 MyVar := "This is text."
0188 MyVar = This is text.
0190 if (Var1 = Var2)
0191 if Var1 = %Var2%
0192 if (Var1 >= Low and Var1 <= High)
0193 if Var1 between %Low% and %High%
0195 Format("{:L}{:U}{:T}", input, input, input)
0197 *#up::MouseMove, 0, -10, 0, R  ; Win+UpArrow hotkey => Move cursor upward
0198 *#Down::MouseMove, 0, 10, 0, R  ; Win+DownArrow => Move cursor downward
0199 *#Left::MouseMove, -10, 0, 0, R  ; Win+LeftArrow => Move cursor to the left
0200 *#Right::MouseMove, 10, 0, 0, R  ; Win+RightArrow => Move cursor to the right
0202 *<#RCtrl::  ; LeftWin + RightControl => Left-click (hold down Control/Shift to Control-Click or Shift-Click).
0203 SendEvent {Blind}{LButton down}
0204 KeyWait RCtrl  ; Prevents keyboard auto-repeat from repeating the mouse click.
0205 SendEvent {Blind}{LButton up}
0206 return
0208 *<#AppsKey::  ; LeftWin + AppsKey => Right-click
0209 SendEvent {Blind}{RButton down}
0210 KeyWait AppsKey  ; Prevents keyboard auto-repeat from repeating the mouse click.
0211 SendEvent {Blind}{RButton up}
0212 return
0214 #Persistent  ; Keep this script running until the user explicitly exits it.
0215 SetTimer, WatchPOV, 5
0216 return
0218 WatchPOV:
0219 POV := GetKeyState("JoyPOV")  ; Get position of the POV control.
0220 KeyToHoldDownPrev := KeyToHoldDown  ; Prev now holds the key that was down before (if any).
0222 ; Some joysticks might have a smooth/continous POV rather than one in fixed increments.
0223 ; To support them all, use a range:
0224 if (POV < 0)   ; No angle to report
0225     KeyToHoldDown := ""
0226 else if (POV > 31500)               ; 315 to 360 degrees: Forward
0227     KeyToHoldDown := "Up"
0228 else if POV between 0 and 4500      ; 0 to 45 degrees: Forward
0229     KeyToHoldDown := "Up"
0230 else if POV between 4501 and 13500  ; 45 to 135 degrees: Right
0231     KeyToHoldDown := "Right"
0232 else if POV between 13501 and 22500 ; 135 to 225 degrees: Down
0233     KeyToHoldDown := "Down"
0234 else                                ; 225 to 315 degrees: Left
0235     KeyToHoldDown := "Left"
0237 if (KeyToHoldDown = KeyToHoldDownPrev)  ; The correct key is already down (or no key is needed).
0238     return  ; Do nothing.
0240 ; Otherwise, release the previous key and press down the new key:
0241 SetKeyDelay -1  ; Avoid delays between keystrokes.
0242 if KeyToHoldDownPrev   ; There is a previous key to release.
0243     Send, {%KeyToHoldDownPrev% up}  ; Release it.
0244 if KeyToHoldDown   ; There is a key to press down.
0245     Send, {%KeyToHoldDown% down}  ; Press it down.
0246 return
0248 <^>!m::MsgBox You pressed AltGr+m.
0249 <^<!m::MsgBox You pressed LeftControl+LeftAlt+m.
0251 AppsKey::ToolTip Press < or > to cycle through windows.
0252 AppsKey Up::ToolTip
0253 ~AppsKey & <::Send !+{Esc}
0254 ~AppsKey & >::Send !{Esc}
0256 ; Press AppsKey and Alt in any order, then slash (/).
0257 #if GetKeyState("AppsKey", "P")
0258 Alt & /::MsgBox Hotkey activated.
0260 ; If the keys are swapped, Alt must be pressed first (use one at a time):
0261 #if GetKeyState("Alt", "P")
0262 AppsKey & /::MsgBox Hotkey activated.
0264 ; [ & ] & \::
0265 #if GetKeyState("[") && GetKeyState("]")
0266 \::MsgBox
0268 ; Ctrl+Shift+O to open containing folder in Explorer.
0269 ; Ctrl+Shift+E to open folder with current file selected.
0270 ; Supports SciTE and Notepad++.
0271 ^+o::
0272 ^+e::
0273     editor_open_folder() <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0274         WinGetTitle, path, A
0275         if RegExMatch(path, "\*?\K(.*)\\[^\\]+(?= [-*] )", path)
0276             if (FileExist(path) && A_ThisHotkey = "^+e")
0277                 Run explorer.exe /select`,"%path%"
0278             else
0279                 Run explorer.exe "%path1%"
0280     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0282 #h::  ; Win+H hotkey
0283 ; Get the text currently selected. The clipboard is used instead of
0284 ; "ControlGet Selected" because it works in a greater variety of editors
0285 ; (namely word processors).  Save the current clipboard contents to be
0286 ; restored later. Although this handles only plain text, it seems better
0287 ; than nothing:
0288 AutoTrim Off  ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
0289 ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll
0290 Clipboard := ""  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
0291 Send ^c
0292 ClipWait 1
0293 if ErrorLevel  ; ClipWait timed out.
0294     return
0295 ; Replace CRLF and/or LF with `n for use in a "send-raw" hotstring:
0296 ; The same is done for any other characters that might otherwise
0297 ; be a problem in raw mode:
0298 StringReplace, Hotstring, Clipboard, ``, ````, All  ; Do this replacement first to avoid interfering with the others below.
0299 StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `r`n, ``r, All  ; Using `r works better than `n in MS Word, etc.
0300 StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `n, ``r, All
0301 StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, %A_Tab%, ``t, All
0302 StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `;, ```;, All
0303 Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
0304 ; This will move the InputBox's caret to a more friendly position:
0305 SetTimer, MoveCaret, 10
0306 if ErrorLevel  ; The user pressed Cancel.
0307     return
0308 if InStr(Hotstring, ":R`:::")
0309 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0310     MsgBox You didn't provide an abbreviation. The hotstring has not been added.
0311     return
0312 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0313 ; Otherwise, add the hotstring and reload the script:
0314 FileAppend, `n%Hotstring%, %A_ScriptFullPath%  ; Put a `n at the beginning in case file lacks a blank line at its end.
0315 Reload
0316 Sleep 200
0317 MsgBox, 4,, The hotstring just added appears to be improperly formatted.
0318 IfMsgBox, Yes, Edit
0319 return
0321 MoveCaret:
0322 IfWinNotActive, New Hotstring
0323     return
0324 ; Otherwise, move the InputBox's insertion point to where the user will type the abbreviation.
0325 Send {Home}{Right 3}
0326 SetTimer, MoveCaret, Off
0327 return
0329 ; This example also demonstrates one way to implement case conformity in a script.
0330 :C:BTW::  ; Typed in all-caps.
0331 :C:Btw::  ; Typed with only the first letter upper-case.
0332 : :btw::  ; Typed in any other combination.
0333     case_conform_btw() <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0334         hs := A_ThisHotkey  ; For convenience and in case we're interrupted.
0335         if (hs == ":C:BTW")
0336             Send BY THE WAY
0337         else if (hs == ":C:Btw")
0338             Send By the way
0339         else
0340             Send by the way
0341     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0343 #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad
0344 ::btw::This replacement text will appear only in Notepad.
0345 #IfWinActive
0346 ::btw::This replacement text appears in windows other than Notepad.
0348 #Hotstring EndChars -()[]{}:;'"/\,.?!`n `t
0350 Hotstring("EndChars", "-()[]{}:;")
0352 ::btw::
0353 MsgBox You typed "``btw``".
0354 return
0356 :*:]d::  ; This hotstring replaces "]d" with the current date and time via the commands below.
0358 MyFunction(FirstParameter, Second, ByRef Third, Fourth:="")
0359 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0360     return "a value"
0361 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0363 Loop 3
0364     MsgBox % MyArray%A_Index%
0366 SysGet, WA, MonitorWorkArea
0367 MsgBox, Left: %WALeft% -- Top: %WATop% -- Right: %WARight% -- Bottom: %WABottom%.
0369 n := 123 00123 -1.  0x7B 0x007B -0x1  3.14159
0371 FileAppend,   ; Comment.
0372 ; Comment.
0373 ( LTrim Join    ; Comment.
0374      ; This is not a comment; it is literal. Include the word Comments in the line above to make it a comment.
0375 ), C:\File.txt   ; Comment.
0377 param := %A_Index%  ; Fetch the contents of the variable whose name is contained in A_Index.
0379 Add(X, Y, Z:=0) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0380     return X + Y + Z
0381 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0383 Join(sep, params*) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0384     for index,param in params
0385         str .= param . sep
0386     return SubStr(str, 1, -StrLen(sep))
0387 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0388 MsgBox % Join("`n", "one", "two", "three")
0390 LogToFile(TextToLog)
0391 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0392     global LogFileName  ; This global variable was previously given a value somewhere outside this function.
0393     FileAppend, %TextToLog%`n, %LogFileName%
0394 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0396 SetDefaults()
0397 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0398     global
0399     MyGlobal := 33
0400     local x, y:=0, z
0401 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0403 LogToFile(TextToLog)
0404 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0405     static LoggedLines := 0
0406     LoggedLines += 1
0407     global LogFileName
0408     FileAppend, %LoggedLines%: %TextToLog%`n, %LogFileName%
0409 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0411 GetFromStaticArray(WhichItemNumber)
0412 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0413     static
0414     static FirstCallToUs := true
0415     if FirstCallToUs
0416     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0417         FirstCallToUs := false
0418         Loop 10
0419             StaticArray%A_Index% := "Value #" . A_Index
0420     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0421     return StaticArray%WhichItemNumber%
0422 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0424 if (ColorName != "" AND not FindColor(ColorName))
0425     MsgBox %ColorName% could not be found.
0427 class baseObject {
0428     static foo := "bar"
0429 }
0430 baseObject := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>foo: "bar"<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0432 thing := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0433 thing.foo := "bar"
0434 thing.test := Func("thing_test")
0435 thing.test()
0437 thing_test(this) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0438     MsgBox % this.foo
0439 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0441 class Color
0442 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0443     __New(aRGB)
0444     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0445         this.RGB := aRGB
0446     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0448     __Delete()
0449     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0450         MsgBox % "Delete Color."
0451     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0453     static Shift := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>R:16, G:8, B:0<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0455     __Get(aName)
0456     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0457         ; NOTE: Using this.Shift here would cause an infinite loop!
0458         shift := Color.Shift[aName]  ; Get the number of bits to shift.
0459         if (shift != "")  ; Is it a known property?
0460             return (this.RGB >> shift) & 0xff
0461         ; NOTE: Using 'return' here would break this.RGB.
0462     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0464     __Set(aName, aValue)
0465     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0466         if ((shift := Color.Shift[aName]) != "")
0467         <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0468             aValue &= 255  ; Truncate it to the proper range.
0470             ; Calculate and store the new RGB value.
0471             this.RGB := (aValue << shift) | (this.RGB & ~(0xff << shift))
0473             ; 'Return' must be used to indicate a new key-value pair should not be created.
0474             ; This also defines what will be stored in the 'x' in 'x := clr[name] := val':
0475             return aValue
0476         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0477         ; NOTE: Using 'return' here would break this.stored_RGB and this.RGB.
0478     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0480     ; Meta-functions can be mixed with properties:
0481     RGB <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0482         get <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0483             ; Return it in hex format:
0484             return format("0x{:06x}", this.stored_RGB)
0485         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0486         set <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0487             return this.stored_RGB := value
0488         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0489     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0491     class __Get extends Properties
0492     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0493         R() <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0494             return (this.RGB >> 16) & 255
0495         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0496         G() <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0497             return (this.RGB >> 8) & 255
0498         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0499         B() <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0500             return this.RGB & 255
0501         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0502     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0504     Property[]  ; Brackets are optional
0505     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0506         get <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0507             return ...
0508         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0509         set <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0510             return ... := value
0511         <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0512     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0513 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0515 class Properties extends FunctionObject
0516 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0517     Call(aTarget, aName, aParams*)
0518     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0519         ; If this Properties object contains a definition for this half-property, call it.
0520         if ObjHasKey(this, aName)
0521             return this[aName].Call(aTarget, aParams*)
0522     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0523 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0525 MyGet(this, Key, Key2)
0526 MySet(this, Key, Key2, Value)
0527 MyCall(this, Name, Params)
0529 ClassName := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'> __Get: Func("MyGet"), __Set: Func("MySet"), __Call: Func("MyCall") <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0531 red  := new Color(0xff0000), red.R -= 5
0532 cyan := new Color(0), cyan.G := 255, cyan.B := 255
0534 MsgBox % "red: " red.R "," red.G "," red.B " = " red.RGB
0535 MsgBox % "cyan: " cyan.R "," cyan.G "," cyan.B " = " cyan.RGB
0537 ; This example requires the FunctionObject class in order to work.
0538 blue := new Color(0x0000ff)
0539 MsgBox % blue.R "," blue.G "," blue.B
0541 x := <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>base: <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>addr: Func("x_Addr"), __Set: Func("x_Setter")<endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'><endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0543 ; Assign value, implicitly calling x_Setter to create sub-objects.
0544 x[1,2,3] := "..."
0546 ; Retrieve value and call example method.
0547 MsgBox % x[1,2,3] "`n" x.addr() "`n" x[1].addr() "`n" x[1,2].addr()
0549 x_Setter(x, p1, p2, p3) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0550     x[p1] := new x.base
0551 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0553 x_Addr(x) <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0554     return &x
0555 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0557 InputBox, OutputVar, Question 1, What is your first name?
0558 if (OutputVar = "Bill")
0559     MsgBox, That's an awesome name`, %OutputVar%.
0561 InputBox, OutputVar2, Question 2, Do you like AutoHotkey?
0562 if (OutputVar2 = "yes")
0563     MsgBox, Thank you for answering %OutputVar2%`, %OutputVar%! We will become great friends.
0564 else
0565     MsgBox, %OutputVar%`, That makes me sad.
0567 MsgBox, 4,, Would you like to continue?
0568 IfMsgBox, No
0569     return  ; If No, stop the code from going further.
0570 MsgBox, You pressed YES.  ; Otherwise, the user picked yes.
0572 if (car = "old")
0573 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0574     MsgBox, The car is really old.
0575     if (wheels = "flat")
0576     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0577         MsgBox, This car is not safe to drive.
0578         return
0579     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0580     else
0581     <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0582         MsgBox, Be careful! This old car will be dangerous to drive.
0583     <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0584 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0585 else
0586 <beginfold id='2'>{</beginfold id='2'>
0587     MsgBox, My`, what a shiny new vehicle you have there.
0588 <endfold id='2'>}</endfold id='2'>
0590 if (Color = "Red" or Color = "Green"  or Color = "Blue"   ; Comment.
0591     or Color = "Black" or Color = "Gray" or Color = "White")   ; Comment.
0592     and ProductIsAvailableInColor(Product, Color)   ; Comment.
0594 if (codepage != "")
0595     codepage := " /CP" . codepage
0596 cmd="%A_AhkPath%"%codepage% "`%1" `%*
0597 key=AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Open\Command
0598 if A_IsAdmin    ; Set for all users.
0599     RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCR, %key%,, %cmd%
0600 else            ; Set for current user only.
0601     RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU, Software\Classes\%key%,, %cmd%
0603 ^j:: ; hotkey label
0604 MsgBox, You typed btw.