Warning, /frameworks/syndication/autotests/rss2/feedster_search_akregator.xml.expected is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Feed begin ######################
0002 title: #Feedster on: akregator#
0003 link: #http://www.feedster.com/search/akregator#
0004 description: #Feedster-powered RSS search result feed on: akregator#
0005 # Image begin #####################
0006 url: #http://i.feedster.com/logo_small.png#
0007 title: #Feedster#
0008 link: #http://feedster.com#
0009 height: #31#
0010 width: #88#
0011 # Image end #######################
0012 # Item begin ######################
0013 id: #hash:4725a83e0ae848287261adec5935ef52#
0014 title: #akregator RSS/Atom feed reader#
0015 link: #http://akregator.sourceforge.net/#
0016 description: #akregator allows you to browse through thousands of internet feeds without the hassle of using a web browser.#
0017 datePublished: #Sat Mar 18 15:08:24 2006#
0018 dateUpdated: #Sat Mar 18 15:08:24 2006#
0019 # Item end ########################
0020 # Item begin ######################
0021 id: #hash:9ca884b99b1cb0594711c7627cd80658#
0022 title: #akregator RSS Atom feed reader#
0023 link: #http://akregator.sourceforge.net/download.php#
0024 description: #<table><tr valign=middle><td width=90 height=90><a href="http://akregator.sourceforge.net/download.php">
0025   <img src="http://www.wists.com/thumbnails/f/03/f03b652740a2701e0df4f99075352ecf" border=0></a></td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="http://www.wists.com/?action=add&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fakregator.sourceforge.net%2Fdownload.php&amp;from_user=jaffa">add item to my Wists</a></b></td></tr></table> <p>#
0026 datePublished: #Mon Mar 6 00:00:00 2006#
0027 dateUpdated: #Mon Mar 6 00:00:00 2006#
0028 # Item end ########################
0029 # Feed end ########################