Warning, /frameworks/syndication/autotests/rss2/desc-d.xml.expected is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Feed begin ######################
0002 title: #RSS 2.0 Content test D#
0003 link: #http://www.example.com/#
0004 description: #Feed Description#
0005 # Item begin ######################
0006 id: #http://www.example.com/a/1#
0007 title: #Plain text in CDATA#
0008 link: #http://www.example.com/a/1#
0009 description: #This entry contains only plain text inside CDATA.  No escaped entities of any sort. <br/><br/>      &lt; and &gt; here. And national characters too: �,�#
0010 datePublished: #Sun Mar 14 18:59:12 2004#
0011 dateUpdated: #Sun Mar 14 18:59:12 2004#
0012 # Item end ########################
0013 # Feed end ########################