Warning, /frameworks/syndication/autotests/rss2/desc-b.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
0002 <!-- taken from http://virtuelvis.com/archives/2004/03/11-ways-to-valid-rss -->
0003 <!-- 
0004     This is a RSS 2.0 test feed part of a suite created with the purpose of identifying various ways of specifying descriptions and full body content
0006     Each and every feed in this suite contains only one item, and although
0007     these items claim to have a link/permalink, the permalink does not exist
0009     Test B:  CDATA in description - with full HTML.
0010 -->
0011 <rss version="2.0">
0012   <channel>
0013     <title>RSS 2.0 content test B</title>
0014     <link>http://www.example.com/</link>
0015     <description>Feed Description</description>
0016     <lastBuildDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 19:59:12 +0100</lastBuildDate>
0017     <pubDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 19:59:12 +0100</pubDate>    
0018     <item>
0019       <title>CDATA in description - with full HTML.</title>
0020       <link>http://www.example.com/a/1</link>
0021       <pubDate>Sun, 14 Mar 2004 19:59:12 +0100</pubDate>
0022       <guid>http://www.example.com/a/1</guid>
0024       <description><![CDATA[ <p>This entry contains a HTML-formatted description embedded in CDATA.</p>
0026       <p>New paragraph &#8212; Scandinavian letters follow: &aelig; &oslash; &aring; </p> ]]></description>
0027     </item>
0029   </channel>
0030 </rss>