Warning, /frameworks/syndication/autotests/rss2/corante.com_many.xml.expected is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Feed begin ######################
0002 title: #Many-to-Many#
0003 link: #http://many.corante.com/#
0004 description: ##
0005 copyright: #Copyright 2006#
0006 language: #en-us#
0007 # Item begin ######################
0008 id: #http://many.corante.com/archives/2006/03/13/glocalization_talk_at_etech.php#
0009 title: #glocalization talk at Etech#
0010 link: #http://feeds.feedburner.com/Many-to-many?m=23#
0011 description: #<p>Last week, i gave a talk at <span class="caps">O&#8217;R</span>eilly&#8217;s Etech on how large-scale digital communities can handle the tensions between global information networks and local interaction and culture.   I&#8217;ve uploaded the crib for those who are interested in reading the talk: <a href="http://www.danah.org/papers/Etech2006.html">&#8220;G/localization: When Global Information and Local Interaction Collide&#8221;</a>. </p>
0013 <p>This talk was written for designers and business folks working in social tech.  I talk about the significance of culture and its role in online communities.  I go through some of the successful qualities of Craiglist, Flickr and MySpace to lay out a critical practice: design through embedded observation.  I then discuss a few issues that are playing out on tech and social levels.</p>
0015 <p>Anyhow, enjoy! And let me know what you think!</p>
0016 <p><a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/Many-to-many?a=rlK0jP"><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/Many-to-many?i=rlK0jP" border="0"></img></a></p><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Many-to-many?g=23"/>#
0017 datePublished: #Mon Mar 13 20:58:36 2006#
0018 dateUpdated: #Mon Mar 13 20:58:36 2006#
0019 # Person begin ####################
0020 name: #danah#
0021 # Person end ######################
0022 # Category begin ##################
0023 term: #social software#
0024 # Category end ####################
0025 # Item end ########################
0026 # Item begin ######################
0027 id: #http://many.corante.com/archives/2006/03/12/clash_of_uncivilizations.php#
0028 title: #Clash of Uncivilizations#
0029 link: #http://feeds.feedburner.com/Many-to-many?m=22#
0030 description: #<p><a href="http://www.minorityrapport.com/">Jon Turow</a> passed on an <a href="http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2006/03/09/arts/14810.shtml">open letter</a> to Mark Zuckerberg in the Daily Princetonian.  Facebook recently expanded from college to <a href="http://hs.facebook.com/">high school</a>, resulting in a clash of uncivilizations: </p>
0032 <blockquote>&#8230;If we really wanted to, we could steer clear of the groups by just avoiding the high school profiles. But we can&#8217;t ignore it when they post on our walls. And my god, do they post. Unfortunately, they don&#8217;t understand that by posting &#8220;OMG how are you? I haven&#8217;t seen you since our Model UN trip three years ago!&#8221; they are undermining the college personas that we have so carefully constructed over the past there years. And when a 16-year-old girl pokes us, we worry that poking back could result in a cyber-statutory rape conviction. Something tells us that when having sex with one of your facebook friends could result in a criminal violation, things have gone too far&#8230;.</blockquote>
0033 <p><a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/Many-to-many?a=MT4U3V"><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/Many-to-many?i=MT4U3V" border="0"></img></a></p><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Many-to-many?g=22"/>#
0034 datePublished: #Sun Mar 12 15:45:25 2006#
0035 dateUpdated: #Sun Mar 12 15:45:25 2006#
0036 # Person begin ####################
0037 name: #Ross#
0038 # Person end ######################
0039 # Category begin ##################
0040 term: #social software#
0041 # Category end ####################
0042 # Item end ########################
0043 # Feed end ########################