Warning, /frameworks/solid/cmake/SolidBackendsMacros.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Helper macros for dealing with device backends.
0003 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org>
0004 #
0005 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
0007 # "Begin" the device backends addition, to be called *before* all the order
0008 # add_device_backend* macros
0009 macro(add_device_backends_begin)
0011 endmacro()
0013 # Macro to add a new device backend; a new cmake option is automatically added
0014 # to disable the build of that backend, available as
0016 macro(add_device_backend backend)
0017     _add_device_backend(${backend} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
0018 endmacro()
0020 # Internal implementation of add_device_backend, mostly to pass the right
0021 # source directory (in case of a function is the file containing that
0022 # function).
0023 function(_add_device_backend backend source_dir)
0024     set(cmakelists_path "${source_dir}/src/solid/devices/backends/${backend}/CMakeLists.txt")
0025     if(NOT (EXISTS "${cmakelists_path}"))
0026         message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing CMakeLists.txt for backend ${backend}")
0027     endif()
0029     option(BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_${backend} "Build the backend ${backend}" ON)
0030     if(NOT BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_${backend})
0031         return()
0032     endif()
0034     set(backends ${ENABLED_DEVICE_BACKENDS})
0035     list(APPEND backends ${backend})
0037 endfunction()
0039 # After all the add_device_backend()s are called, create all the cmake
0040 # material:
0041 # - the BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_$name cmake variables, used to conditionally
0042 #   add stuff depending whether a backend is built
0043 # - a feature info, to show that that backend was enabled
0044 macro(add_device_backends_cmake)
0045     foreach(backend ${ENABLED_DEVICE_BACKENDS})
0046         set(BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_${backend} TRUE)
0047         add_feature_info(${backend} TRUE "Solid device '${backend}' backend.")
0048     endforeach()
0049 endmacro()
0051 # After all the add_device_backend()s are called, create/collect all the
0052 # material used for the build:
0053 # - create a config-backends.h file in the current binary directory, with
0054 #   BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_$name defines for all the built backends
0055 # - fill the sources_var, and libs_var variables resp. with the sources,
0056 #   and the libraries needed for all the built backends
0057 macro(add_device_backends_build base_backends_dir sources_var libs_var)
0058     foreach(backend ${ENABLED_DEVICE_BACKENDS})
0059         string(APPEND config_backends_output "#define BUILD_DEVICE_BACKEND_${backend} 1\n")
0060         unset(backend_sources)
0061         unset(backend_libs)
0062         include("${base_backends_dir}/${backend}/CMakeLists.txt")
0063         foreach(source ${backend_sources})
0064             if(NOT (IS_ABSOLUTE ${source}))
0065                 set(source "${base_backends_dir}/${backend}/${source}")
0066             endif()
0067             list(APPEND ${sources_var} "${source}")
0068         endforeach()
0069         list(APPEND ${libs_var} ${backend_libs})
0070     endforeach()
0071     file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-backends-tmp.h" "${config_backends_output}")
0072     configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-backends-tmp.h"
0073                    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-backends.h" COPYONLY)
0074 endmacro()