Warning, /frameworks/networkmanager-qt/src/dbus/introspection/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP4Config.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <node name="/">
0003   <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP4Config">
0005     <!--
0006         Addresses:
0008         Array of arrays of IPv4 address/prefix/gateway. All 3 elements of each
0009         array are in network byte order. Essentially: [(addr, prefix, gateway),
0010         (addr, prefix, gateway), ...] Deprecated: use AddressData and Gateway
0011     -->
0012     <property name="Addresses" type="aau" access="read">
0013         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="UIntListList"/>
0014     </property>
0015     <!--
0016         AddressData:
0018         Array of IP address data objects. All addresses will include "address" (an
0019         IP address string), and "prefix" (a uint). Some addresses may include
0020         additional attributes.
0021     -->
0022     <property name="AddressData" type="aa{sv}" access="read">
0023         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="NMVariantMapList"/>
0024     </property>
0025     <!--
0026         Gateway:
0028         The gateway in use.
0029     -->
0030     <property name="Gateway" type="s" access="read"/>
0032     <!--
0033         Routes:
0035         Arrays of IPv4 route/prefix/next-hop/metric. All 4 elements of each tuple
0036         are in network byte order. 'route' and 'next hop' are IPv4 addresses,
0037         while prefix and metric are simple unsigned integers. Essentially:
0038         [(route, prefix, next-hop, metric), (route, prefix, next-hop, metric),
0039         ...] Deprecated: use RouteData
0040     -->
0041     <property name="Routes" type="aau" access="read">
0042         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="UIntListList"/>
0043     </property>
0044     <!--
0045         RouteData:
0047         Array of IP route data objects. All routes will include "dest" (an IP
0048         address string) and "prefix" (a uint). Some routes may include "next-hop"
0049         (an IP address string), "metric" (a uint), and additional attributes.
0050     -->
0051     <property name="RouteData" type="aa{sv}" access="read">
0052         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="NMVariantMapList"/>
0053     </property>
0054     <!--
0055         Nameservers:
0057         The nameservers in use.
0058     -->
0059     <property name="Nameservers" type="au" access="read">
0060         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="UIntList"/>
0061     </property>
0062     <!--
0063         Domains:
0065         A list of domains this address belongs to.
0066     -->
0067     <property name="Domains" type="as" access="read"/>
0069     <!--
0070         Searches:
0072         A list of dns searches.
0073     -->
0074     <property name="Searches" type="as" access="read"/>
0076     <!--
0077         DnsOptions:
0079         A list of DNS options that modify the behavior of the DNS resolver. See
0080         resolv.conf(5) manual page for the list of supported options.
0081     -->
0082     <property name="DnsOptions" type="as" access="read"/>
0084     <!--
0085         DnsPriority:
0087         The relative priority of DNS servers.
0088     -->
0089     <property name="DnsPriority" type="i" access="read"/>
0091     <!--
0092         WinsServers:
0094         The Windows Internet Name Service servers associated with the connection.
0095         Each address is in network byte order.
0096     -->
0097     <property name="WinsServers" type="au" access="read">
0098         <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="UIntList"/>
0099     </property>
0100     <!--
0101         PropertiesChanged:
0102         @properties: A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
0104         DEPRECATED. Use the standard "PropertiesChanged" signal from "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" instead which exists since version NetworkManager 1.2.0.
0105     -->
0106     <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
0107       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="QVariantMap"/>
0108       <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" direction="In"/>
0109     </signal>
0110   </interface>
0111 </node>