File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 14:20:51

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008, 2011 Will Stephenson <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Lamarque Souza <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Daniel Nicoletti <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Lukas Tinkl <>
0006     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2015 Jan Grulich <>
0008     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0009 */
0014 #include <ModemManager/ModemManager.h>
0016 #include <modemmanagerqt_export.h>
0018 #include <QDBusObjectPath>
0019 #include <QObject>
0020 #include <QSharedPointer>
0022 #include "bearer.h"
0023 #include "generictypes.h"
0024 #include "interface.h"
0026 namespace ModemManager
0027 {
0028 class ModemPrivate;
0030 /**
0031  * This class represents bearer properties used for creating of new bearers
0032  */
0033 class MODEMMANAGERQT_EXPORT BearerProperties
0034 {
0035 public:
0036     /**
0037      * Constructs an empty BearerProperties object
0038      */
0039     BearerProperties();
0041     /**
0042      * Destroys this BearerProperties object.
0043      */
0044     ~BearerProperties();
0046     /**
0047      * Constructs a BearerProperties object that is a copy of the object @p other.
0048      */
0049     BearerProperties(const BearerProperties &other);
0051     /**
0052      * Returns Access Point Name
0053      */
0054     QString apn() const;
0056     /**
0057      * Sets Access Point Name
0058      */
0059     void setApn(const QString &apn);
0061     /**
0062      * Returns addressing type
0063      */
0064     MMBearerIpFamily ipType() const;
0066     /**
0067      * Sets addressing type
0068      */
0069     void setIpType(MMBearerIpFamily ipType);
0071     /**
0072      * Returns used authentication method
0073      */
0074     MMBearerAllowedAuth allowedAuthentication() const;
0076     /**
0077      * Sets the authentication method to use
0078      */
0079     void setAllowedAuthentication(MMBearerAllowedAuth allowedAuth);
0081     /**
0082      * Returns user name
0083      */
0084     QString user() const;
0086     /**
0087      * Sets user name
0088      */
0089     void setUser(const QString &user);
0091     /**
0092      * Returns password
0093      */
0094     QString password() const;
0096     /**
0097      * Sets password
0098      */
0099     void setPassword(const QString &password);
0101     /**
0102      * Returns whether connection is allowed during roaming
0103      */
0104     bool allowRoaming() const;
0106     /**
0107      * Sets whether connection is allowed during roaming
0108      */
0109     void setAllowRoaming(bool allow);
0111     /**
0112      * Returns protocol of the Rm interface
0113      */
0114     MMModemCdmaRmProtocol rmProtocol() const;
0116     /**
0117      * Sets protocol of the Rm interface
0118      */
0119     void setRmProtocol(MMModemCdmaRmProtocol rmProtocol);
0121     /**
0122      * Returns telephone number to dial
0123      */
0124     QString number() const;
0126     /**
0127      * Sets telephone number to dial
0128      */
0129     void setNumber(const QString &number);
0131     /**
0132      * Makes a copy of the IpConfig object @p other.
0133      */
0134     BearerProperties &operator=(const BearerProperties &other);
0136 private:
0137     class Private;
0138     Private *const d;
0139 };
0141 /**
0142  * @brief The Modem class
0143  *
0144  * The Modem interface controls the status and actions in a given modem object.
0145  */
0146 class MODEMMANAGERQT_EXPORT Modem : public Interface
0147 {
0148     Q_OBJECT
0149     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Modem)
0151     Q_FLAGS(MMModemCapability)
0152     Q_FLAGS(MMModemAccessTechnology)
0153     Q_FLAGS(MMModemMode)
0154     Q_FLAGS(MMBearerIpFamily)
0156 public:
0157     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Capabilities, MMModemCapability)
0158     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AccessTechnologies, MMModemAccessTechnology)
0159     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ModemModes, MMModemMode)
0160     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(IpBearerFamilies, MMBearerIpFamily)
0162     typedef QSharedPointer<Modem> Ptr;
0163     typedef QList<Ptr> List;
0165     explicit Modem(const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0166     ~Modem() override;
0168     QString uni() const;
0169     /**
0170      * @return @p true if the modem is fully functional, @p false when in low power mode or disabled
0171      * @see setEnabled()
0172      */
0173     bool isEnabled() const;
0174     bool isValid() const;
0176     /**
0177      * Enable or disable the modem.
0178      *
0179      * When enabled, the modem's radio is powered on and data sessions, voice calls, location services, and Short Message Service may be available.
0180      *
0181      * When disabled, the modem enters low-power state and no network-related operations are available.
0182      */
0183     QDBusPendingReply<void> setEnabled(bool enable);
0185     /**
0186      * Create a new packet data bearer using the given characteristics.
0187      *
0188      * This request may fail if the modem does not support additional bearers, if too many bearers are already defined, or if properties are invalid.
0189      *
0190      */
0191     QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath> createBearer(const ModemManager::BearerProperties &bearerProperties);
0193     /**
0194      * Delete an existing packet data bearer.
0195      *
0196      * If the bearer is currently active and providing packet data server, it will be disconnected and that packet data service will terminate.
0197      * @param bearer path to the bearer to delete
0198      */
0199     QDBusPendingReply<void> deleteBearer(const QString &bearer);
0201     /**
0202      * @return the configured packet data bearers (EPS Bearers, PDP Contexts, or CDMA2000 Packet Data Sessions).
0203      */
0204     ModemManager::Bearer::List listBearers() const;
0206     /**
0207      * @return the configured packet data bearer on given path
0208      */
0209     ModemManager::Bearer::Ptr findBearer(const QString &bearer) const;
0211     /**
0212      * Clear non-persistent configuration and state, and return the device to a newly-powered-on state.
0213      *
0214      * This command may power-cycle the device.
0215      */
0216     QDBusPendingReply<void> reset();
0218     /**
0219      * Clear the modem's configuration (including persistent configuration and state), and return the device to a factory-default state.
0220      *
0221      * If not required by the modem, @p code may be ignored.
0222      *
0223      * This command may or may not power-cycle the device.
0224      * @param code Carrier-supplied code required to reset the modem.
0225      */
0226     QDBusPendingReply<void> factoryReset(const QString &code);
0228     /**
0229      * Set the power @p state of the modem. This action can only be run when the modem is in MM_MODEM_STATE_DISABLED state.
0230      */
0231     QDBusPendingReply<void> setPowerState(MMModemPowerState state);
0233     /**
0234      * Set the capabilities of the device. A restart of the modem may be required.
0235      * @param caps QFlags of MMModemCapability values, to specify the capabilities to use.
0236      */
0237     QDBusPendingReply<void> setCurrentCapabilities(Capabilities caps);
0239     /**
0240      * Set the access technologies (e.g. 2G/3G/4G preference) the device is currently allowed to use when connecting to a network.
0241      *
0242      * The given combination should be supported by the modem, as specified in supportedModes()
0243      * @param mode
0244      */
0245     QDBusPendingReply<void> setCurrentModes(const CurrentModesType &mode);
0247     /**
0248      * Set the radio frequency and technology bands the device is currently allowed to use when connecting to a network.
0249      * @param bands List of MMModemBand values, to specify the bands to be used.
0250      */
0251     QDBusPendingReply<void> setCurrentBands(const QList<MMModemBand> &bands);
0253     QDBusPendingReply<QString> command(const QString &cmd, uint timeout);
0255     /**
0256      * @return The path of the SIM object available in this device, if any.
0257      */
0258     QString simPath() const;
0260     /**
0261      * @return List of MMModemCapability values, specifying the combinations of generic family of access technologies the modem supports.
0262      *
0263      * If the modem doesn't allow changing the current capabilities, a single entry with MM_MODEM_CAPABILITY_ANY will be given.
0264      */
0265     QList<MMModemCapability> supportedCapabilities() const;
0267     /**
0268      * @return QFlags of MMModemCapability values, specifying the generic family of
0269      * access technologies the modem currently supports without a firmware
0270      * reload or reinitialization.
0271      */
0272     Capabilities currentCapabilities() const;
0274     /**
0275      * @return The maximum number of defined packet data bearers the modem supports.
0276      *
0277      * This is not the number of active/connected bearers the modem supports,
0278      * but simply the number of bearers that may be defined at any given time.
0279      * For example, POTS and CDMA2000-only devices support only one bearer,
0280      * while GSM/UMTS devices typically support three or more, and any
0281      * LTE-capable device (whether LTE-only, GSM/UMTS-capable, and/or
0282      * CDMA2000-capable) also typically support three or more.
0283      */
0284     uint maxBearers() const;
0286     /**
0287      * @return The maximum number of active packet data bearers the modem supports.
0288      *
0289      * POTS and CDMA2000-only devices support one active bearer, while GSM/UMTS
0290      * and LTE-capable devices (including LTE/CDMA devices) typically support at
0291      * least two active bearers.
0292      */
0293     uint maxActiveBearers() const;
0295     /**
0296      * @return The equipment manufacturer, as reported by the modem.
0297      */
0298     QString manufacturer() const;
0300     /**
0301      * @return The equipment model, as reported by the modem.
0302      */
0303     QString model() const;
0305     /**
0306      * @return The revision identification of the software, as reported by the modem.
0307      */
0308     QString revision() const;
0310     /**
0311      * @return A best-effort device identifier based on various device
0312      * information like model name, firmware revision, USB/PCI/PCMCIA IDs, and
0313      * other properties.
0314      *
0315      * This ID is not guaranteed to be unique and may be shared between
0316      * identical devices with the same firmware, but is intended to be "unique
0317      * enough" for use as a casual device identifier for various user experience
0318      * operations.
0319      *
0320      * This is not the device's IMEI or ESN since those may not be available
0321      * before unlocking the device via a PIN.
0322      */
0323     QString deviceIdentifier() const;
0325     /**
0326      * @return The physical modem device reference (ie, USB, PCI, PCMCIA device), which may be dependent upon the operating system.
0327      *
0328      * In Linux for example, this points to a sysfs path of the usb_device object.
0329      */
0330     QString device() const;
0332     /**
0333      * @return The Operating System device drivers handling communication with the modem hardware.
0334      */
0335     QStringList drivers() const;
0337     /**
0338      * @return The name of the plugin handling this modem.
0339      */
0340     QString plugin() const;
0342     /**
0343      * @return The name of the primary port using to control the modem.
0344      */
0345     QString primaryPort() const;
0347     /**
0348      * @return The list of ports in the modem, given as an array of string and unsigned integer pairs.
0349      * The string is the port name or path, and the integer is the port type given as a MMModemPortType value.
0350      *
0351      * @since 1.1.94
0352      */
0353     PortList ports() const;
0355     /**
0356      * @return The identity of the device.
0357      *
0358      * This will be the IMEI number for GSM devices and the hex-format ESN/MEID for CDMA devices.
0359      */
0360     QString equipmentIdentifier() const;
0362     /**
0363      * @return Current lock state of the device, given as a MMModemLock value.
0364      */
0365     MMModemLock unlockRequired() const;
0367     /**
0368      * @return A dictionary in which the keys are MMModemLock flags, and the
0369      * values are integers giving the number of PIN tries remaining before the
0370      * code becomes blocked (requiring a PUK) or permanently blocked. Dictionary
0371      * entries exist only for the codes for which the modem is able to report
0372      * retry counts.
0373      */
0374     UnlockRetriesMap unlockRetries() const;
0376     /**
0377      * @return Overall state of the modem, given as a MMModemState value.
0378      *
0379      * If the device's state cannot be determined, MM_MODEM_STATE_UNKNOWN will be reported.
0380      */
0381     MMModemState state() const;
0383     /**
0384      * @return Error specifying why the modem is in MM_MODEM_STATE_FAILED state, given as a MMModemStateFailedReason value.
0385      */
0386     MMModemStateFailedReason stateFailedReason() const;
0388     /**
0389      * @return QFlags of MMModemAccessTechnology values, specifying the current
0390      * network access technologies used by the device to communicate with the
0391      * network.
0392      *
0393      * If the device's access technology cannot be determined, MM_MODEM_ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN will be reported.
0394      */
0395     AccessTechnologies accessTechnologies() const;
0397     /**
0398      * @return Signal quality in percent (0 - 100) of the dominant access
0399      * technology the device is using to communicate with the network. Always 0
0400      * for POTS devices.
0401      *
0402      * The additional boolean value indicates if the quality value given was recently taken.
0403      */
0404     SignalQualityPair signalQuality() const;
0406     /**
0407      * @return List of numbers (e.g. MSISDN in 3GPP) being currently handled by this modem.
0408      */
0409     QStringList ownNumbers() const;
0411     /**
0412      * @return A MMModemPowerState value specifying the current power state of the modem.
0413      */
0414     MMModemPowerState powerState() const;
0416     /**
0417      * @return This property exposes the supported mode combinations, given as an list of unsigned integer pairs, where:
0418      * The first integer is a bitmask of MMModemMode values, specifying the allowed modes.
0419      * The second integer is a single MMModemMode, which specifies the preferred access technology, among the ones defined in the allowed modes.
0420      */
0421     SupportedModesType supportedModes() const;
0423     /**
0424      * @return A pair of MMModemMode values, where the first one is a bitmask
0425      * specifying the access technologies (eg 2G/3G/4G) the device is currently
0426      * allowed to use when connecting to a network, and the second one is the
0427      * preferred mode of those specified as allowed.
0428      *
0429      * The pair must be one of those specified in supportedModes()
0430      */
0431     CurrentModesType currentModes() const;
0433     /**
0434      * @return List of MMModemBand values, specifying the radio frequency and technology bands supported by the device.
0435      *
0436      * For POTS devices, only the MM_MODEM_BAND_ANY mode will be returned.
0437      */
0438     QList<MMModemBand> supportedBands() const;
0440     /**
0441      * @return List of MMModemBand values, specifying the radio frequency and
0442      * technology bands the device is currently using when connecting to a
0443      * network.
0444      *
0445      * It must be a subset of supportedBands()
0446      */
0447     QList<MMModemBand> currentBands() const;
0449     /**
0450      * @return QFlags of MMBearerIpFamily values, specifying the IP families supported by the device.
0451      */
0452     IpBearerFamilies supportedIpFamilies() const;
0454     /**
0455      * Sets the timeout in milliseconds for all async method DBus calls.
0456      * -1 means the default DBus timeout (usually 25 seconds).
0457      */
0458     void setTimeout(int timeout);
0460     /**
0461      * Returns the current value of the DBus timeout in milliseconds.
0462      * -1 means the default DBus timeout (usually 25 seconds).
0463      */
0464     int timeout() const;
0467     void bearerAdded(const QString &bearer);
0468     void bearerRemoved(const QString &bearer);
0469     void bearersChanged();
0471     void simPathChanged(const QString &oldPath, const QString &newPath);
0472     void supportedCapabilitiesChanged(const QList<MMModemCapability> &supportedCapabilities);
0473     void currentCapabilitiesChanged(const QFlags<MMModemCapability> &currentCapabilities);
0474     void maxBearersChanged(uint maxBearers);
0475     void maxActiveBearersChanged(uint maxActiveBearers);
0476     void manufacturerChanged(const QString &manufacturer);
0477     void modelChanged(const QString &model);
0478     void revisionChanged(const QString &revision);
0479     void deviceIdentifierChanged(const QString &deviceIdentifier);
0480     void deviceChanged(const QString &device);
0481     void driversChanged(const QStringList &drivers);
0482     void pluginChanged(const QString &plugin);
0483     void primaryPortChanged(const QString &primaryPort);
0484     void portsChanged(const ModemManager::PortList &ports);
0485     void equipmentIdentifierChanged(const QString &equipmentIdentifier);
0486     void unlockRequiredChanged(MMModemLock unlockRequired);
0487     void unlockRetriesChanged(const ModemManager::UnlockRetriesMap &unlockRetries);
0488     void stateFailedReasonChanged(MMModemStateFailedReason stateFailedReason);
0489     void accessTechnologiesChanged(QFlags<MMModemAccessTechnology> accessTechnologies);
0490     void signalQualityChanged(ModemManager::SignalQualityPair signalQuality);
0491     void ownNumbersChanged(const QStringList &ownNumbers);
0492     void powerStateChanged(MMModemPowerState powerState);
0493     void supportedModesChanged(ModemManager::SupportedModesType supportedModes);
0494     void currentModesChanged(ModemManager::CurrentModesType currentModes);
0495     void supportedBandsChanged(const QList<MMModemBand> &supportedBands);
0496     void currentBandsChanged(const QList<MMModemBand> &supportedBands);
0497     void supportedIpFamiliesChanged(QFlags<MMBearerIpFamily> supportedIpFamilies);
0498     void stateChanged(MMModemState oldState, MMModemState newState, MMModemStateChangeReason reason);
0499 };
0501 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Modem::Capabilities)
0502 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Modem::AccessTechnologies)
0504 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Modem::IpBearerFamilies)
0506 } // namespace ModemManager
0508 #endif