File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 13:11:46

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE Libraries
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Tobias Koenig <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 #ifndef KPAGEVIEW_H
0009 #define KPAGEVIEW_H
0011 #include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
0013 #include <QWidget>
0014 #include <memory>
0016 class KPageModel;
0018 class QAbstractItemDelegate;
0019 class QAbstractItemView;
0020 class QModelIndex;
0021 class KPageViewPrivate;
0022 class QAbstractItemModel;
0024 /**
0025  * @class KPageView kpageview.h KPageView
0026  *
0027  * @short A base class which can handle multiple pages.
0028  *
0029  * This class provides a widget base class which handles multiple
0030  * pages and allows the user to switch between these pages in
0031  * different ways.
0032  *
0033  * Currently, @p Auto, @p Plain, @p List, @p Tree and @p Tabbed face
0034  * types are available (cmp. KPageWidget).
0035  *
0036  * <b>Example:</b>\n
0037  *
0038  * \code
0039  *  KPageModel *model = new MyPageModel();
0040  *
0041  *  KPageView *view = new KPageView( this );
0042  *  view->setModel( model );
0043  *
0044  *  view->setFaceType( KPageView::List );
0045  * \endcode
0046  *
0047  * @author Tobias Koenig (
0048  */
0049 class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KPageView : public QWidget
0050 {
0051     Q_OBJECT
0052     Q_PROPERTY(FaceType faceType READ faceType WRITE setFaceType)
0053     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KPageView)
0055 public:
0056     /**
0057      * This enum is used to decide which type of navigation view
0058      * shall be used in the page view.
0059      */
0060     enum FaceType {
0061         /**
0062          * Depending on the number of pages in the model,
0063          * the @c Plain (one page), the @c List (several pages)
0064          * or the @c Tree face (nested pages) will be used.
0065          * This is the default face type.
0066          */
0067         Auto,
0068         /**
0069          * No navigation view will be visible and only the
0070          * first page of the model will be shown.
0071          */
0072         Plain,
0073         /**
0074          * An icon list is used as navigation view
0075          */
0076         List,
0077         /**
0078          * A tree list is used as navigation view
0079          */
0080         Tree,
0081         /**
0082          * A tab widget is used as navigation view
0083          */
0084         Tabbed,
0085         /**
0086          * A flat list with small icons is used as navigation view
0087          */
0088         FlatList,
0089     };
0090     Q_ENUM(FaceType)
0092     /**
0093      * Creates a page view with given parent.
0094      */
0095     explicit KPageView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0097     /**
0098      * Destroys the page view.
0099      */
0100     ~KPageView() override;
0102     /**
0103      * Sets the @p model of the page view.
0104      *
0105      * The model has to provide data for the roles defined in KPageModel::Role.
0106      */
0107     void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model);
0109     /**
0110      * Returns the model of the page view.
0111      */
0112     QAbstractItemModel *model() const;
0114     /**
0115      * Sets the face type of the page view.
0116      */
0117     void setFaceType(FaceType faceType);
0119     /**
0120      * Returns the face type of the page view.
0121      */
0122     FaceType faceType() const;
0124     /**
0125      * Sets the page with @param index to be the current page and emits
0126      * the signal currentPageChanged.
0127      */
0128     void setCurrentPage(const QModelIndex &index);
0130     /**
0131      * Returns the index for the current page or an invalid index
0132      * if no current page exists.
0133      */
0134     QModelIndex currentPage() const;
0136     /**
0137      * Sets the item @param delegate which can be used customize
0138      * the page view.
0139      */
0140     void setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate *delegate);
0142     /**
0143      * Returns the item delegate of the page view.
0144      */
0145     QAbstractItemDelegate *itemDelegate() const;
0147     /**
0148      * Sets the @p widget which will be shown when a page is selected
0149      * that has no own widget set.
0150      */
0151     void setDefaultWidget(QWidget *widget);
0153     /**
0154      * Set a widget as the header for this Page view
0155      * It will replace the standard page title
0156      * @since 5.61
0157      */
0158     void setPageHeader(QWidget *header);
0160     /**
0161      * Widget of the header for this page view
0162      * @since 5.61
0163      */
0164     QWidget *pageHeader() const;
0166     /**
0167      * Set a widget as the footer for this Page view
0168      * @since 5.61
0169      */
0170     void setPageFooter(QWidget *footer);
0172     /**
0173      * Widget of the footer for this page view
0174      * @since 5.61
0175      */
0176     QWidget *pageFooter() const;
0179     /**
0180      * This signal is emitted whenever the current page changes.
0181      * The previous page index is replaced by the current index.
0182      */
0183     void currentPageChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous);
0185 protected:
0186     /**
0187      * Returns the navigation view, depending on the current
0188      * face type.
0189      *
0190      * This method can be reimplemented to provide custom
0191      * navigation views.
0192      */
0193     virtual QAbstractItemView *createView();
0195     /**
0196      * Returns whether the page header should be visible.
0197      *
0198      * This method can be reimplemented for adapting custom
0199      * views.
0200      */
0201     virtual bool showPageHeader() const;
0203     /**
0204      * Returns the position where the navigation view should be
0205      * located according to the page stack.
0206      *
0207      * This method can be reimplemented for adapting custom
0208      * views.
0209      */
0210     virtual Qt::Alignment viewPosition() const;
0212     KWIDGETSADDONS_NO_EXPORT KPageView(KPageViewPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent);
0214 protected:
0215     std::unique_ptr<class KPageViewPrivate> const d_ptr;
0216 };
0218 #endif