Warning, /frameworks/kuserfeedback/tests/orwell.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
0005 */
0007 import QtQuick 2.0
0008 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
0009 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
0010 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
0011 import org.kde.userfeedback 1.0 as KUserFeedback
0013 ApplicationWindow {
0014     id: root
0015     width: 480
0016     height: 640
0018     Component.onCompleted: {
0019         Qt.application.name = "qmlorwell";
0020         Qt.application.version = "1984.qml"
0021         Qt.application.organization = "KDE";
0022         Qt.application.domain = "kde.org";
0024         // for Settings and thus Provider to work, we need to have the above setup first
0025         stackView.push(mainView);
0026     }
0028     StackView {
0029         id: stackView
0030         anchors.fill: parent
0031     }
0033     Component {
0034         id: mainView
0035         Page {
0036             header: ToolBar {
0037                 RowLayout {
0038                     anchors.fill: parent
0039                     Label {
0040                         text: "Feedback Demo"
0041                         horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0042                         verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
0043                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0044                     }
0045                     ToolButton {
0046                         id: menuButton
0047                         text: "⋮"
0048                         onClicked: menu.open()
0049                         Menu {
0050                             id: menu
0051                             y: menuButton.height
0052                             MenuItem {
0053                                 text: "Contribute..."
0054                                 visible: provider.enabled
0055                                 onTriggered: {
0056                                     stackView.push(contributePage);
0057                                     stackView.currentItem.provider = provider;
0058                                 }
0059                             }
0060                         }
0061                     }
0062                 }
0063             }
0065             KUserFeedback.Provider {
0066                 id: provider
0067                 submissionInterval: 1
0068                 productIdentifier: "org.kde.orwell"
0069                 feedbackServer: "https://feedback.volkerkrause.eu/"
0070                 applicationStartsUntilEncouragement: 5
0071                 encouragementDelay: 10
0072                 encouragementInterval: 1
0074                 onSurveyAvailable: {
0075                     console.log(survey);
0076                     surveyPopup.surveyInfo = survey;
0077                     surveyPopup.provider = provider;
0078                     surveyPopup.open();
0079                 }
0080                 onShowEncouragementMessage: {
0081                     console.log("showing encouragement");
0082                     if (stackView.depth == 1) {
0083                         encouragementPopup.provider = provider
0084                         encouragementPopup.open();
0085                     }
0086                 }
0088                 KUserFeedback.ApplicationVersionSource {}
0089                 KUserFeedback.CompilerInfoSource {}
0090                 KUserFeedback.CpuInfoSource {}
0091                 KUserFeedback.LocaleInfoSource {}
0092                 KUserFeedback.OpenGLInfoSource{}
0093                 KUserFeedback.PlatformInfoSource {}
0094                 KUserFeedback.QPAInfoSource {}
0095                 KUserFeedback.QtVersionSource {}
0096                 KUserFeedback.ScreenInfoSource {}
0097                 KUserFeedback.StartCountSource {}
0098                 KUserFeedback.UsageTimeSource {}
0100                 KUserFeedback.PropertyRatioSource {
0101                     id: dialRatioSource
0102                     mode: KUserFeedback.Provider.DetailedUsageStatistics
0103                     sourceId: "dialRatio"
0104                     object: dial
0105                     propertyName: "intValue"
0106                     name: qsTr("Dial position")
0107                     description: qsTr("The position of the dial.")
0109                     Component.onCompleted: {
0110                         dialRatioSource.addValueMapping(0, "off");
0111                         dialRatioSource.addValueMapping(11, "max");
0112                     }
0113                 }
0114             }
0116             ColumnLayout {
0117                 anchors.fill: parent
0118                 Dial {
0119                     property int intValue: Math.round(dial.value)
0120                     id: dial
0121                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0122                     from: 0
0123                     to: 11
0124                     stepSize: 1
0125                 }
0126                 Settings {
0127                     property alias dialValue: dial.value
0128                 }
0129                 Button {
0130                     id: submitButton
0131                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0132                     text: "Submit!"
0133                     onClicked: provider.submit()
0134                 }
0135             }
0136         }
0137     }
0139     Component {
0140         id: contributePage
0141         Page {
0142             property var provider: null
0143             header: ToolBar {
0144                 RowLayout {
0145                     anchors.fill: parent
0146                     ToolButton {
0147                         id: menuButton
0148                         text: "<"
0149                         onClicked: stackView.pop()
0150                     }
0151                     Label {
0152                         text: "Contribution Settings"
0153                         horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0154                         verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
0155                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0156                     }
0157                 }
0158             }
0160             KUserFeedback.FeedbackConfigUiController {
0161                 id: controller
0162                 feedbackProvider: provider
0163                 onProviderChanged: {
0164                     telemetrySlider.to = controller.telemetryModeCount - 1;
0165                     telemetrySlider.value = controller.telemetryModeToIndex(provider.telemetryMode);
0166                     surveySlider.value = controller.surveyIntervalToIndex(provider.surveyInterval);
0167                 }
0168             }
0170             KUserFeedback.AuditLogUiController {
0171                 id: auditLogController
0172             }
0174             ColumnLayout {
0175                 anchors.fill: parent
0176                 anchors.topMargin: header.height
0178                 Label {
0179                     text: qsTr("Contribute Statistics")
0180                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
0181                     font.bold: true
0182                 }
0183                 Slider {
0184                     id: telemetrySlider
0185                     stepSize: 1
0186                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0187                     snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
0188                 }
0189                 Label {
0190                     id: telemetryLabel
0191                     text: controller.telemetryModeDescription(telemetrySlider.value)
0192                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0193                     wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0194                 }
0195                 TextArea {
0196                     id: telemetryDetails
0197                     visible: telemetrySlider.value > 0
0198                     text: controller.telemetryModeDetails(telemetrySlider.value)
0199                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0200                     textFormat: Text.RichText
0201                     wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
0202                     readOnly: true
0203                 }
0204                 Label {
0205                     text: qsTr("<a href=\"auditLog\">View previously submitted data...</a>")
0206                     visible: auditLogController.hasLogEntries
0207                     onLinkActivated: {
0208                         stackView.push(auditLogPage);
0209                         stackView.currentItem.auditLogController = auditLogController
0210                     }
0211                 }
0212                 Label {
0213                     text: qsTr("Participate in Surveys")
0214                     font.bold: true
0215                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
0216                 }
0218                 Slider {
0219                     id: surveySlider
0220                     stepSize: 1
0221                     to: controller.surveyModeCount - 1
0222                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0223                     snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
0224                 }
0225                 Label {
0226                     id: surveyLabel
0227                     text: controller.surveyModeDescription(surveySlider.value)
0228                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0229                     wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0230                 }
0232                 Button {
0233                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0234                     text: telemetrySlider.value + surveySlider.value === 0 ?
0235                         qsTr("I don't contribute.") :
0236                         qsTr("Contribute!");
0237                     onClicked: {
0238                         provider.telemetryMode = controller.telemetryIndexToMode(telemetrySlider.value);
0239                         provider.surveyInterval = controller.surveyIndexToInterval(surveySlider.value);
0240                         stackView.pop();
0241                     }
0242                 }
0243             }
0244         }
0245     }
0247     Component {
0248         id: auditLogPage
0249         Page {
0250             property var auditLogController: null
0251             header: ToolBar {
0252                 RowLayout {
0253                     anchors.fill: parent
0254                     ToolButton {
0255                         id: menuButton
0256                         text: "<"
0257                         onClicked: stackView.pop()
0258                     }
0259                     Label {
0260                         text: "Telemetry Audit Log"
0261                         horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0262                         verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
0263                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0264                     }
0265                 }
0266             }
0268             ColumnLayout {
0269                 anchors.fill: parent
0270                 anchors.topMargin: header.height
0272                 ComboBox {
0273                     id: logEntryBox
0274                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0275                     model: auditLogController.logEntryModel
0276                     textRole: "display"
0277                     onActivated: {
0278                         var index = model.index(currentIndex, 0);
0279                         logEntryView.text = auditLogController.logEntry(model.data(index, 256));
0280                     }
0281                 }
0283                 ScrollView {
0284                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0285                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0286                     TextArea {
0287                         id: logEntryView
0288                         textFormat: Text.RichText
0289                         wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0290                         readOnly: true
0291                     }
0292                 }
0294                 Button {
0295                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0296                     text: qsTr("Delete Log")
0297                     onClicked: {
0298                         auditLogController.clear();
0299                         stackView.pop();
0300                     }
0301                 }
0302             }
0304             onAuditLogControllerChanged: {
0305                 if (auditLogController == null)
0306                     return;
0307                 var index = auditLogController.logEntryModel.index(0, 0);
0308                 logEntryView.text = auditLogController.logEntry(auditLogController.logEntryModel.data(index, 256));
0309             }
0310         }
0311     }
0313     Popup {
0314         id: surveyPopup
0315         property var surveyInfo;
0316         property var provider;
0317         x: 0
0318         y: 0
0319         width: parent.width
0320         height: parent.height
0322         ColumnLayout {
0323             anchors.fill: parent
0324             Label {
0325                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0326                 horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter;
0327                 text: qsTr("We are looking for your feedback!")
0328                 font.bold: true
0329             }
0330             Label {
0331                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0332                 text: qsTr("We would like a few minutes of your time to provide feedback about this application in a survey.")
0333                 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0334             }
0335             Button {
0336                 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter;
0337                 text: qsTr("Participate!")
0338                 onClicked: {
0339                     if (Qt.openUrlExternally(surveyPopup.surveyInfo.url))
0340                         provider.surveyCompleted(surveyPopup.surveyInfo);
0341                     surveyPopup.close()
0342                 }
0343             }
0344         }
0345     }
0347     Popup {
0348         id: encouragementPopup
0349         property var provider;
0350         x: 0
0351         y: 0
0352         width: parent.width
0353         height: parent.height
0355         ColumnLayout {
0356             anchors.fill: parent
0357             Label {
0358                 text: qsTr("Help us make this application better!");
0359                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0360                 horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter;
0361                 font.bold: true
0362             }
0363             Label {
0364                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0365                 text: qsTr("You can help us improving this application by sharing statistics and participate in surveys.")
0366                 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0367             }
0368             Button {
0369                 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter;
0370                 text: qsTr("Contribute...")
0371                 onClicked: {
0372                     encouragementPopup.close();
0373                     stackView.push(contributePage);
0374                     stackView.currentItem.provider = provider;
0375                 }
0376             }
0377         }
0378     }
0379 }