File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 03:51:59
0001 0002 {% load ratio_calculator %} 0003 <html> 0004 <h2>{% i18ncp "The total number of people displayed" "%1 person" "%1 people" contacts|length %}</h2> 0005 0006 {% if contacts %} 0007 <table border="1" cellpadding="2"> 0008 <tr> 0009 <th>{% i18nc "The name of a person" "Name" %}</th> 0010 <th>{% i18n "Email" %}</th> 0011 <th>{% i18n "Birthday" %}</th> 0012 <th>{% i18n "Salary" %}</th> 0013 <th>{% i18n "Salary-age ratio" %}</th> 0014 </tr> 0015 {% for contact in contacts %} 0016 <tr> 0017 <td nowrap>{{ }}</td> 0018 <td>{{ }}</td> 0019 <td>{{ _(contact.birthday) }}</td> 0020 <td align="right" nowrap>{% l10n_money contact.salary contact.salaryCurrency %}</td> 0021 <td align="right" nowrap>{% get_ratio contact.birthday contact.salary as ratio %}{{ _(ratio) }}</td> 0022 </tr> 0023 {% endfor %} 0024 </table> 0025 {% endif %} 0026 0027 </html>