File indexing completed on 2025-02-09 04:28:27
0001 { % extends "base_header.h" % } 0002 0003 { % block includes % } { 0004 % if baseClass % 0005 } 0006 #include <{{ baseClass.module }}/{{ baseClass.type }}> 0007 0008 { % endif % } { % endblock % } 0009 0010 { % block forward_decls % } { 0011 % if pimpl % 0012 } 0013 class 0014 { 0015 { 0016 className 0017 } 0018 } Private; 0019 0020 { % endif % } { % endblock % } 0021 0022 { % block class_content % } { 0023 % if qobject % 0024 } 0025 Q_OBJECT{ % endif % } 0026 {% for prop in properties % 0027 } 0028 Q_PROPERTY( 0029 {{prop.type}} { 0030 { 0031 0032 } 0033 } READ{{}} { % if not prop.readonly % } WRITE{{ | to_write}} { % endif % }) 0034 { 0035 % endfor % 0036 } 0037 0038 public: 0039 { 0040 #The getter, eg QString myString() const; 0041 0042 "># 0043 } 0044 {% for property in properties % 0045 } 0046 {{property.type}} {{}}() const; 0047 { 0048 % if not property.readonly % 0049 } 0050 { % comment % } The setter, eg setMyString(const QString &myString); 0051 { 0052 % endcomment % 0053 } 0054 void{{ | to_write}}({{property.type | to_arg}} {{}}); 0055 { % endif % } 0056 0057 { % endfor % } { % comment % } Comment tags are used to remove unwanted whitespace 0058 / newlines in the output. 0059 0060 Group together properties of the same type, 0061 public, protected, private { % endcomment % } { % regroup methods by accessType as method_groups % } { % with "true" as default % } 0062 {% for method_group in method_groups % 0063 } 0064 {{method_group.grouper}}: 0065 {% for method in method_group.list % 0066 } 0067 { 0068 % if method.virtual % 0069 } 0070 virtual { % endif % } {{method.type}} {{}}({ % include "args.h" % }) 0071 { 0072 % if method.const % 0073 } 0074 const { % endif % }; 0075 { % endfor % } 0076 0077 { % endfor % } { 0078 % endwith % 0079 } 0080 0081 private: 0082 { 0083 % if pimpl % 0084 } 0085 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE({{className}}) 0086 { 0087 { 0088 className 0089 } 0090 } 0091 Private *const d_ptr; 0092 { % else % } {% for property in properties % 0093 } 0094 { 0095 { 0096 property.type 0097 } 0098 } 0099 m_{{}}; 0100 { % endfor % } { % endif % } { 0101 % endblock class_content % 0102 }