Warning, file /frameworks/ktexteditor/src/buffer/katetextline.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef KATE_TEXTLINE_H
0008 #define KATE_TEXTLINE_H
0010 #include <QSharedPointer>
0011 #include <QString>
0012 #include <QVector>
0014 #include <ktexteditor_export.h>
0016 #include <KSyntaxHighlighting/State>
0018 namespace Kate
0019 {
0020 /**
0021  * Class representing a single text line.
0022  * For efficiency reasons, not only pure text is stored here, but also additional data.
0023  * Will be only accessed over shared pointers.
0024  */
0025 class KTEXTEDITOR_EXPORT TextLineData
0026 {
0027     /**
0028      * TexBlock is a friend class, only one allowed to touch the text content.
0029      */
0030     friend class TextBlock;
0032 public:
0033     /**
0034      * Attribute storage
0035      */
0036     class Attribute
0037     {
0038     public:
0039         /**
0040          * Attribute constructor
0041          * @param _offset offset
0042          * @param _length length
0043          * @param _attributeValue attribute value
0044          */
0045         explicit Attribute(int _offset = 0, int _length = 0, short _attributeValue = 0)
0046             : offset(_offset)
0047             , length(_length)
0048             , attributeValue(_attributeValue)
0049         {
0050         }
0052         /**
0053          * offset
0054          */
0055         int offset;
0057         /**
0058          * length
0059          */
0060         int length;
0062         /**
0063          * attribute value (to encode type of this range)
0064          */
0065         short attributeValue;
0066     };
0068     /**
0069      * Folding storage
0070      */
0071     class Folding
0072     {
0073     public:
0074         /**
0075          * Construct folding.
0076          * @param _offset offset of the folding start
0077          * @param _length length of the folding
0078          * @param _foldingValue positive ones start foldings, negative ones end them
0079          */
0080         Folding(int _offset, int _length, int _foldingValue)
0081             : offset(_offset)
0082             , length(_length)
0083             , foldingValue(_foldingValue)
0084         {
0085         }
0087         /**
0088          * offset
0089          */
0090         int offset = 0;
0092         /**
0093          * length
0094          */
0095         int length = 0;
0097         /**
0098          * positive ones start foldings, negative ones end them
0099          */
0100         int foldingValue = 0;
0101     };
0103     /**
0104      * Flags of TextLineData
0105      */
0106     enum Flags { flagAutoWrapped = 1, flagFoldingStartAttribute = 2, flagLineModified = 4, flagLineSavedOnDisk = 8 };
0108     /**
0109      * Construct an empty text line.
0110      */
0111     TextLineData() = default;
0113     /**
0114      * Construct an text line with given text.
0115      * @param text text to use for this line
0116      */
0117     explicit TextLineData(const QString &text)
0118         : m_text(text)
0119         , m_flags(0)
0120     {
0121     }
0123     /**
0124      * Accessor to the text contained in this line.
0125      * @return text of this line as constant reference
0126      */
0127     const QString &text() const
0128     {
0129         return m_text;
0130     }
0132     /**
0133      * Returns the position of the first non-whitespace character
0134      * @return position of first non-whitespace char or -1 if there is none
0135      */
0136     int firstChar() const;
0138     /**
0139      * Returns the position of the last non-whitespace character
0140      * @return position of last non-whitespace char or -1 if there is none
0141      */
0142     int lastChar() const;
0144     /**
0145      * Find the position of the next char that is not a space.
0146      * @param pos Column of the character which is examined first.
0147      * @return True if the specified or a following character is not a space
0148      *          Otherwise false.
0149      */
0150     int nextNonSpaceChar(int pos) const;
0152     /**
0153      * Find the position of the previous char that is not a space.
0154      * @param pos Column of the character which is examined first.
0155      * @return The position of the first non-whitespace character preceding pos,
0156      *   or -1 if none is found.
0157      */
0158     int previousNonSpaceChar(int pos) const;
0160     /**
0161      * Returns the character at the given \e column. If \e column is out of
0162      * range, the return value is QChar().
0163      * @param column column you want char for
0164      * @return char at given column or QChar()
0165      */
0166     inline QChar at(int column) const
0167     {
0168         if (column >= 0 && column < m_text.length()) {
0169             return m_text.at(column);
0170         }
0172         return QChar();
0173     }
0175     inline void markAsModified(bool modified)
0176     {
0177         if (modified) {
0178             m_flags |= flagLineModified;
0179             m_flags &= (~flagLineSavedOnDisk);
0180         } else {
0181             m_flags &= (~flagLineModified);
0182         }
0183     }
0185     inline bool markedAsModified() const
0186     {
0187         return m_flags & flagLineModified;
0188     }
0190     inline void markAsSavedOnDisk(bool savedOnDisk)
0191     {
0192         if (savedOnDisk) {
0193             m_flags |= flagLineSavedOnDisk;
0194             m_flags &= (~flagLineModified);
0195         } else {
0196             m_flags &= (~flagLineSavedOnDisk);
0197         }
0198     }
0200     inline bool markedAsSavedOnDisk() const
0201     {
0202         return m_flags & flagLineSavedOnDisk;
0203     }
0205     /**
0206      * Clear folding start status.
0207      */
0208     void clearMarkedAsFoldingStart()
0209     {
0210         m_flags &= ~flagFoldingStartAttribute;
0211     }
0213     /**
0214      * Is on this line a folding start per attribute?
0215      * @return folding start line per attribute? or not?
0216      */
0217     bool markedAsFoldingStartAttribute() const
0218     {
0219         return m_flags & flagFoldingStartAttribute;
0220     }
0222     /**
0223      * Mark as folding start line of an attribute based folding.
0224      */
0225     void markAsFoldingStartAttribute()
0226     {
0227         m_flags |= flagFoldingStartAttribute;
0228     }
0230     /**
0231      * Returns the line's length.
0232      */
0233     int length() const
0234     {
0235         return m_text.length();
0236     }
0238     /**
0239      * Returns \e true, if the line was automagically wrapped, otherwise returns
0240      * \e false.
0241      * @return was this line auto-wrapped?
0242      */
0243     bool isAutoWrapped() const
0244     {
0245         return m_flags & flagAutoWrapped;
0246     }
0248     /**
0249      * Returns the substring with \e length beginning at the given \e column.
0250      * @param column start column of text to return
0251      * @param length length of text to return
0252      * @return wanted part of text
0253      */
0254     QString string(int column, int length) const
0255     {
0256         return m_text.mid(column, length);
0257     }
0259     /**
0260      * Leading whitespace of this line
0261      * @return leading whitespace of this line
0262      */
0263     QString leadingWhitespace() const;
0265     /**
0266      * Returns the indentation depth with each tab expanded into \e tabWidth characters.
0267      */
0268     int indentDepth(int tabWidth) const;
0270     /**
0271      * Returns the \e column with each tab expanded into \e tabWidth characters.
0272      */
0273     int toVirtualColumn(int column, int tabWidth) const;
0275     /**
0276      * Returns the "real" column where each tab only counts one character.
0277      * The conversion calculates with \e tabWidth characters for each tab.
0278      */
0279     int fromVirtualColumn(int column, int tabWidth) const;
0281     /**
0282      * Returns the text length with each tab expanded into \e tabWidth characters.
0283      */
0284     int virtualLength(int tabWidth) const;
0286     /**
0287      * Returns \e true, if \e match equals to the text at position \e column,
0288      * otherwise returns \e false.
0289      */
0290     bool matchesAt(int column, const QString &match) const;
0292     /**
0293      * Returns \e true, if the line starts with \e match, otherwise returns \e false.
0294      */
0295     bool startsWith(const QString &match) const
0296     {
0297         return m_text.startsWith(match);
0298     }
0300     /**
0301      * Returns \e true, if the line ends with \e match, otherwise returns \e false.
0302      */
0303     bool endsWith(const QString &match) const
0304     {
0305         return m_text.endsWith(match);
0306     }
0308     /**
0309      * context stack
0310      * @return context stack
0311      */
0312     const KSyntaxHighlighting::State &highlightingState() const
0313     {
0314         return m_highlightingState;
0315     }
0317     /**
0318      * Sets the syntax highlight context number
0319      * @param val new context array
0320      */
0321     void setHighlightingState(const KSyntaxHighlighting::State &val)
0322     {
0323         m_highlightingState = val;
0324     }
0326     /**
0327      * Add attribute to this line.
0328      * @param attribute new attribute to append
0329      */
0330     void addAttribute(const Attribute &attribute);
0332     /**
0333      * Clear attributes and foldings of this line
0334      */
0335     void clearAttributesAndFoldings()
0336     {
0337         m_attributesList.clear();
0338         m_foldings.clear();
0339     }
0341     /**
0342      * Accessor to attributes
0343      * @return attributes of this line
0344      */
0345     const QVector<Attribute> &attributesList() const
0346     {
0347         return m_attributesList;
0348     }
0350     /**
0351      * Accessor to foldings
0352      * @return foldings of this line
0353      */
0354     const std::vector<Folding> &foldings() const
0355     {
0356         return m_foldings;
0357     }
0359     /**
0360      * Add new folding at end of foldings stored in this line
0361      * @param offset offset of folding start
0362      * @param length length of the string that represents the folding
0363      * @param folding folding to add, positive to open, negative to close
0364      */
0365     void addFolding(int offset, int length, int folding)
0366     {
0367         m_foldings.emplace_back(offset, length, folding);
0368     }
0370     /**
0371      * Gets the attribute at the given position
0372      * use KRenderer::attributes  to get the KTextAttribute for this.
0373      *
0374      * @param pos position of attribute requested
0375      * @return value of attribute
0376      */
0377     short attribute(int pos) const;
0379     /**
0380      * set auto-wrapped property
0381      * @param wrapped line was wrapped?
0382      */
0383     void setAutoWrapped(bool wrapped)
0384     {
0385         if (wrapped) {
0386             m_flags = m_flags | flagAutoWrapped;
0387         } else {
0388             m_flags = m_flags & ~flagAutoWrapped;
0389         }
0390     }
0392 private:
0393     /**
0394      * Accessor to the text contained in this line.
0395      * This accessor is private, only the friend class text buffer/block is allowed to access the text read/write.
0396      * @return text of this line
0397      */
0398     QString &textReadWrite()
0399     {
0400         return m_text;
0401     }
0403 private:
0404     /**
0405      * text of this line
0406      */
0407     QString m_text;
0409     /**
0410      * attributes of this line
0411      */
0412     QVector<Attribute> m_attributesList;
0414     /**
0415      * foldings of this line
0416      */
0417     std::vector<Folding> m_foldings;
0419     /**
0420      * current highlighting state
0421      */
0422     KSyntaxHighlighting::State m_highlightingState;
0424     /**
0425      * flags of this line
0426      */
0427     unsigned int m_flags = 0;
0428 };
0430 /**
0431  * The normal world only accesses the text lines with shared pointers.
0432  */
0433 typedef std::shared_ptr<TextLineData> TextLine;
0434 }
0436 #endif