File indexing completed on 2024-09-15 09:26:36

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE project
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999-2006 David Faure <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Harald Sitter <>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0010 #ifndef KSERVICE_H
0011 #define KSERVICE_H
0013 #include "kserviceaction.h"
0014 #include <QCoreApplication>
0015 #include <QStringList>
0016 #include <QVariant>
0017 #include <ksycocaentry.h>
0019 // Exclude includes that are not needed when deprecations are disabled
0021 #include <KPluginFactory>
0022 #include <KPluginLoader>
0023 #endif
0025 class KServiceType;
0026 class QDataStream;
0027 class KDesktopFile;
0028 class QWidget;
0030 class KServicePrivate;
0032 /**
0033  * @class KService kservice.h <KService>
0034  *
0035  * Represent a service, like an application or plugin
0036  * bound to one or several MIME types (or servicetypes) as written
0037  * in its desktop entry file.
0038  *
0039  * The starting point you need is often the static methods, like createInstance().
0040  * The types of service a plugin provides is taken from the accompanying desktop file
0041  * where the 'X-KDE-ServiceTypes=' field is used.
0042  *
0043  * For a tutorial on how to build a plugin-loading mechanism and how to write plugins
0044  * in general, see
0045  *
0046  * @see KServiceType
0047  * @see KServiceGroup
0048  * @author Torben Weis
0049  */
0050 class KSERVICE_EXPORT KService : public KSycocaEntry
0051 {
0052 public:
0053     /**
0054      * A shared data pointer for KService.
0055      */
0056     typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<KService> Ptr;
0057     /**
0058      * A list of shared data pointers for KService.
0059      */
0060     typedef QList<Ptr> List;
0062     /**
0063      * Construct a temporary service with a given name, exec-line and icon.
0064      * @param name the name of the service
0065      * @param exec the executable
0066      * @param icon the name of the icon
0067      */
0068     KService(const QString &name, const QString &exec, const QString &icon);
0070     /**
0071      * Construct a service and take all information from a config file.
0072      *
0073      * @param fullpath Full path to the config file.
0074      */
0075     explicit KService(const QString &fullpath);
0077     /**
0078      * Construct a service and take all information from a desktop file.
0079      * @param config the desktop file to read
0080      * @param optional relative path to store for findByName
0081      */
0082     explicit KService(const KDesktopFile *config, const QString &entryPath = QString());
0084     KService(const KService &other);
0086     ~KService() override;
0088     /**
0089      * Services are either applications (executables) or dlopened libraries (plugins).
0090      * @return true if this service is an application, i.e. it has Type=Application in its
0091      * .desktop file and exec() will not be empty.
0092      */
0093     bool isApplication() const;
0095     /**
0096      * Returns the executable.
0097      * @return the command that the service executes,
0098      *         or QString() if not set
0099      */
0100     QString exec() const;
0101     /**
0102      * Returns the name of the service's library.
0103      * @return the name of the library that contains the service's
0104      *         implementation, or QString() if not set
0105      */
0106     QString library() const;
0108     /**
0109      * Returns the name of the icon.
0110      * @return the icon associated with the service,
0111      *         or QString() if not set
0112      */
0113     QString icon() const;
0114     /**
0115      * Checks whether the service should be run in a terminal.
0116      * @return true if the service is to be run in a terminal.
0117      */
0118     bool terminal() const;
0120     /**
0121      * Returns any options associated with the terminal the service
0122      * runs in, if it requires a terminal.
0123      *
0124      * The service must be a tty-oriented program.
0125      * @return the terminal options,
0126      *         or QString() if not set
0127      */
0128     QString terminalOptions() const;
0130     /**
0131      * Returns @c true if the service inidicates that it's preferred to run
0132      * the application on a discrete graphics card, otherwise return @c false.
0133      *
0134      * In releases older than 5.86 this methoed checked for the @c X-KDE-RunOnDiscreteGpu
0135      * key in the .desktop file represented by this service; starting from 5.86 this method
0136      * now also checks for @c PrefersNonDefaultGPU key (added to the desktop
0137      * entry spec in version 1.4 of the spec).
0138      *
0139      * @since 5.30
0140      */
0141     bool runOnDiscreteGpu() const;
0143     /**
0144      * Checks whether the service runs with a different user id.
0145      * @return true if the service has to be run under a different uid.
0146      * @see username()
0147      */
0148     bool substituteUid() const;
0149     /**
0150      * Returns the user name, if the service runs with a
0151      * different user id.
0152      * @return the username under which the service has to be run,
0153      *         or QString() if not set
0154      * @see substituteUid()
0155      */
0156     QString username() const;
0158     /**
0159      * Returns the filename of the service desktop entry without any
0160      * extension. E.g. "kppp"
0161      * @return the name of the desktop entry without path or extension,
0162      *         or QString() if not set
0163      */
0164     QString desktopEntryName() const;
0166     /**
0167      * Returns the menu ID of the service desktop entry.
0168      * The menu ID is used to add or remove the entry to a menu.
0169      * @return the menu ID
0170      */
0171     QString menuId() const;
0173     /**
0174      * Returns a normalized ID suitable for storing in configuration files.
0175      * It will be based on the menu-id when available and otherwise falls
0176      * back to entryPath()
0177      * @return the storage ID
0178      */
0179     QString storageId() const;
0182     /**
0183      * Describes the D-Bus Startup type of the service.
0184      * @li None - This service has no D-Bus support
0185      * @li Unique - This service provides a unique D-Bus service.
0186      *              The service name is equal to the desktopEntryName.
0187      * @li Multi - This service provides a D-Bus service which can be run
0188      *             with multiple instances in parallel. The service name of
0189      *             an instance is equal to the desktopEntryName + "-" +
0190      *             the PID of the process.
0191      */
0192     enum DBusStartupType { DBusNone = 0, DBusUnique, DBusMulti };
0193 #endif
0196     /**
0197      * Returns the DBUSStartupType supported by this service.
0198      * @return the DBUSStartupType supported by this service
0199      *
0200      * @deprecated since 5.102, no known users.
0201      */
0202     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 102, "No known users")
0203     DBusStartupType dbusStartupType() const;
0204 #endif
0207     /**
0208      * @return the working directory to run the program in,
0209      *         or QString() if not set
0210      * @deprecated since 5.63, use workingDirectory() instead
0211      */
0212     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 63, "Use KService::workingDirectory()")
0213     QString path() const;
0214 #endif
0216     /**
0217      * @return the working directory to run the program in,
0218      *         or QString() if not set
0219      * @since 5.63
0220      */
0221     QString workingDirectory() const;
0223     /**
0224      * Returns the descriptive comment for the service, if there is one.
0225      * @return the descriptive comment for the service, or QString()
0226      *         if not set
0227      */
0228     QString comment() const;
0230     /**
0231      * Returns the generic name for the service, if there is one
0232      * (e.g. "Mail Client").
0233      * @return the generic name,
0234      *         or QString() if not set
0235      */
0236     QString genericName() const;
0238     /**
0239      * Returns the untranslated (US English) generic name
0240      * for the service, if there is one
0241      * (e.g. "Mail Client").
0242      * @return the generic name,
0243      *         or QString() if not set
0244      */
0245     QString untranslatedGenericName() const;
0247     /**
0248      * Returns a list of descriptive keywords the service, if there are any.
0249      * @return the list of keywords
0250      */
0251     QStringList keywords() const;
0253     /**
0254      * Returns a list of VFolder categories.
0255      * @return the list of VFolder categories
0256      */
0257     QStringList categories() const;
0259     /**
0260      * Returns the list of MIME types that this service supports.
0261      * Note that this doesn't include inherited MIME types,
0262      * only the MIME types listed in the .desktop file.
0263      * @since 4.8.3
0264      */
0265     QStringList mimeTypes() const;
0267     /**
0268      * Returns the list of protocols this service supports.
0269      *
0270      * This is taken from the x-scheme-handler MIME types
0271      * listed in the .destkop file as well as the 'X-KDE-Protocols'
0272      * entry
0273      *
0274      * For example a web browser could return {"http", "https"}.
0275      * @since  5.104
0276      */
0277     QStringList supportedProtocols() const;
0280     /**
0281      * Returns the service types that this service supports.
0282      * @return the list of service types that are supported
0283      * Note that this doesn't include inherited servicetypes or MIME types,
0284      * only the service types listed in the .desktop file.
0285      *
0286      * @deprecated since 5.104, service types are deprecated. Read the
0287      * X-KDE-ServiceType[s] key manually if really needed.
0288      *
0289      */
0290     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 104, "Service Types are deprecated")
0291     QStringList serviceTypes() const;
0292 #endif
0295     /**
0296      * Checks whether the service supports this service type
0297      * @param serviceTypePtr The name of the service type you are
0298      *        interested in determining whether this service supports.
0299      *
0300      * @return true if the service type you specified is supported, otherwise false.
0301      *
0302      *       @deprecated since 5.104, service types are deprecated. Read the
0303      * X-KDE-ServiceType[s] key manually if really needed.
0304      */
0305     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 104, "Service Types are deprecated")
0306     bool hasServiceType(const QString &serviceTypePtr) const;
0307 #endif
0309     /**
0310      * Checks whether the service supports this MIME type
0311      * @param mimeType The name of the MIME type you are
0312      *        interested in determining whether this service supports.
0313      * @since 4.6
0314      */
0315     bool hasMimeType(const QString &mimeType) const;
0318     /**
0319      * Set to true if it is allowed to use this service as the default (main)
0320      * action for the files it supports (e.g. Left Click in a file manager, or KRun in general).
0321      *
0322      * If not, then this service is only available in RMB popups, so it must
0323      * be selected explicitly by the user in order to be used.
0324      * Note that servicemenus supersede this functionality though, at least in konqueror.
0325      *
0326      * @return true if the service may be used as the default (main) handler
0327      * @deprecated since 5.67 due to no known use case
0328      */
0329     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 67, "No known use case")
0330     bool allowAsDefault() const;
0331 #endif
0333     /**
0334      * Returns the actions defined in this desktop file
0335      */
0336     QList<KServiceAction> actions() const;
0338     /**
0339      * Checks whether this service can handle several files as
0340      * startup arguments.
0341      * @return true if multiple files may be passed to this service at
0342      * startup. False if only one file at a time may be passed.
0343      */
0344     bool allowMultipleFiles() const;
0346     /**
0347      * What preference to associate with this service initially (before
0348      * the user has had any chance to define a profile for it).
0349      * The bigger the value, the most preferred the service is.
0350      * @return the service preference level of the service
0351      */
0352     int initialPreference() const;
0354     /**
0355      * Whether the entry should be suppressed in the K menu.
0356      * @return true to suppress this service
0357      *
0358      * Such services still appear in trader queries, i.e. in
0359      * "Open With" popup menus for instance.
0360      */
0361     bool noDisplay() const;
0364     /**
0365      * Whether the service should be shown in KDE at all
0366      * (including in context menus).
0367      * @return true if the service should be shown.
0368      *
0369      * KMimeTypeTrader honors this and removes such services
0370      * from its results.
0371      *
0372      * @since 4.5
0373      * @deprecated since 5.0, use showInCurrentDesktop()
0374      */
0375     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 0, "Use KService::showInCurrentDesktop()")
0376     bool showInKDE() const
0377     {
0378         return showInCurrentDesktop();
0379     }
0380 #endif
0382     /**
0383      * Whether the service should be shown in the current desktop
0384      * (including in context menus).
0385      * @return true if the service should be shown.
0386      *
0387      * KApplicationTrader honors this and removes such services
0388      * from its results.
0389      *
0390      * @since 5.0
0391      */
0392     bool showInCurrentDesktop() const;
0394     /**
0395      * Whether the service should be shown on the current
0396      * platform (e.g. on xcb or on wayland).
0397      * @return true if the service should be shown
0398      *
0399      * @since 5.0
0400      */
0401     bool showOnCurrentPlatform() const;
0404     /**
0405      * Name of the application this service belongs to.
0406      * (Useful for e.g. plugins)
0407      * @return the parent application, or QString() if not set
0408      * @deprecated Since 5.87, the concept of parent apps is deprecated. Plugins should use KPluginMetaData instead of
0409      * KService and a dedicated namespace if the plugins are only for one app relevant.
0410      */
0411     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 87, "See API docs")
0412     QString parentApp() const;
0413 #endif
0416     /**
0417      * The keyword to be used when constructing the plugin using KPluginFactory. The keyword is
0418      * defined with X-KDE-PluginKeyword in the .desktop file and with registerPlugin<T>(keyword)
0419      * in the K_PLUGIN_FACTORY macro when implementing the plugin.
0420      * @deprecated Since 5.87, the metadata should be embedded in the actual plugin. Consequently
0421      * this property is obsolete. In case there is only one plugin in the library the usage is not needed.
0422      * In case there are different base classes registered the keyword is not needed too.
0423      * If there are multiple classes of a common base class registered they should be split up
0424      * in separate libs.
0425      */
0426     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 87, "See API docs")
0427     QString pluginKeyword() const;
0428 #endif
0430     /**
0431      * The path to the documentation for this service.
0432      * @since 4.2
0433      * @return the documentation path, or QString() if not set
0434      */
0435     QString docPath() const;
0438     /**
0439      * Returns the requested property.
0440      *
0441      * @param _name the name of the property
0442      * @param t the assumed type of the property
0443      * @return the property, or invalid if not found
0444      * @see KServiceType
0445      *
0446      * @deprecated since 5.102, use property(QString, QMetaType::Type) instead.
0447      */
0448     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 102, "Use property(QString, QMetaType::Type) instead")
0449     QVariant property(const QString &_name, QVariant::Type t) const;
0450 #endif
0452     /**
0453      * Returns the requested property.
0454      *
0455      * @param _name the name of the property
0456      * @param t the assumed type of the property
0457      * @return the property, or invalid if not found
0458      * @see KServiceType
0459      *
0460      * @since 5.102
0461      */
0462     QVariant property(const QString &_name, QMetaType::Type t) const;
0464     using KSycocaEntry::property;
0466     /**
0467      * Returns a path that can be used for saving changes to this
0468      * service
0469      * @return path that can be used for saving changes to this service
0470      */
0471     QString locateLocal() const;
0473     /**
0474      * @internal
0475      * Set the menu id
0476      */
0477     void setMenuId(const QString &menuId);
0478     /**
0479      * @internal
0480      * Sets whether to use a terminal or not
0481      */
0482     void setTerminal(bool b);
0483     /**
0484      * @internal
0485      * Sets the terminal options to use
0486      */
0487     void setTerminalOptions(const QString &options);
0489     /**
0490      * Overrides the "Exec=" line of the service.
0491      *
0492      * If @ref exec is not empty, its value will override the one
0493      * the one set when this service was created.
0494      *
0495      * Please note that @ref entryPath is also cleared so the service
0496      * will no longer be associated with a specific config file.
0497      *
0498      * @internal
0499      * @since 4.11
0500      */
0501     void setExec(const QString &exec);
0503     /**
0504      * Overrides the "Path=" line of the service.
0505      *
0506      * If @ref workingDir is not empty, its value will override the one
0507      * the one set when this service was created.
0508      *
0509      * Please note that @ref entryPath is also cleared so the service
0510      * will no longer be associated with a specific config file.
0511      *
0512      * @internal
0513      * @param workingDir
0514      * @since 5.79
0515      */
0516     void setWorkingDirectory(const QString &workingDir);
0518     /**
0519      * Find a service based on its path as returned by entryPath().
0520      * It's usually better to use serviceByStorageId() instead.
0521      *
0522      * @param _path the path of the configuration file
0523      * @return a pointer to the requested service or @c nullptr if the service is
0524      *         unknown.
0525      * @em Very @em important: Don't store the result in a KService* !
0526      */
0527     static Ptr serviceByDesktopPath(const QString &_path);
0529     /**
0530      * Find a service by the name of its desktop file, not depending on
0531      * its actual location (as long as it's under the applications or service
0532      * directories). For instance "konqbrowser" or "kcookiejar". Note that
0533      * the ".desktop" extension is implicit.
0534      *
0535      * This is the recommended method (safe even if the user moves stuff)
0536      * but note that it assumes that no two entries have the same filename.
0537      *
0538      * @param _name the name of the configuration file
0539      * @return a pointer to the requested service or @c nullptr if the service is
0540      *         unknown.
0541      * @em Very @em important: Don't store the result in a KService* !
0542      */
0543     static Ptr serviceByDesktopName(const QString &_name);
0545     /**
0546      * Find a service by its menu-id
0547      *
0548      * @param _menuId the menu id of the service
0549      * @return a pointer to the requested service or @c nullptr if the service is
0550      *         unknown.
0551      * @em Very @em important: Don't store the result in a KService* !
0552      */
0553     static Ptr serviceByMenuId(const QString &_menuId);
0555     /**
0556      * Find a service by its storage-id or desktop-file path. This
0557      * function will try very hard to find a matching service.
0558      *
0559      * @param _storageId the storage id or desktop-file path of the service
0560      * @return a pointer to the requested service or @c nullptr if the service is
0561      *         unknown.
0562      * @em Very @em important: Don't store the result in a KService* !
0563      */
0564     static Ptr serviceByStorageId(const QString &_storageId);
0566     /**
0567      * Returns the whole list of services.
0568      *
0569      *  Useful for being able to
0570      * to display them in a list box, for example.
0571      * More memory consuming than the ones above, don't use unless
0572      * really necessary.
0573      * @return the list of all services
0574      */
0575     static List allServices();
0577     /**
0578      * Returns a path that can be used to create a new KService based
0579      * on @p suggestedName.
0580      * @param showInMenu true, if the service should be shown in the KDE menu
0581      *        false, if the service should be hidden from the menu
0582      *        This argument isn't used anymore, use NoDisplay=true to hide the service.
0583      * @param suggestedName name to base the file on, if a service with such a
0584      *        name already exists, a suffix will be added to make it unique
0585      *        (e.g. foo.desktop, foo-1.desktop, foo-2.desktop).
0586      * @param menuId If provided, menuId will be set to the menu id to use for
0587      *        the KService
0588      * @param reservedMenuIds If provided, the path and menu id will be chosen
0589      *        in such a way that the new menu id does not conflict with any
0590      *        of the reservedMenuIds
0591      * @return The path to use for the new KService.
0592      */
0593     static QString newServicePath(bool showInMenu, const QString &suggestedName, QString *menuId = nullptr, const QStringList *reservedMenuIds = nullptr);
0597     /**
0598      * This template allows to load the library for the specified service and ask the
0599      * factory to create an instance of the given template type.
0600      *
0601      * @param parent The parent object (see QObject constructor)
0602      * @param args A list of arguments, passed to the factory and possibly
0603      *             to the component (see KPluginFactory)
0604      * @param error A pointer to QString which should receive the error description or @c nullptr
0605      *
0606      * @return A pointer to the newly created object or a null pointer if the
0607      *         factory was unable to create an object of the given type.
0608      *
0609      * @see KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin
0610      * @deprecated Since 5.86, Use KPluginMetaData/KPluginFactory or QPluginloader instead
0611      */
0612     template<class T>
0613     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "Use KPluginMetaData/KPluginFactory or QPluginloader instead")
0614     T *createInstance(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList(), QString *error = nullptr) const
0615     {
0616         return createInstance<T>(nullptr, parent, args, error);
0617     }
0618 #endif
0619 #endif
0623     /**
0624      * This template allows to load the library for the specified service and ask the
0625      * factory to create an instance of the given template type.
0626      *
0627      * @param parentWidget A parent widget for the service. This is used e. g. for parts
0628      * @param parent The parent object (see QObject constructor)
0629      * @param args A list of arguments, passed to the factory and possibly
0630      *             to the component (see KPluginFactory)
0631      * @param error A pointer to QString which should receive the error description or @c nullptr
0632      *
0633      * @return A pointer to the newly created object or a null pointer if the
0634      *         factory was unable to create an object of the given type.
0635      *
0636      * @see KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin
0637      * @deprecated Since 5.86, Use KPluginMetaData/KPluginFactory or QPluginloader instead
0638      */
0639     template<class T>
0640     KSERVICE_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "Use KPluginMetaData/KPluginFactory or QPluginloader instead")
0641     T *createInstance(QWidget *parentWidget, QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList(), QString *error = nullptr) const
0642     {
0643         QT_WARNING_PUSH
0645         KPluginLoader pluginLoader(*this);
0646         KPluginFactory *factory = pluginLoader.factory();
0647         if (factory) {
0648             QVariantList argsWithMetaData = args;
0649             argsWithMetaData << pluginLoader.metaData().toVariantMap();
0650             T *o = factory->template create<T>(parentWidget, parent, pluginKeyword(), argsWithMetaData);
0651             if (!o && error)
0652                 *error = QCoreApplication::translate("", "The service '%1' does not provide an interface '%2' with keyword '%3'")
0653                              .arg(name(), QString::fromLatin1(T::staticMetaObject.className()), pluginKeyword());
0654             return o;
0655         } else if (error) {
0656             *error = pluginLoader.errorString();
0657             pluginLoader.unload();
0658         }
0659         QT_WARNING_POP
0660         return nullptr;
0661     }
0662 #endif
0663 #endif
0667     /**
0668      * Convert this KService to a KPluginName.
0669      *
0670      * This allows expressions like
0671      * @code
0672      * KPluginLoader(service);
0673      * @endcode
0674      * which will use library() as the name of the plugin.  If the service
0675      * is not valid or does not have a library, KPluginLoader::errorString()
0676      * will be set appropriately.
0677      */
0678     operator KPluginName() const;
0679 #endif
0680 #endif
0682     /**
0683      * @brief A desktop file name that this service is an alias for.
0684      *
0685      * This is used when a NoDisplay service is used to enforce specific handling
0686      * for an application. In that case the NoDisplay service is an AliasFor another
0687      * service and be considered roughly equal to the AliasFor service (which should
0688      * not be NoDisplay=true)
0689      * For example okular supplies a desktop file for each supported format (e.g. PDF), all
0690      * of which NoDisplay and merely there to selectively support specific file formats.
0691      * A UI may choose to display the aliased entry org.kde.okular instead of the NoDisplay entries.
0692      *
0693      * @since 5.96
0694      *
0695      * @return QString desktopName of the aliased service (excluding .desktop suffix)
0696      */
0697     QString aliasFor() const;
0699 private:
0700     friend class KBuildServiceFactory;
0702     /// @internal for KBuildSycoca only
0703     struct KSERVICE_NO_EXPORT ServiceTypeAndPreference {
0704         ServiceTypeAndPreference()
0705             : preference(-1)
0706             , serviceType()
0707         {
0708         }
0709         ServiceTypeAndPreference(int pref, const QString &servType)
0710             : preference(pref)
0711             , serviceType(servType)
0712         {
0713         }
0714         int preference;
0715         QString serviceType; // or MIME type
0716     };
0717     /// @internal for KBuildSycoca only
0718     QVector<ServiceTypeAndPreference> &_k_accessServiceTypes();
0720     void setActions(const QList<KServiceAction> &actions);
0722     friend QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, ServiceTypeAndPreference &);
0723     friend QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const ServiceTypeAndPreference &);
0725     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KService)
0727     friend class KServiceFactory;
0729     /**
0730      * @internal
0731      * Construct a service from a stream.
0732      * The stream must already be positioned at the correct offset.
0733      */
0734     KSERVICE_NO_EXPORT KService(QDataStream &str, int offset);
0735 };
0736 #endif