Warning, /frameworks/kservice/docs/kbuildsycoca6/man-kbuildsycoca6.8.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here --> 0004 ]> 0005 0006 <refentry lang="&language;"> 0007 0008 <refentryinfo> 0009 <title>&kde-frameworks;: KService</title> 0010 <author> 0011 <firstname>Darian</firstname> 0012 <surname>Lanx</surname> 0013 <contrib>Wrote the original documentation.</contrib> 0014 <affiliation> 0015 <address><email>content@openprojects.net</email></address> 0016 </affiliation> 0017 </author> 0018 <author> 0019 <firstname>Alex</firstname> 0020 <surname>Merry</surname> 0021 <contrib>Updated the documentation for &kf5-full;.</contrib> 0022 <affiliation> 0023 <address><email>alexmerry@kde.org</email></address> 0024 </affiliation> 0025 </author> 0026 0027 <date>2015-09-17</date> 0028 <releaseinfo>Frameworks 5.15</releaseinfo> 0029 <productname>KDE Frameworks</productname> 0030 0031 </refentryinfo> 0032 0033 <refmeta> 0034 <refentrytitle><command>kbuildsycoca6</command></refentrytitle> 0035 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum> 0036 </refmeta> 0037 0038 <refnamediv> 0039 <refname><command>kbuildsycoca6</command></refname> 0040 <refpurpose>Rebuilds the KService desktop file system configuration cache</refpurpose> 0041 </refnamediv> 0042 0043 <refsynopsisdiv> 0044 <title>Synopsis</title> 0045 0046 <cmdsynopsis> 0047 <command>kbuildsycoca6</command> 0048 <group choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable class="option">OPTIONS</replaceable></group> 0049 </cmdsynopsis> 0050 0051 </refsynopsisdiv> 0052 0053 0054 0055 <refsect1> 0056 <title>Description</title> 0057 0058 <para> 0059 <command>kbuildsycoca6</command> builds binary cache of the data stored in 0060 <literal role="extension">.desktop</literal> and &MIME; type <literal 0061 role="extension">.xml</literal> files that the KService framework uses to find 0062 plugins, applications and other services. 0063 </para> 0064 0065 <para> 0066 The KService library uses this database to efficiently provide the information 0067 requested of it. 0068 </para> 0069 0070 <para> 0071 Users do not normally need to run this application directly; KService will run 0072 it if necessary, when any of the files whose data is cached are changed. 0073 </para> 0074 </refsect1> 0075 0076 0077 0078 <refsect1> 0079 <title>Options</title> 0080 <variablelist> 0081 0082 <varlistentry> 0083 <term><option>--global</option></term> 0084 <listitem> 0085 <para>Ignores any user-set files (in <varname>XDG_DATA_HOME</varname>). This is currently only supported on &UNIX; systems.</para> 0086 </listitem> 0087 </varlistentry> 0088 0089 <varlistentry> 0090 <term><option>--noincremental</option></term> 0091 <listitem> 0092 <para>Rather than using the existing cache and only updating the information that has changed or been added, start with an empty cache. Ignored if <option>--global</option> is set.</para> 0093 </listitem> 0094 </varlistentry> 0095 0096 <varlistentry> 0097 <term><option>--menutest</option></term> 0098 <listitem> 0099 <para>Test the generation of the application menu database. Does not actually build the cache.</para> 0100 </listitem> 0101 </varlistentry> 0102 0103 <varlistentry> 0104 <term><option>--testmode</option></term> 0105 <listitem> 0106 <para>Use the QStandardPaths "test mode" to avoid interfering with user data. This is intended for use with unit tests.</para> 0107 </listitem> 0108 </varlistentry> 0109 0110 <varlistentry> 0111 <term><option>--track <replaceable>menu-id</replaceable></option></term> 0112 <listitem> 0113 <para>Track a menu ID for debugging.</para> 0114 </listitem> 0115 </varlistentry> 0116 0117 <varlistentry> 0118 <term><option>--author</option></term> 0119 <listitem> 0120 <para> 0121 Show author information. 0122 </para> 0123 </listitem> 0124 </varlistentry> 0125 0126 <varlistentry> 0127 <term><option>--license</option></term> 0128 <listitem> 0129 <para> 0130 Show license information. 0131 </para> 0132 </listitem> 0133 </varlistentry> 0134 0135 <varlistentry> 0136 <term><option>-h, --help</option></term> 0137 <listitem> 0138 <para> 0139 Show a brief help text. 0140 </para> 0141 </listitem> 0142 </varlistentry> 0143 0144 <varlistentry> 0145 <term><option>-v , --version</option></term> 0146 <listitem> 0147 <para> 0148 Show version information. 0149 </para> 0150 </listitem> 0151 </varlistentry> 0152 0153 </variablelist> 0154 </refsect1> 0155 0156 0157 0158 <refsect1> 0159 <title>Files</title> 0160 <variablelist> 0161 <varlistentry> 0162 <term><filename><varname>cachedir</varname>/ksycoca6_[lang]_[sha1-of-dirs]</filename></term> 0163 <listitem> 0164 <para>The KService cache generated by <command>kbuildsycoca6</command>. On &UNIX; systems, <varname>cachedir</varname> 0165 is typically <filename class="directory"><envar>XDG_CACHE_HOME</envar></filename>.</para> 0166 </listitem> 0167 </varlistentry> 0168 </variablelist> 0169 </refsect1> 0170 0171 0172 0173 <refsect1> 0174 <title>See Also</title> 0175 <para> 0176 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>kded5</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>, 0177 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>kdeinit5</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 0178 </para> 0179 </refsect1> 0180 0181 0182 0183 <refsect1> 0184 <title>Bugs</title> 0185 <para>Please use <ulink url="https://bugs.kde.org">&kde;'s bugtracker</ulink> to report bugs.</para> 0186 </refsect1> 0187 0188 </refentry> 0189 0190 0191