Warning, /frameworks/kross/autotests/qtstest.es is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // #!/usr/bin/env kross
0003 /*
0004     This function does print some general information about
0005     Kross to stdout.
0006 */
0007 function printInfos()
0008 {
0009     function inspect(v) {
0010         var items = new Array();
0011         for(i in v)
0012             items.push(i);
0013         return items;
0014     }
0016     // print the items the Kross object provides
0017     print(Kross + " [" + inspect(Kross) + "]\n");
0019     // print the items the Kross.self object provides
0020     //print(Kross.self + " [" + inspect(Kross.self) + "]\n");
0022     // print the list of supported interpreters
0023     print("interpreters=" + Kross.interpreters() + "\n");
0024 }
0026 /*
0027     This function does execute Python scripting code using
0028     the Kross Scripting Framework.
0029 */
0030 function executePythonCode(PythonScriptCode)
0031 {
0032     // create an action-instance which is our script
0033     var action = Kross.action("MyPythonScript");
0034     // publish our action instance as "MyAction"
0035     action.addQObject(action, "MyAction");
0036     // set the name of the used interpreter.
0037     action.setInterpreter("python");
0039     // set the python scripting code we like to execute.
0040     //action.setCode( Kross.QByteArray(PythonScriptCode) );
0041     action.setCode( PythonScriptCode );
0043     // finally execute the script
0044     action.trigger();
0045 }
0047 /*
0048     This function does execute a Python scripting file using
0049     the Kross Scripting Framework.
0050 */
0051 function executePythonFile(PythonFileName)
0052 {
0053     // create an action-instance which is our script
0054     var action = Kross.action(PythonFileName);
0055     // publish our action instance as "MyAction"
0056     action.addQObject(action, "MyAction");
0057     // set the scripting file that should be executed
0058     action.setFile(PythonFileName);
0059     // finally execute the script
0060     action.trigger();
0061 }
0063 /*
0064     This function does show a dialog using the Kross forms-module
0065     shipped together with kross in kdelibs. The forms module does
0066     provide us some high-level functionality like KPageDialog,
0067     KFileWidget and the UI-loader. All the functionality provided
0068     within that module is accessible from within all supported
0069     scripting languages.
0070 */
0071 function showKrossForms()
0072 {
0073     var krossforms = Kross.module("forms");
0074     var dialog = krossforms.createDialog("My Dialog");
0075     dialog.setButtons("Ok|Cancel");
0076     dialog.setFaceType("List"); //Auto Plain List Tree Tabbed
0077     var mypage = dialog.addPage("My Page","This is my page","document-save");
0078     var lst = new QListWidget(mypage);
0079     var btn = new QPushButton(mypage);
0080     dialog.exec_loop();
0081 }
0083 /*
0084     This function does show a dialog using the QtScript
0085     functionality.
0086 */
0087 function showDialog()
0088 {
0089     var dialog = new QDialog();
0090     layout = new QVBoxLayout(dialog);
0092     var otherlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
0093     var brw = new QTextBrowser(dialog);
0094     brw.html = "Some <b>HTML</b> text";
0095     otherlayout.addWidget(brw);
0096     var lst = new QListWidget(dialog);
0097     otherlayout.addWidget(lst);
0098     layout.addLayout(otherlayout);
0100     var gridlayout = new QGridLayout();
0101     var lbl = new QLabel(dialog);
0102     lbl.text = "First Label";
0103     gridlayout.addWidget(lbl, 0, 0);
0104     var btn = new QPushButton(dialog);
0105     btn.text = "First Button";
0106     gridlayout.addWidget(btn, 0, 1);
0107     var lbl = new QLabel(dialog);
0108     lbl.text = "Second Label";
0109     gridlayout.addWidget(lbl, 1, 0);
0110     var btn = new QPushButton(dialog);
0111     btn.text = "Second Button";
0112     gridlayout.addWidget(btn, 1, 1);
0113     layout.addLayout(gridlayout);
0115     dialog.exec();
0116 }
0118 printInfos();
0119 executePythonCode("import MyAction ; print 'This is Python. name=>',MyAction.name()");
0120 //executePythonFile("/home/kde4/svn/_src/kdelibs/kross/ext/test.py");
0121 showKrossForms();
0122 //showDialog();