File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 07:51:58

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE project
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Simon Hausmann <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 David Faure <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0012 #include <kparts/openurlarguments.h>
0013 #include <kparts/readonlypart.h>
0015 #include <memory>
0017 #include <QAction>
0018 #include <qplatformdefs.h> //mode_t
0020 template<class Key, class T>
0021 class QMap;
0022 template<typename T>
0023 class QList;
0025 class KFileItem;
0026 class KFileItemList;
0027 class QDataStream;
0028 class QPoint;
0030 namespace KParts
0031 {
0032 class NavigationExtensionPrivate;
0034 /**
0035  * @class NavigationExtension navigationextension.h <KParts/NavigationExtension>
0036  *
0037  * @short An extension to  KParts::ReadOnlyPart, which allows a better integration of parts
0038  * with browsers (in particular Konqueror).
0039  *
0040  * Remember that ReadOnlyPart only has openUrl(QUrl) and a few arguments() but not much more.
0041  * For full-fledged browsing, we need much more than that, including
0042  * enabling/disabling of standard actions (print, copy, paste...),
0043  * allowing parts to save and restore their data into the back/forward history,
0044  * allowing parts to control the location bar URL, to requests URLs
0045  * to be opened by the hosting browser, etc.
0046  *
0047  * The part developer needs to define its own class derived from BrowserExtension,
0048  * to implement the virtual methods [and the standard-actions slots, see below].
0049  *
0050  * The way to associate the BrowserExtension with the part is to simply
0051  * create the BrowserExtension as a child of the part (in QObject's terms).
0052  * The hosting application will look for it automatically.
0053  *
0054  * Another aspect of the browser integration is that a set of standard
0055  * actions are provided by the browser, but implemented by the part
0056  * (for the actions it supports).
0057  *
0058  * The following standard actions are defined by the host of the view:
0059  *
0060  * [selection-dependent actions]
0061  * @li @p cut : Copy selected items to clipboard and store 'not cut' in clipboard.
0062  * @li @p copy : Copy selected items to clipboard and store 'cut' in clipboard.
0063  * @li @p paste : Paste clipboard into view URL.
0064  * @li @p pasteTo(const QUrl &) : Paste clipboard into given URL.
0065  * @li @p searchProvider : Lookup selected text at default search provider
0066  *
0067  * [normal actions]
0068  * @li None anymore.
0069  *
0070  *
0071  * The view defines a slot with the name of the action in order to implement the action.
0072  * The browser will detect the slot automatically and connect its action to it when
0073  * appropriate (i.e. when the view is active).
0074  *
0075  *
0076  * The selection-dependent actions are disabled by default and the view should
0077  * enable them when the selection changes, emitting enableAction().
0078  *
0079  * The normal actions do not depend on the selection.
0080  *
0081  * A special case is the configuration slots, not connected to any action directly.
0082  *
0083  * [configuration slot]
0084  * @li @p reparseConfiguration : Re-read configuration and apply it.
0085  * @li @p disableScrolling: no scrollbars
0086  */
0087 class KPARTS_EXPORT NavigationExtension : public QObject
0088 {
0089     Q_OBJECT
0090     Q_PROPERTY(bool urlDropHandling READ isURLDropHandlingEnabled WRITE setURLDropHandlingEnabled)
0091 public:
0092     /**
0093      * Constructor
0094      *
0095      * @param parent The KParts::ReadOnlyPart that this extension ... "extends" :)
0096      */
0097     explicit NavigationExtension(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *parent);
0099     ~NavigationExtension() override;
0101     /**
0102      * Set of flags passed via the popupMenu signal, to ask for some items in the popup menu.
0103      * @see PopupFlags
0104      */
0105     enum PopupFlag {
0106         DefaultPopupItems = 0x0000, /**< default value, no additional menu item */
0107         ShowBookmark = 0x0008, /**< show "add to bookmarks" (usually not done on the local filesystem) */
0108         ShowCreateDirectory = 0x0010, /**<  show "create directory" (usually only done on the background of the view, or
0109                                        *                      in hierarchical views like directory trees, where the new dir would be visible) */
0110         ShowTextSelectionItems = 0x0020, /**< set when selecting text, for a popup that only contains text-related items. */
0111         NoDeletion = 0x0040, /**< deletion, trashing and renaming not allowed (e.g. parent dir not writeable).
0112                               *            (this is only needed if the protocol itself supports deletion, unlike e.g. HTTP) */
0113         IsLink = 0x0080, /**< show "Bookmark This Link" and other link-related actions (linkactions merging group) */
0114         ShowUrlOperations = 0x0100, /**< show copy, paste, as well as cut if NoDeletion is not set. */
0115         ShowProperties = 0x200, /**< show "Properties" action (usually done by directory views) */
0116     };
0118     /**
0119      * Stores a combination of #PopupFlag values.
0120      */
0121     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PopupFlags, PopupFlag)
0123     /**
0124      * Returns the current x offset.
0125      *
0126      * For a scrollview, implement this using contentsX().
0127      */
0128     virtual int xOffset();
0129     /**
0130      * Returns the current y offset.
0131      *
0132      * For a scrollview, implement this using contentsY().
0133      */
0134     virtual int yOffset();
0136     /**
0137      * Used by the browser to save the current state of the view
0138      * (in order to restore it if going back in navigation).
0139      *
0140      * If you want to save additional properties, reimplement it
0141      * but don't forget to call the parent method (probably first).
0142      */
0143     virtual void saveState(QDataStream &stream);
0145     /**
0146      * Used by the browser to restore the view in the state
0147      * it was when we left it.
0148      *
0149      * If you saved additional properties, reimplement it
0150      * but don't forget to call the parent method (probably first).
0151      */
0152     virtual void restoreState(QDataStream &stream);
0154     /**
0155      * Returns whether url drop handling is enabled.
0156      * See setURLDropHandlingEnabled for more information about this
0157      * property.
0158      */
0159     bool isURLDropHandlingEnabled() const;
0161     /**
0162      * Enables or disables url drop handling. URL drop handling is a property
0163      * describing whether the hosting shell component is allowed to install an
0164      * event filter on the part's widget, to listen for URI drop events.
0165      * Set it to true if you are exporting a BrowserExtension implementation and
0166      * do not provide any special URI drop handling. If set to false you can be
0167      * sure to receive all those URI drop events unfiltered. Also note that the
0168      * implementation as of Konqueror installs the event filter only on the part's
0169      * widget itself, not on child widgets.
0170      */
0171     void setURLDropHandlingEnabled(bool enable);
0173     /**
0174      * @return the status (enabled/disabled) of an action.
0175      * When the enableAction signal is emitted, the browserextension
0176      * stores the status of the action internally, so that it's possible
0177      * to query later for the status of the action, using this method.
0178      */
0179     bool isActionEnabled(const char *name) const;
0181     /**
0182      * @return the text of an action, if it was set explicitly by the part.
0183      * When the setActionText signal is emitted, the browserextension
0184      * stores the text of the action internally, so that it's possible
0185      * to query later for the text of the action, using this method.
0186      */
0187     QString actionText(const char *name) const;
0189     typedef QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> ActionSlotMap;
0191     /**
0192      * Returns a pointer to the static map containing the action names as keys and corresponding
0193      * SLOT()'ified method names as data entries.
0194      * The map is created if it doesn't exist yet.
0195      *
0196      * This is very useful for
0197      * the host component, when connecting the own signals with the
0198      * extension's slots.
0199      * Basically you iterate over the map, check if the extension implements
0200      * the slot and connect to the slot using the data value of your map
0201      * iterator.
0202      * Checking if the extension implements a certain slot can be done like this:
0203      *
0204      * \code
0205      *   extension->metaObject()->slotNames().contains( actionName + "()" )
0206      * \endcode
0207      *
0208      * (note that @p actionName is the iterator's key value if already
0209      *  iterating over the action slot map, returned by this method)
0210      *
0211      * Connecting to the slot can be done like this:
0212      *
0213      * \code
0214      *   connect( yourObject, SIGNAL( yourSignal() ),
0215      *            extension, )
0216      * \endcode
0217      *
0218      * (where "mapIterator" is your ActionSlotMap iterator)
0219      */
0220     static ActionSlotMap *actionSlotMap();
0222     /**
0223      * Queries @p obj for a child object which inherits from this
0224      * BrowserExtension class. Convenience method.
0225      */
0226     static NavigationExtension *childObject(QObject *obj);
0228     /**
0229      * Asks the hosting browser to perform a paste (using openUrlRequestDelayed())
0230      */
0231     void pasteRequest();
0233     /**
0234      * Associates a list of actions with a predefined name known by the host's popupmenu:
0235      * "editactions" for actions related text editing,
0236      * "linkactions" for actions related to hyperlinks,
0237      * "partactions" for any other actions provided by the part
0238      */
0239     typedef QMap<QString, QList<QAction *>> ActionGroupMap;
0242     /**
0243      * Enables or disable a standard action held by the browser.
0244      *
0245      * See class documentation for the list of standard actions.
0246      */
0247     void enableAction(const char *name, bool enabled);
0249     /**
0250      * Change the text of a standard action held by the browser.
0251      * This can be used to change "Paste" into "Paste Image" for instance.
0252      *
0253      * See class documentation for the list of standard actions.
0254      */
0255     void setActionText(const char *name, const QString &text);
0257     /**
0258      * Asks the host (browser) to open @p url.
0259      * To set a reload, the x and y offsets, the service type etc., fill in the
0260      * appropriate fields in the @p args structure.
0261      * Hosts should not connect to this signal but to openUrlRequestDelayed().
0262      */
0263     void openUrlRequest(const QUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &arguments = KParts::OpenUrlArguments());
0265     /**
0266      * This signal is emitted when openUrlRequest() is called, after a 0-seconds timer.
0267      * This allows the caller to terminate what it's doing first, before (usually)
0268      * being destroyed. Parts should never use this signal, hosts should only connect
0269      * to this signal.
0270      */
0271     void openUrlRequestDelayed(const QUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &arguments);
0273     /**
0274      * Tells the hosting browser that the part opened a new URL (which can be
0275      * queried via KParts::Part::url().
0276      *
0277      * This helps the browser to update/create an entry in the history.
0278      * The part may @em not emit this signal together with openUrlRequest().
0279      * Emit openUrlRequest() if you want the browser to handle a URL the user
0280      * asked to open (from within your part/document). This signal however is
0281      * useful if you want to handle URLs all yourself internally, while still
0282      * telling the hosting browser about new opened URLs, in order to provide
0283      * a proper history functionality to the user.
0284      * An example of usage is a html rendering component which wants to emit
0285      * this signal when a child frame document changed its URL.
0286      * Conclusion: you probably want to use openUrlRequest() instead.
0287      */
0288     void openUrlNotify();
0290     /**
0291      * Updates the URL shown in the browser's location bar to @p url.
0292      */
0293     void setLocationBarUrl(const QString &url);
0295     /**
0296      * Sets the URL of an icon for the currently displayed page.
0297      */
0298     void setIconUrl(const QUrl &url);
0300     /**
0301      * Asks the hosting browser to open a new window for the given @p url
0302      * and return a reference to the content part.
0303      */
0304     void createNewWindow(const QUrl &url);
0306     /**
0307      * Since the part emits the jobid in the started() signal,
0308      * progress information is automatically displayed.
0309      *
0310      * However, if you don't use a KIO::Job in the part,
0311      * you can use loadingProgress() and speedProgress()
0312      * to display progress information.
0313      */
0314     void loadingProgress(int percent);
0315     /**
0316      * @see loadingProgress
0317      */
0318     void speedProgress(int bytesPerSecond);
0320     void infoMessage(const QString &);
0322     /**
0323      * Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu for the files @p items.
0324      *
0325      * @param global global coordinates where the popup should be shown
0326      * @param items list of file items which the popup applies to
0327      * @param args OpenUrlArguments, mostly for metadata here
0328      * @param flags enables/disables certain builtin actions in the popupmenu
0329      * @param actionGroups named groups of actions which should be inserted into the popup, see ActionGroupMap
0330      */
0331     void popupMenu(const QPoint &global,
0332                    const KFileItemList &items,
0333                    const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &arguments = KParts::OpenUrlArguments(),
0334                    KParts::NavigationExtension::PopupFlags flags = KParts::NavigationExtension::DefaultPopupItems,
0335                    const KParts::NavigationExtension::ActionGroupMap &actionGroups = ActionGroupMap());
0337     /**
0338      * Emit this to make the browser show a standard popup menu for the given @p url.
0339      *
0340      * Give as much information about this URL as possible,
0341      * like @p args.mimeType and the file type @p mode
0342      *
0343      * @param global global coordinates where the popup should be shown
0344      * @param url the URL this popup applies to
0345      * @param mode the file type of the url (S_IFREG, S_IFDIR...)
0346      * @param args OpenUrlArguments, set the mimetype of the URL using setMimeType()
0347      * @param flags enables/disables certain builtin actions in the popupmenu
0348      * @param actionGroups named groups of actions which should be inserted into the popup, see ActionGroupMap
0349      */
0350     void popupMenu(const QPoint &global,
0351                    const QUrl &url,
0352                    mode_t mode = static_cast<mode_t>(-1),
0353                    const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &arguments = KParts::OpenUrlArguments(),
0354                    KParts::NavigationExtension::PopupFlags flags = KParts::NavigationExtension::DefaultPopupItems,
0355                    const KParts::NavigationExtension::ActionGroupMap &actionGroups = ActionGroupMap());
0357     /**
0358      * Inform the hosting application about the current selection.
0359      * Used when a set of files/URLs is selected (with full information
0360      * about those URLs, including size, permissions etc.)
0361      */
0362     void selectionInfo(const KFileItemList &items);
0364     /**
0365      * Inform the hosting application that the user moved the mouse over an item.
0366      * Used when the mouse is on an URL.
0367      */
0368     void mouseOverInfo(const KFileItem &item);
0370     /**
0371      * Ask the hosting application to add a new HTML (aka Mozilla/Netscape)
0372      * SideBar entry.
0373      */
0374     void addWebSideBar(const QUrl &url, const QString &name);
0376     /**
0377      * Ask the hosting application to move the top level widget.
0378      */
0379     void moveTopLevelWidget(int x, int y);
0381     /**
0382      * Ask the hosting application to resize the top level widget.
0383      */
0384     void resizeTopLevelWidget(int w, int h);
0386     /**
0387      * Ask the hosting application to focus @p part.
0388      */
0389     void requestFocus(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part);
0391     /**
0392      * Tell the host (browser) about security state of current page
0393      * enum PageSecurity { NotCrypted, Encrypted, Mixed };
0394      */
0395     void setPageSecurity(int);
0397     /**
0398      * Inform the host about items that have been removed.
0399      */
0400     void itemsRemoved(const KFileItemList &items);
0402 private Q_SLOTS:
0403     KPARTS_NO_EXPORT void slotOpenUrlRequest(const QUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &arguments = KParts::OpenUrlArguments());
0405     KPARTS_NO_EXPORT void slotEmitOpenUrlRequestDelayed();
0406     KPARTS_NO_EXPORT void slotEnableAction(const char *, bool);
0407     KPARTS_NO_EXPORT void slotSetActionText(const char *, const QString &);
0409 public:
0410     typedef QMap<QByteArray, int> ActionNumberMap;
0412 private:
0413     std::unique_ptr<NavigationExtensionPrivate> const d;
0414 };
0416 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(NavigationExtension::PopupFlags)
0418 }
0420 #endif