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0001 ## KF6 Porting notes
0003 ### Plugin registration
0005 In KPluginFactory the `registerPlugin(QWidget *parentWidget, QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)` method was removed in favor of
0006 `registerPlugin(QWidget *parentWidget, QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args)`.
0007 You should adjust your constructors accordingly and pass in the `KPluginMetaData` object to the KParts-superclass you are extending.
0009 Also, you are allowed to remove the `const QVariantList &args` constructor parameter, in case your part does not have any logic using it.
0011 ### Part::setMetaData
0012 This method was removed in favor of passing the KPluginMetaData object directly into the constructor of the KParts baseclass.
0014 ### BrowserExtension
0016 This class was renamed to NavigationExtension, because it is not limited to web browsing.
0017 `ReadOnlyPart::browserExtension` was consequently renamed to `ReadOnlyPart::navigationExtension`.
0019 ### Events
0020 The `KParts::Event` baseclass was removed in favor of events extending `QEvent` directly. The static `::test` methods stay the same, but use `QEvent::Type` internally.
0021 In case you want to port event subclasses generate an ID using `shuf -i1000-65535 -n 1`.