File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 12:20:44

0001 /*
0002     knewstuff3/errorcode.h.
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0006 */
0011 #include "knewstuffcore_export.h"
0012 #include <qobjectdefs.h>
0014 namespace KNSCore
0015 {
0017     /**
0018      * An enumeration of specific error conditions which might occur and which
0019      * users of KNewStuff would want to react to. It is used by both the Engine and
0020      * Provider classes.
0021      * @since 5.53
0022      * TODO: KF6 do not repeat entry properties in the QVariantList
0023      */
0024     enum ErrorCode {
0025         UnknownError, ///< An unknown error (this should not be used, an error report of this nature should be considered a bug)
0026         NetworkError, ///< A network error. In signalErrorCode, this will be accompanied by the QtNetwork error code in the metadata
0027         OcsError, ///< An error reported by the OCS API server. In signalErrorCode, this will be accompanied by the OCS error code in the metadata
0028         ConfigFileError, ///< The configuration file is missing or somehow incorrect. The configuration file filename will be held in the metadata
0029         ProviderError, ///< A provider has failed to load or initialize. The provider file URL or provider URL will be held in the metadata
0030         InstallationError, ///< Installation of a content item has failed. If known, the entry's unique ID will be the metadata
0031         ImageError, ///< Loading an image has failed. The entry name and preview type which failed will be held in the metadata as a QVariantList
0032         AdoptionError, ///< Adopting one entry has failed. The adoption command will be in the metadata as a QVariantList.
0033         TryAgainLaterError, ///< Specific error condition for failed network calls which explicitly request an amount of time to wait before retrying (generally
0034                             ///< interpreted as maintenance). The retry will be scheduled automatically, and this code can be used to show the user how long
0035                             ///< they have to wait. The time after which the user can try again can be read as a QDateTime in the metadata. @since 5.84
0036     };
0037 Q_ENUM_NS(ErrorCode)
0038 }
0039 #endif // KNSCORE_ERRORCODE_H