Warning, /frameworks/kjs/src/kjs/keywords.table is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # main keywords
0002 @begin mainTable 41
0004 # types
0005 null            NULLTOKEN
0006 true            TRUETOKEN
0007 false           FALSETOKEN
0009 # keywords
0010 break           BREAK
0011 case            CASE
0012 catch           CATCH
0013 const           CONSTTOKEN
0014 default         DEFAULT
0015 finally         FINALLY
0016 for             FOR
0017 import          IMPORT
0018 instanceof      INSTANCEOF
0019 new             NEW
0020 var             VAR
0021 continue        CONTINUE
0022 function        FUNCTION
0023 return          RETURN
0024 void            VOIDTOKEN
0025 delete          DELETETOKEN
0026 if              IF
0027 this            THISTOKEN
0028 do              DO
0029 while           WHILE
0030 else            ELSE
0031 in              INTOKEN
0032 switch          SWITCH
0033 throw           THROW
0034 try             TRY
0035 typeof          TYPEOF
0036 with            WITH
0037 debugger        DEBUGGER
0039 # reserved for future use
0040 enum            RESERVED
0041 export          RESERVED
0042 extends         RESERVED
0043 super           RESERVED
0045 # these words are reserved for future use in the ECMA spec, but not in WinIE
0046 # (see http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6179)
0047 # abstract      RESERVED
0048 # boolean       RESERVED
0049 # byte          RESERVED
0050 # char          RESERVED
0051 # class         RESERVED
0052 # double        RESERVED
0053 # final         RESERVED
0054 # float         RESERVED
0055 # goto          RESERVED
0056 # implements    RESERVED
0057 # int           RESERVED
0058 # interface     RESERVED
0059 # long          RESERVED
0060 # native        RESERVED
0061 # package       RESERVED
0062 # private       RESERVED
0063 # protected     RESERVED
0064 # public        RESERVED
0065 # short         RESERVED
0066 # static        RESERVED
0067 # synchronized  RESERVED
0068 # throws        RESERVED
0069 # transient     RESERVED
0070 # volatile      RESERVED
0071 @end