Warning, /frameworks/kirigami/autotests/tst_placeholdermessage.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 ivan tkachenko <me@ratijas.tk>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0009 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0010 import QtTest
0012 TestCase {
0013     id: root
0015     name: "PlaceholderMessageTest"
0016     visible: true
0017     when: windowShown
0019     width: 300
0020     height: 300
0022     Component {
0023         id: placeholderMessageComponent
0024         Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage {
0025             id: message
0027             anchors.centerIn: parent
0028             width: parent.width - (Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing * 4)
0030             readonly property SignalSpy linkHoveredSpy: SignalSpy {
0031                 target: message
0032                 signalName: "linkHovered"
0033             }
0034             readonly property SignalSpy linkActivatedSpy: SignalSpy {
0035                 target: message
0036                 signalName: "linkActivated"
0037             }
0038         }
0039     }
0041     Component {
0042         id: helpfulMessageComponent
0043         Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage {
0044             id: message
0046             property int count: 0
0048             anchors.centerIn: parent
0049             width: parent.width - (Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing * 4)
0051             helpfulAction: QQC2.Action {
0052                 onTriggered: {
0053                     message.count += 1
0054                 }
0055             }
0056         }
0057     }
0059     function hoverAll(item: Item, /*predicate: (x, y) => bool*/ until) {
0060         for (let x = 0; x < item.width; x += 10) {
0061             for (let y = 0; y < item.height; y += 10) {
0062                 mouseMove(item, x, y);
0063                 if (until(x, y)) {
0064                     return Qt.point(x, y);
0065                 }
0066             }
0067         }
0068         return null;
0069     }
0071     function test_link() {
0072         skip("finding links by sweeping with the mouse cursor all over the place seems very unreliable, especially on FreeBSD and Windows TODO: find a better way to find links")
0073         const href = "some";
0074         const message = createTemporaryObject(placeholderMessageComponent, this, {
0075             text: "Attention!",
0076             explanation: `<a href="${href}">link</a>`,
0077         });
0078         verify(message);
0079         verify(message.linkHoveredSpy.valid);
0080         verify(message.linkActivatedSpy.valid);
0082         const point = hoverAll(message, (x, y) => message.hoveredLink === href);
0083         verify(point !== null);
0084         compare(message.linkHoveredSpy.count, 1);
0085         const hoveredLink = message.linkHoveredSpy.signalArguments[0][0];
0086         compare(hoveredLink, href);
0088         mouseClick(message, point.x, point.y);
0089         compare(message.linkActivatedSpy.count, 1);
0090         const activatedLink = message.linkActivatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0];
0091         compare(activatedLink, href);
0092     }
0094     function test_action() {
0095         const message = createTemporaryObject(helpfulMessageComponent, this, {
0096             text: "Attention!",
0097         });
0098         const point = hoverAll(message, (x, y) => {
0099             mouseClick(message, x, y);
0100             return message.count > 0;
0101         });
0102         verify(point !== null);
0103         compare(message.count, 1);
0104     }
0106     function test_disabled_action() {
0107         const message = createTemporaryObject(helpfulMessageComponent, this, {
0108             text: "Attention!",
0109         });
0110         message.helpfulAction.enabled = false;
0111         const point = hoverAll(message, (x, y) => {
0112             mouseClick(message, x, y);
0113             return message.count > 0;
0114         });
0115         verify(point === null);
0116         compare(message.count, 0);
0117     }
0119     function test_null_action() {
0120         const message = createTemporaryObject(helpfulMessageComponent, this, {
0121             text: "Attention!",
0122             helpfulAction: null,
0123         });
0124         const point = hoverAll(message, (x, y) => {
0125             mouseClick(message, x, y);
0126             return message.count > 0;
0127         });
0128         verify(point === null);
0129         compare(message.count, 0);
0130     }
0131 }