Warning, /frameworks/kirigami/autotests/pagepool/tst_pagepool.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Mason McParlane <mtmcp@outlook.com>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Controls
0009 import QtQuick.Window
0010 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0011 import QtTest
0013 TestCase {
0014     id: testCase
0015     width: 400
0016     height: 400
0017     name: "PagePool"
0019     function initTestCase() {
0020         mainWindow.show()
0021     }
0023     function cleanupTestCase() {
0024         mainWindow.close()
0025     }
0027     function applicationWindow() { return mainWindow; }
0029     Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
0030         id: mainWindow
0031         width: 480
0032         height: 360
0033     }
0035     Kirigami.PagePool {
0036         id: pool
0037     }
0039     function init() {
0040         mainWindow.pageStack.clear()
0041         pool.clear()
0042     }
0044     // Queries added to page URLs ensure the PagePool can
0045     // have multiple instances of TestPage.qml
0047     Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0048         id: loadPageAction
0049         pagePool: pool
0050         pageStack: mainWindow.pageStack
0051         page: "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageAction"
0052     }
0054     function test_loadPage () {
0055         var expectedUrl = "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageAction"
0056         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 0)
0057         loadPageAction.trigger()
0058         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 1)
0059         verify(pool.lastLoadedUrl.toString().endsWith(expectedUrl))
0060         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.currentItem.title, "INITIAL TITLE")
0061     }
0063     Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0064         id: loadPageActionWithProps
0065         pagePool: pool
0066         pageStack: mainWindow.pageStack
0067         page: "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageActionWithProps"
0068         initialProperties: {
0069             return {title: "NEW TITLE" }
0070         }
0071     }
0073     function test_loadPageInitialPropertyOverride () {
0074         var expectedUrl = "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageActionWithProps"
0075         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 0)
0076         loadPageActionWithProps.trigger()
0077         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 1)
0078         verify(pool.lastLoadedUrl.toString().endsWith(expectedUrl))
0079         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.currentItem.title, "NEW TITLE")
0080         compare(pool.lastLoadedItem.title, "NEW TITLE")
0081     }
0083     Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0084         id: loadPageActionPropsNotObject
0085         pagePool: pool
0086         pageStack: mainWindow.pageStack
0087         page: "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageActionPropsNotObject"
0088         initialProperties: "This is a string not an object..."
0089     }
0091     function test_loadPageInitialPropertiesWrongType () {
0092         ignoreWarning("initialProperties must be of type object")
0093         var expectedUrl = "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageAction"
0094         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 0)
0095         loadPageAction.trigger()
0096         loadPageActionPropsNotObject.trigger()
0097         compare(mainWindow.pageStack.depth, 1)
0098         verify(pool.lastLoadedUrl.toString().endsWith(expectedUrl))
0099     }
0101     Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0102         id: loadPageActionPropDoesNotExist
0103         pagePool: pool
0104         pageStack: mainWindow.pageStack
0105         page: "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageActionPropDoesNotExist"
0106         initialProperties: {
0107             return { propDoesNotExist: "PROP-NON-EXISTENT" }
0108         }
0109     }
0111     function test_loadPageInitialPropertyNotExistFails () {
0112         ignoreWarning(/.*Setting initial properties failed: TestPage does not have a property called propDoesNotExist/)
0113         var expectedUrl = "TestPage.qml?action=loadPageActionPropDoesNotExist"
0114         loadPageActionPropDoesNotExist.trigger()
0115         verify(pool.lastLoadedUrl.toString().endsWith(expectedUrl))
0116     }
0118     function test_contains () {
0119         const page = "TestPage.qml?action=contains"
0120         let item = pool.loadPage(page)
0121         verify(item !== null, "valid item returned from loadPage")
0122         verify(pool.contains(page), "pool contains page")
0123         verify(pool.contains(item), "pool contains item")
0124     }
0126     function test_deletePageByUrl () {
0127         const urlPage = "TestPage.qml?action=deletePageByUrl"
0128         pool.loadPage(urlPage)
0129         verify(pool.contains(urlPage), "pool contains page before deletion")
0130         pool.deletePage(urlPage)
0131         verify(!pool.contains(urlPage), "pool does not contain page after deletion")
0132     }
0134     function test_deletePageByItem () {
0135         const itemPage = "TestPage.qml?action=deletePageByItem"
0136         let item = pool.loadPage(itemPage)
0137         verify(pool.contains(item), "pool contains item before deletion")
0138         pool.deletePage(item)
0139         verify(!pool.contains(itemPage), "pool does not contain page after deletion")
0140     }
0142     function test_iterateAndDeleteByItem () {
0143         const pages = []
0144         for (let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
0145             const page = "TestPage.qml?page=" + i
0146             pool.loadPage(page)
0147             verify(pool.contains(page), "pool contains page " + page)
0148             pages.push(page)
0149         }
0150         verify(pool.items.length == 5, "pool contains 5 items")
0151         for (const item of pool.items) {
0152             const url = pool.urlForPage(item)
0153             const found = pages.find(page => url.toString().endsWith(page))
0154             verify(found, "pool.items contains page " + found)
0155             pool.deletePage(item)
0156         }
0157         verify(pool.items.length == 0, "all items have been deleted")
0158     }
0160     function test_iterateAndDeleteByUrl () {
0161         const pages = []
0162         for (let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
0163             const page = "TestPage.qml?page=" + i
0164             pool.loadPage(page)
0165             verify(pool.contains(page), "pool contains page " + page)
0166             pages.push(page)
0167         }
0168         verify(pool.urls.length == 5, "pool contains 5 urls")
0169         for (const url of pool.urls) {
0170             const found = pages.find(page => url.toString().endsWith(page))
0171             verify(found, "pool.urls contains page " + found)
0172         }
0173         for (const page of pages) {
0174             pool.deletePage(page)
0175         }
0176         verify(pool.urls.length == 0, "all urls have been deleted")
0177     }
0178 }