File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 12:11:58

0001 #include <QApplication>
0002 #include <QDebug>
0004 #include "authinfo.h"
0006 void output(const QUrl &u)
0007 {
0008     qDebug() << "Looking up auto login for: " << u;
0009     KIO::NetRC::AutoLogin l;
0010     bool result = KIO::NetRC::self()->lookup(u, l, true);
0011     if (!result) {
0012         qDebug() << "Either no .netrc and/or .kionetrc file was "
0013                     "found or there was problem when attempting to "
0014                     "read from them!  Please make sure either or both "
0015                     "of the above files exist and have the correct "
0016                     "permission, i.e. a regular file owned by you with "
0017                     "with a read/write permission (0600)";
0018         return;
0019     }
0021     qDebug() << "Type: " << l.type << "\nMachine: " << l.machine << "\nLogin: " << l.login << "\nPassword: " << l.password;
0023     QMap<QString, QStringList>::ConstIterator it = l.macdef.constBegin();
0024     for (; it != l.macdef.constEnd(); ++it) {
0025         qDebug() << "Macro: " << it.key() << "= " << it.value().join(QLatin1String("   "));
0026     }
0027 }
0029 int main(int argc, char **argv)
0030 {
0031     // KCmdLineOptions options;
0032     // options.add("+command", qi18n("[url1,url2 ,...]"));
0034     // KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, "kionetrctest", 0, qi18n("KIO-netrc-test"), version, qi18n("Unit test for .netrc and kionetrc parser."));
0035     QApplication app(argc, argv);
0037     int count = QCoreApplication::arguments().count() - 1;
0038     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0039         QUrl u = QUrl::fromUserInput(QCoreApplication::arguments().at(i + 1));
0040         if (!u.isValid()) {
0041             qDebug() << u << "is invalid! Ignoring...";
0042             continue;
0043         }
0044         output(u);
0045     }
0046     return 0;
0047 }