File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 09:34:30

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE libraries
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2005 David Faure <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
0006 */
0008 #ifndef KIO_PASTE_H
0009 #define KIO_PASTE_H
0011 #include "kiowidgets_export.h"
0012 #include <QString>
0013 class QWidget;
0014 class QUrl;
0015 class QMimeData;
0016 class KFileItem;
0018 namespace KIO
0019 {
0020 class Job;
0021 class CopyJob;
0024 /**
0025  * Pastes the content of the clipboard to the given destination URL.
0026  * URLs are treated separately (performing a file copy)
0027  * from other data (which is saved into a file after asking the user
0028  * to choose a filename and the preferred data format)
0029  *
0030  * @param destURL the URL to receive the data
0031  * @param widget parent widget to use for dialogs
0032  * @param move true to move the data, false to copy -- now ignored and handled automatically
0033  * @return the job that handles the operation
0034  * @deprecated since 5.4, use KIO::paste() from <KIO/PasteJob> (which takes care of undo/redo too)
0035  */
0037 KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 4, "Use KIO::paste(...) from <KIO/PasteJob>")
0038 Job *pasteClipboard(const QUrl &destURL, QWidget *widget, bool move = false);
0039 #endif
0042 /**
0043  * Save the given mime @p data to the given destination URL
0044  * after offering the user to choose a data format.
0045  * This is the method used when handling drops (of anything else than URLs)
0046  * onto dolphin and konqueror.
0047  *
0048  * @param data the QMimeData, usually from a QDropEvent
0049  * @param destUrl the URL of the directory where the data will be pasted.
0050  * The filename to use in that directory is prompted by this method.
0051  * @param dialogText the text to show in the dialog
0052  * @param widget parent widget to use for dialogs
0053  *
0054  * @see pasteClipboard()
0055  * @deprecated since 5.4, use KIO::paste() from <KIO/PasteJob> (which takes care of undo/redo too)
0056  */
0058 KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 4, "Use KIO::paste(...) from <KIO/PasteJob>")
0059 Job *pasteMimeData(const QMimeData *data, const QUrl &destUrl, const QString &dialogText, QWidget *widget);
0060 #endif
0062 /**
0063  * Returns true if pasteMimeData will find any interesting format in @p data.
0064  * You can use this method to enable/disable the paste action appropriately.
0065  * @since 5.0 (was called canPasteMimeSource before)
0066  */
0067 KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT bool canPasteMimeData(const QMimeData *data);
0070 /**
0071  * Returns the text to use for the Paste action, when the application supports
0072  * pasting files, urls, and clipboard data, using pasteClipboard().
0073  * @return a string suitable for QAction::setText, or an empty string if pasting
0074  * isn't possible right now.
0075  * @deprecated since 5.4, use pasteActionText(const QMimeData *, bool*, const KFileItem &)
0076  */
0078 KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 4, "Use KIO::pasteActionText(const QMimeData *, bool*, const KFileItem &)")
0079 QString pasteActionText();
0080 #endif
0082 /**
0083  * Returns the text to use for the Paste action, when the application supports
0084  * pasting files, urls, and clipboard data, using pasteClipboard().
0085  * @param mimeData the mime data, usually QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData().
0086  * @param enable output parameter, to be passed to QAction::setEnabled.
0087  *      The pointer must be non-null, and in return the function will always set its value.
0088  * @param destItem item representing the directory into which the clipboard data
0089  *        or items would be pasted. Used to find out about permissions in that directory.
0090  * @return a string suitable for QAction::setText
0091  * @since 5.4
0092  */
0093 KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT QString pasteActionText(const QMimeData *mimeData, bool *enable, const KFileItem &destItem);
0095 /**
0096  * Add the information whether the files were cut, into the mimedata.
0097  * @param mimeData pointer to the mimeData object to be populated. Must not be null.
0098  * @param cut if true, the user selected "cut" (saved as application/x-kde-cutselection in the mimedata).
0099  * @since 5.2
0100  */
0101 KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT void setClipboardDataCut(QMimeData *mimeData, bool cut);
0103 /**
0104  * Returns true if the URLs in @p mimeData were cut by the user.
0105  * This should be called when pasting, to choose between moving and copying.
0106  * @since 5.2
0107  */
0108 KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT bool isClipboardDataCut(const QMimeData *mimeData);
0110 }
0112 #endif