Warning, /frameworks/kio/src/kioworkers/trash/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # find_package(Strigi) 0002 # set_package_properties(Strigi PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Desktop indexing and search support" 0003 # URL "http://strigi.sourceforge.net" 0004 # TYPE ${STRIGI_TYPE} 0005 # ) 0006 # if (WIN32) 0007 # set (STRIGI_TYPE "OPTIONAL") 0008 # else () 0009 # set (STRIGI_TYPE "REQUIRED") 0010 # endif () 0011 0012 if(BUILD_TESTING) 0013 if(WIN32) 0014 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "kio_trash unit tests are broken on Windows, disabling them") 0015 else() 0016 add_subdirectory(tests) 0017 endif() 0018 endif() 0019 0020 ########### next target ############### 0021 ecm_qt_declare_logging_category(kio_trash_PART_DEBUG_SRCS 0022 HEADER kiotrashdebug.h 0023 IDENTIFIER KIO_TRASH 0024 CATEGORY_NAME kf.kio.workers.trash 0025 OLD_CATEGORY_NAMES kf5.kio.trash kf.kio.slaves.trash 0026 DESCRIPTION "kio trash (KIO)" 0027 EXPORT KIO 0028 ) 0029 kcoreaddons_add_plugin(kio_trash INSTALL_NAMESPACE "kf6/kio") 0030 0031 if(WIN32) 0032 target_sources(kio_trash PRIVATE 0033 kio_trash_win.cpp 0034 ${kio_trash_PART_DEBUG_SRCS} 0035 ) 0036 else() 0037 # Files that are shared with the KCM. Unix specific. 0038 add_library(trash_common_unix INTERFACE) 0039 target_sources(trash_common_unix INTERFACE 0040 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/trashimpl.cpp 0041 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/discspaceutil.cpp 0042 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/trashsizecache.cpp 0043 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/kinterprocesslock.cpp 0044 ${kio_trash_PART_DEBUG_SRCS} 0045 ) 0046 target_link_libraries(kio_trash trash_common_unix) 0047 0048 target_sources(kio_trash PRIVATE 0049 kio_trash.cpp 0050 ) 0051 endif() 0052 0053 target_link_libraries(kio_trash 0054 KF6::ConfigCore 0055 KF6::Solid 0056 KF6::KIOCore 0057 Qt6::DBus 0058 Qt6::Network 0059 KF6::I18n 0060 KF6::ConfigCore 0061 ) 0062 if(APPLE) 0063 target_link_libraries(kio_trash "-framework DiskArbitration -framework CoreFoundation") 0064 endif(APPLE) 0065 0066 0067 add_executable(ktrash6) 0068 ecm_mark_nongui_executable(ktrash6) 0069 0070 target_sources(ktrash6 PRIVATE 0071 ktrash.cpp 0072 ) 0073 0074 target_compile_definitions(ktrash6 PRIVATE -DPROJECT_VERSION="${PROJECT_VERSION}") 0075 0076 target_link_libraries(ktrash6 0077 KF6::KIOCore 0078 KF6::I18n 0079 KF6::ConfigCore 0080 ) 0081 0082 install(TARGETS ktrash6 ${KF_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) 0083