File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:44:02

0001 // -*- c++ -*-
0002 /*
0003     This file is part of the KDE libraries
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Stephan Kulow <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000, 2001 Carsten Pfeiffer <>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0009 #ifndef KDIROPERATOR_H_
0010 #define KDIROPERATOR_H_
0012 #include "kiofilewidgets_export.h"
0013 #include <kfile.h>
0015 #include <KFileItem>
0017 #include <QStyleOptionViewItem>
0018 #include <QUrl>
0019 #include <QWidget>
0021 class QAbstractItemView;
0022 class QMenu;
0023 class QModelIndex;
0024 class QProgressBar;
0026 class KActionCollection;
0027 class KActionMenu;
0028 class KCompletion;
0029 class KConfigGroup;
0030 class KDirLister;
0031 class KFileItemList;
0032 class KFilePreviewGenerator;
0033 class KPreviewWidgetBase;
0035 namespace KIO
0036 {
0037 class CopyJob;
0038 class DeleteJob;
0039 }
0041 class KDirOperatorPrivate;
0043 /**
0044  * @class KDirOperator kdiroperator.h <KDirOperator>
0045  *
0046  * This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser. You specify a URL
0047  * to display and this url will be loaded via KDirLister. The user can
0048  * browse through directories, highlight and select files, delete or rename
0049  * files.
0050  *
0051  * It supports different views, e.g. a detailed view (see KFileDetailView),
0052  * a simple icon view (see KFileIconView), a combination of two views,
0053  * separating directories and files ( KCombiView).
0054  *
0055  * Additionally, a preview view is available (see KFilePreview), which can
0056  * show either a simple or detailed view and additionally a preview widget
0057  * (see setPreviewWidget()). KImageFilePreview is one implementation
0058  * of a preview widget, that displays previews for all supported filetypes
0059  * utilizing KIO::PreviewJob.
0060  *
0061  * Currently, those classes don't support Drag&Drop out of the box -- there
0062  * you have to use your own view-classes. You can use some DnD-aware views
0063  * from Björn Sahlström <> until they will be integrated
0064  * into this library. See
0065  *
0066  * This widget is the one used in the KFileWidget.
0067  *
0068  * Basic usage is like this:
0069  * \code
0070  *   KDirOperator *op = new KDirOperator(QUrl("file:///home/gis"), this);
0071  *   // some signals you might be interested in
0072  *   connect(op, &KDirOperator::urlEntered, this, [this](const QUrl &url) { slotUrlEntered(url); });
0073  *   connect(op, &KDirOperator::fileHighlighted, this, [this](const KFileItem &item) { slotFileHighlighted(item) });
0074  *   connect(op, &KDirOperator::fileSelected, this, [this](const KFileItem &item) { slotFileSelected(item) });
0075  *   connect(op, &KDirOperator::finishedLoading, this, [this]() { slotLoadingFinished(); };
0076  *
0077  *   KConfigGroup grp(KSharedConfig::openConfig(),"Your KDiroperator ConfigGroup" );
0078  *   op->readConfig( &grp);
0079  *   op->setViewMode(KFile::Default);
0080  * \endcode
0081  *
0082  * This will create a childwidget of 'this' showing the directory contents
0083  * of /home/gis in the default-view. The view is determined by the readConfig()
0084  * call, which will read the KDirOperator settings, the user left your program
0085  * with (and which you saved with op->writeConfig()).
0086  *
0087  * @short A widget for displaying files and browsing directories.
0088  * @author Stephan Kulow <>, Carsten Pfeiffer <>
0089  */
0090 class KIOFILEWIDGETS_EXPORT KDirOperator : public QWidget
0091 {
0092     Q_OBJECT
0094 public:
0095     /**
0096      * The various action types. These values can be or'd together
0097      */
0098     enum ActionType {
0099         SortActions = 1,
0100         ViewActions = 2,
0101         NavActions = 4,
0102         FileActions = 8,
0103         AllActions = 15,
0104     };
0106     /**
0107      * Actions provided by KDirOperator that can be accessed from the outside using action()
0108      */
0109     enum Action {
0110         /**
0111          * An ActionMenu presenting a popupmenu with all actions
0112          */
0113         PopupMenu,
0114         /**
0115          * Changes to the parent directory
0116          */
0117         Up,
0118         /**
0119          * Goes back to the previous directory
0120          */
0121         Back,
0122         /**
0123          * Goes forward in the history
0124          */
0125         Forward,
0126         /**
0127          * Changes to the user's home directory
0128          */
0129         Home,
0130         /**
0131          * Reloads the current directory
0132          */
0133         Reload,
0134         /*
0135          * A KNewFileMenu
0136          */
0137         New,
0138         /**
0139          * Opens a dialog box to create a directory
0140          */
0141         NewFolder,
0142         Rename,
0143         Trash,
0144         /**
0145          * Deletes the selected files/directories
0146          */
0147         Delete,
0148         /**
0149          * An ActionMenu containing all sort-options
0150          */
0151         SortMenu,
0152         /**
0153          * Sorts by name
0154          */
0155         SortByName,
0156         /**
0157          * Sorts by size
0158          */
0159         SortBySize,
0160         /**
0161          * Sorts by date
0162          */
0163         SortByDate,
0164         /**
0165          * Sorts by type
0166          */
0167         SortByType,
0168         /**
0169          * Changes sort order to ascending
0170          */
0171         SortAscending,
0172         /**
0173          * Changes sort order to descending
0174          */
0175         SortDescending,
0176         /**
0177          * Sorts folders before files
0178          */
0179         SortFoldersFirst,
0180         /**
0181          * Sorts hidden files last
0182          */
0183         SortHiddenFilesLast,
0184         /**
0185          *  an ActionMenu containing all actions concerning the view
0186          */
0187         ViewModeMenu,
0188         ViewIconsView,
0189         ViewCompactView,
0190         ViewDetailsView,
0191         DecorationMenu,
0192         DecorationAtTop,
0193         DecorationAtLeft,
0194         /**
0195          * Shows a simple fileview
0196          */
0197         ShortView,
0198         /**
0199          * Shows a detailed fileview (dates, permissions ,...)
0200          */
0201         DetailedView,
0203         TreeView,
0204         DetailedTreeView,
0205         AllowExpansionInDetailsView,
0206         /**
0207          * shows hidden files
0208          */
0209         ShowHiddenFiles,
0210         /**
0211          * shows a preview next to the fileview
0212          */
0213         ShowPreviewPanel,
0214         ShowPreview,
0215         OpenContainingFolder,
0216         /**
0217          * Shows a KPropertiesDialog for the selected files
0218          */
0219         Properties,
0220     };
0222     /**
0223      * Constructs the KDirOperator with no initial view. As the views are
0224      * configurable, call readConfig() to load the user's configuration
0225      * and then setView to explicitly set a view.
0226      *
0227      * This constructor doesn't start loading the url, setView will do it.
0228      */
0229     explicit KDirOperator(const QUrl &urlName = QUrl{}, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0230     /**
0231      * Destroys the KDirOperator.
0232      */
0233     ~KDirOperator() override;
0235     /**
0236      * Enables/disables showing hidden files.
0237      */
0238     virtual void setShowHiddenFiles(bool s);
0240     /**
0241      * @returns true when hidden files are shown or false otherwise.
0242      */
0243     bool showHiddenFiles() const;
0245     /**
0246      * Stops loading immediately. You don't need to call this, usually.
0247      */
0248     void close();
0250     /**
0251      * Sets a filter like "*.cpp *.h *.o". Only files matching that filter
0252      * will be shown.
0253      *
0254      * @see KDirLister::setNameFilter
0255      * @see nameFilter
0256      */
0257     void setNameFilter(const QString &filter);
0259     /**
0260      * @returns the current namefilter.
0261      * @see setNameFilter
0262      */
0263     QString nameFilter() const;
0265     /**
0266      * Sets a list of MIME types as filter. Only files of those MIME types
0267      * will be shown.
0268      *
0269      * Example:
0270      * \code
0271      * QStringList filter;
0272      * filter << "text/html" << "image/png" << "inode/directory";
0273      * dirOperator->setMimefilter( filter );
0274      * \endcode
0275      *
0276      * Node: Without the MIME type inode/directory, only files would be shown.
0277      * Call updateDir() to apply it.
0278      *
0279      * @see KDirLister::setMimeFilter
0280      * @see mimeFilter
0281      */
0282     void setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimetypes);
0284     /**
0285      * @returns the current MIME type filter.
0286      */
0287     QStringList mimeFilter() const;
0289     /**
0290      * Only show the files in a given set of MIME types.
0291      * This is useful in specialized applications (while file managers, on
0292      * the other hand, want to show all MIME types). Internally uses
0293      * KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes
0294      *
0295      * Example:
0296      * \code
0297      * QStringList mimeTypes;
0298      * mimeTypes << "text/html" << "inode/directory";
0299      * dirOperator->setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(mimeTypes);
0300      * \endcode
0301      *
0302      * Note: If the list is empty, all options will be shown. Otherwise,
0303      * without the MIME type inode/directory, only file options will be shown.
0304      *
0305      * @see KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes
0306      * @see newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes
0307      */
0308     void setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mime);
0310     /**
0311      * @returns the current Supported Mimes Types.
0312      */
0313     QStringList newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes() const;
0315     /**
0316      * Setting this to true will make a directory get selected when trying to create a new one that has the same name.
0317      *
0318      * @since 5.76
0319      */
0320     void setNewFileMenuSelectDirWhenAlreadyExist(bool selectOnDirExists);
0322     /**
0323      * Clears both the namefilter and MIME type filter, so that all files and
0324      * directories will be shown. Call updateDir() to apply it.
0325      *
0326      * @see setMimeFilter
0327      * @see setNameFilter
0328      */
0329     void clearFilter();
0331     /**
0332      * @returns the current url
0333      */
0334     QUrl url() const;
0336     /**
0337      * Sets a new url to list.
0338      * @param clearforward specifies whether the "forward" history should be cleared.
0339      * @param url the URL to set
0340      */
0341     virtual void setUrl(const QUrl &url, bool clearforward);
0343     /**
0344      * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p url
0345      * the current url file.
0346      */
0347     void setCurrentItem(const QUrl &url);
0349     /**
0350      * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p item
0351      * as the current item.
0352      */
0353     void setCurrentItem(const KFileItem &item);
0355     /**
0356      * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p urls
0357      * the current url files.
0358      */
0359     void setCurrentItems(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
0361     /**
0362      * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p items
0363      * as the current items.
0364      */
0365     void setCurrentItems(const KFileItemList &items);
0367     /**
0368      * @returns the currently used view.
0369      * @see setView
0370      */
0371     QAbstractItemView *view() const;
0373     /**
0374      * Set the view mode to one of the predefined modes.
0375      * @see KFile::FileView
0376      *
0377      * @since 5.100
0378      */
0379     void setViewMode(KFile::FileView viewKind);
0381     /**
0382      * Returns the current view mode.
0383      * @returns KFile::FileView
0384      * @see KFile::FileView
0385      * @since 5.0
0386      */
0387     KFile::FileView viewMode() const;
0389     /**
0390      * Sets the way to sort files and directories.
0391      */
0392     void setSorting(QDir::SortFlags);
0394     /**
0395      * @returns the current way of sorting files and directories
0396      */
0397     QDir::SortFlags sorting() const;
0399     /**
0400      * @returns true if we are displaying the root directory of the current url
0401      */
0402     bool isRoot() const;
0404     /**
0405      * @returns the object listing the directory
0406      */
0407     KDirLister *dirLister() const;
0409     /**
0410      * @returns the progress widget, that is shown during directory listing.
0411      * You can for example reparent() it to put it into a statusbar.
0412      */
0413     QProgressBar *progressBar() const;
0415     /**
0416      * Sets the listing/selection mode for the views, an OR'ed combination of
0417      * @li File
0418      * @li Directory
0419      * @li Files
0420      * @li ExistingOnly
0421      * @li LocalOnly
0422      *
0423      * You cannot mix File and Files of course, as the former means
0424      * single-selection mode, the latter multi-selection.
0425      */
0426     virtual void setMode(KFile::Modes m);
0427     /**
0428      * @returns the listing/selection mode.
0429      */
0430     KFile::Modes mode() const;
0432     /**
0433      * Sets a preview-widget to be shown next to the file-view.
0434      * The ownership of @p w is transferred to KDirOperator, so don't
0435      * delete it yourself!
0436      */
0437     virtual void setPreviewWidget(KPreviewWidgetBase *w);
0439     /**
0440      * @returns a list of all currently selected items. If there is no view,
0441      * or there are no selected items, an empty list is returned.
0442      */
0443     KFileItemList selectedItems() const;
0445     /**
0446      * @returns true if @p item is currently selected, or false otherwise.
0447      */
0448     bool isSelected(const KFileItem &item) const;
0450     /**
0451      * @returns the number of directories in the currently listed url.
0452      * Returns 0 if there is no view.
0453      */
0454     int numDirs() const;
0456     /**
0457      * @returns the number of files in the currently listed url.
0458      * Returns 0 if there is no view.
0459      */
0460     int numFiles() const;
0462     /**
0463      * @returns a KCompletion object, containing all filenames and
0464      * directories of the current directory/URL.
0465      * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox
0466      * Note: it will only contain files, after prepareCompletionObjects()
0467      * has been called. It will be implicitly called from makeCompletion()
0468      * or makeDirCompletion()
0469      */
0470     KCompletion *completionObject() const;
0472     /**
0473      * @returns a KCompletion object, containing only all directories of the
0474      * current directory/URL.
0475      * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox
0476      * Note: it will only contain directories, after
0477      * prepareCompletionObjects() has been called. It will be implicitly
0478      * called from makeCompletion() or makeDirCompletion()
0479      */
0480     KCompletion *dirCompletionObject() const;
0482     /**
0483      * Obtain a given action from the KDirOperator's set of actions.
0484      *
0485      * You can e.g. use
0486      * \code
0487      * dirOperator->action(KDirOperator::Up)->plug(someToolBar);
0488      * \endcode
0489      * to add a button into a toolbar, which makes the dirOperator change to
0490      * its parent directory.
0491      *
0492      *  @since 5.100
0493      */
0494     QAction *action(KDirOperator::Action action) const;
0496     /**
0497      * A list of all actions for this KDirOperator.
0498      *
0499      * See action()
0500      *
0501      * @since 5.100
0502      *
0503      */
0504     QList<QAction *> allActions() const;
0506     /**
0507      * Sets the config object and the to be used group in KDirOperator. This
0508      * will be used to store the view's configuration.
0509      * If you don't set this, the views cannot save and restore their
0510      * configuration.
0511      *
0512      * Usually you call this right after KDirOperator creation so that the view
0513      * instantiation can make use of it already.
0514      *
0515      * Note that KDirOperator does NOT take ownership of that object (typically
0516      * it's KSharedConfig::openConfig() anyway.
0517      *
0518      * You must not delete the KConfig or KConfigGroup object (and master config object) before
0519      * either deleting the KDirOperator or  calling setViewConfig(0); or something like that
0520      *
0521      * @see viewConfig
0522      * @see viewConfigGroup
0523      */
0524     virtual void setViewConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0526     /**
0527      * @returns the group set by setViewConfig configuration.
0528      */
0529     KConfigGroup *viewConfigGroup() const;
0531     /**
0532      * Reads the default settings for a view, i.e.\ the default KFile::FileView.
0533      * Also reads the sorting and whether hidden files should be shown.
0534      * Note: the default view will not be set - you have to call
0535      * \code
0536      * setViewMode( KFile::Default )
0537      * \endcode
0538      * to apply it.
0539      *
0540      * @see setView
0541      * @see setViewConfig
0542      * @see writeConfig
0543      */
0544     virtual void readConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0546     /**
0547      * Saves the current settings like sorting, simple or detailed view.
0548      *
0549      * @see readConfig
0550      * @see setViewConfig
0551      */
0552     virtual void writeConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0554     /**
0555      * This toggles between double/single click file and directory selection mode.
0556      * When argument is true, files and directories are highlighted with single click and
0557      * selected (executed) with double click.
0558      *
0559      * NOTE: this currently has no effect.
0560      *
0561      * The default follows the single/double click system setting.
0562      */
0563     void setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(bool enable);
0565     /**
0566      * @returns whether files (not directories) should only be select()ed by
0567      * double-clicks.
0568      * @see setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles
0569      */
0570     bool onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles() const;
0572     /**
0573      * Toggles whether setUrl is called on newly created directories.
0574      * @since 5.62
0575      */
0576     void setFollowNewDirectories(bool enable);
0578     /**
0579      * @returns true if setUrl is called on newly created directories, false
0580      * otherwise. Enabled by default.
0581      * @since 5.62
0582      * @see setFollowNewDirectories
0583      */
0584     bool followNewDirectories() const;
0586     /**
0587      * Toggles whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree view
0588      * is used.
0589      * @since 5.62
0590      */
0591     void setFollowSelectedDirectories(bool enable);
0593     /**
0594      * @returns whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree
0595      * view is used. Enabled by default.
0596      * @since 5.62
0597      */
0598     bool followSelectedDirectories() const;
0600     /**
0601      * Starts and returns a KIO::DeleteJob to delete the given @p items.
0602      *
0603      * @param items the list of items to be deleted
0604      * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog
0605      * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown
0606      * @param showProgress passed to the DeleteJob to show a progress dialog
0607      */
0608     virtual KIO::DeleteJob *del(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true);
0610     /**
0611      * Clears the forward and backward history.
0612      */
0613     void clearHistory();
0615     /**
0616      * When using the up or back actions to navigate the directory hierarchy, KDirOperator
0617      * can highlight the directory that was just left.
0618      *
0619      * For example:
0620      *  - starting in /a/b/c/, going up to /a/b, "c" will be highlighted
0621      *  - starting in /a/b/c, going up (twice) to /a, "b" will be highlighted;
0622      *    using the back action to go to /a/b/, "c" will be highlighted
0623      *  - starting in /a, going to "b", then going to "c", using the back action
0624      *    to go to /a/b/, "c" will be highlighted; using the back action again to go
0625      *    to /a/, "b" will be highlighted
0626      *
0627      * @see dirHighlighting. The default is to highlight directories when going back/up.
0628      */
0629     virtual void setEnableDirHighlighting(bool enable);
0631     /**
0632      * @returns whether the last directory will be made the current item
0633      * (and hence highlighted) when going up or back in the directory hierarchy
0634      *
0635      * Directories are highlighted by default.
0636      */
0637     bool dirHighlighting() const;
0639     /**
0640      * @returns true if we are in directory-only mode, that is, no files are
0641      * shown.
0642      */
0643     bool dirOnlyMode() const;
0645     static bool dirOnlyMode(uint mode);
0647     /**
0648      * Sets up the action menu.
0649      * @param whichActions is an value of OR'd ActionTypes that controls which actions to show in the action menu
0650      */
0651     void setupMenu(int whichActions);
0653     /**
0654      * Reimplemented - allow dropping of files if @p b is true, defaults to true since 5.59
0655      * @param b true if the widget should allow dropping of files
0656      */
0657     virtual void setAcceptDrops(bool b);
0659     /**
0660      * Sets the options for dropping files.
0662      */
0663     virtual void setDropOptions(int options);
0665     /**
0666      * Starts and returns a KIO::CopyJob to trash the given @p items.
0667      *
0668      * @param items the list of items to be trashed
0669      * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog
0670      * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown
0671      * @param showProgress passed to the CopyJob to show a progress dialog
0672      */
0673     virtual KIO::CopyJob *trash(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true);
0675     /**
0676      * Returns the preview generator for the current view.
0677      */
0678     KFilePreviewGenerator *previewGenerator() const;
0680     /**
0681      * Forces the inline previews to be shown or hidden, depending on @p show.
0682      *
0683      * @param show Whether to show inline previews or not.
0684      */
0685     void setInlinePreviewShown(bool show);
0687     /**
0688      * Returns the position where icons are shown relative to the labels
0689      * of file items in the icon view.
0690      * @since 4.2.3
0691      */
0692     QStyleOptionViewItem::Position decorationPosition() const;
0694     /**
0695      * Sets the position where icons shall be shown relative to the labels
0696      * of file items in the icon view.
0697      * @since 4.2.3
0698      */
0699     void setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Position position);
0701     /**
0702      * Returns whether the inline previews are shown or not.
0703      */
0704     bool isInlinePreviewShown() const;
0706     /**
0707      * Returns the icon size in pixels, ranged from KIconLoader::SizeSmall (16) to
0708      * KIconLoader::SizeEnormous (128).
0709      *
0710      * @since 5.76
0711      */
0712     int iconSize() const;
0714     /**
0715      * If the system is set up to trigger items on single click, if @p isSaving
0716      * is true, we will force to double click to accept.
0717      * @note this is false by default
0718      */
0719     void setIsSaving(bool isSaving);
0721     /**
0722      * Returns whether KDirOperator will force a double click to accept.
0723      * @note this is false by default
0724      */
0725     bool isSaving() const;
0727     /**
0728      * Returns the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to.
0729      *
0730      * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported.
0731      *
0732      * @sa QFileDialog::supportedSchemes
0733      * @since 5.43
0734      */
0735     QStringList supportedSchemes() const;
0737     /**
0738      * Call with @c true to add open-with actions to items in the view.
0739      * This can be useful when you're attaching an image or text file to
0740      * an email or uploading an image to some online service, and need to
0741      * check the contents before going forward.
0742      *
0743      * @since 5.87
0744      */
0745     void showOpenWithActions(bool enable);
0747 protected:
0748     /**
0749      * A view factory for creating predefined fileviews. Called internally by setView,
0750      * but you can also call it directly. Reimplement this if you depend on self defined fileviews.
0751      * @param parent   is the QWidget to be set as parent
0752      * @param viewKind is the predefined view to be set, note: this can be several ones OR:ed together
0753      * @returns the created view
0754      * @see KFile::FileView
0755      * @see setView
0756      */
0757     virtual QAbstractItemView *createView(QWidget *parent, KFile::FileView viewKind);
0759     /**
0760      * Sets a custom KDirLister to list directories.
0761      * The KDirOperator takes ownership of the given KDirLister.
0762      */
0763     virtual void setDirLister(KDirLister *lister);
0765     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
0767     /**
0768      * Sets up all the actions. Called from the constructor, you usually
0769      * better not call this.
0770      */
0771     void setupActions();
0773     /**
0774      * Updates the sorting-related actions to comply with the current sorting
0775      * @see sorting
0776      */
0777     void updateSortActions();
0779     /**
0780      * Updates the view-related actions to comply with the current
0781      * KFile::FileView
0782      */
0783     void updateViewActions();
0785     /**
0786      * Sets up the context-menu with all the necessary actions. Called from the
0787      * constructor, you usually don't need to call this.
0788      */
0789     void setupMenu();
0791     /**
0792      * Synchronizes the completion objects with the entries of the
0793      * currently listed url.
0794      *
0795      * Automatically called from makeCompletion() and
0796      * makeDirCompletion()
0797      */
0798     void prepareCompletionObjects();
0800     /**
0801      * Checks if there support from KIO::PreviewJob for the currently
0802      * shown files, taking mimeFilter() and nameFilter() into account
0803      * Enables/disables the preview-action accordingly.
0804      */
0805     bool checkPreviewSupport();
0807     /**
0808      * Called upon right-click to activate the popupmenu.
0809      */
0810     virtual void activatedMenu(const KFileItem &item, const QPoint &pos);
0812     void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override;
0814     bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override;
0816 public Q_SLOTS:
0817     /**
0818      * Goes one step back in the history and opens that url.
0819      */
0820     virtual void back();
0822     /**
0823      * Goes one step forward in the history and opens that url.
0824      */
0825     virtual void forward();
0827     /**
0828      * Enters the home directory.
0829      */
0830     virtual void home();
0832     /**
0833      * Goes one directory up from the current url.
0834      */
0835     virtual void cdUp();
0837     /**
0838      * to update the view after changing the settings
0839      */
0840     void updateDir();
0842     /**
0843      * Re-reads the current url.
0844      */
0845     virtual void rereadDir();
0847     /**
0848      * Opens a dialog to create a new directory.
0849      */
0850     virtual void mkdir();
0852     /**
0853      * Deletes the currently selected files/directories.
0854      */
0855     virtual void deleteSelected();
0857     /**
0858      * Enables/disables actions that are selection dependent. Call this e.g.
0859      * when you are about to show a popup menu using some of KDirOperators
0860      * actions.
0861      */
0862     void updateSelectionDependentActions();
0864     /**
0865      * Tries to complete the given string (only completes files).
0866      */
0867     QString makeCompletion(const QString &);
0869     /**
0870      * Tries to complete the given string (only completes directories).
0871      */
0872     QString makeDirCompletion(const QString &);
0874     /**
0875      * Initiates a rename operation on the currently selected files/directories,
0876      * prompting the user to choose a new name(s) for the currently selected items
0877      * @see renamingFinished
0878      * @since 5.67
0879      */
0880     void renameSelected();
0882     /**
0883      * Trashes the currently selected files/directories.
0884      *
0885      * This function used to take activation reason and keyboard modifiers,
0886      * in order to call deleteSelected() if the user wanted to delete.
0887      * Instead, call deleteSelected().
0888      *
0889      * FIXME KAction Port: link deleteSelected() up correctly
0890      */
0891     virtual void trashSelected();
0893     /**
0894      * Notifies that the icons size should change. @p value is the icon size in pixels, ranged
0895      * from KIconLoader::SizeSmall (16) to KIconLoader::SizeEnormous (128).
0896      *
0897      * @since 5.76
0898      */
0899     void setIconSize(int value);
0901     /**
0902      * Set the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to.
0903      *
0904      * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported. Examples for
0905      * schemes are @c "file" or @c "ftp".
0906      *
0907      * @sa QFileDialog::setSupportedSchemes
0908      * @since 5.43
0909      */
0910     void setSupportedSchemes(const QStringList &schemes);
0912 protected Q_SLOTS:
0913     /**
0914      * Restores the normal cursor after showing the busy-cursor. Also hides
0915      * the progressbar.
0916      */
0917     void resetCursor();
0919     /**
0920      * Called after setUrl() to load the directory, update the history,
0921      * etc.
0922      */
0923     void pathChanged();
0925     /**
0926      * Enters the directory specified by the given @p item.
0927      */
0928     virtual void selectDir(const KFileItem &item);
0930     /**
0931      * Emits fileSelected( item )
0932      */
0933     void selectFile(const KFileItem &item);
0935     /**
0936      * Emits fileHighlighted(item)
0937      */
0938     void highlightFile(const KFileItem &item);
0940     /**
0941      * Changes sorting to sort by name
0942      */
0943     void sortByName();
0945     /**
0946      * Changes sorting to sort by size
0947      */
0948     void sortBySize();
0950     /**
0951      * Changes sorting to sort by date
0952      */
0953     void sortByDate();
0955     /**
0956      * Changes sorting to sort by date
0957      */
0958     void sortByType();
0960     /**
0961      * Changes sorting to reverse sorting
0962      */
0963     void sortReversed();
0965     /**
0966      * Toggles showing directories first / having them sorted like files.
0967      */
0968     void toggleDirsFirst();
0970     /**
0971      * Toggles case sensitive / case insensitive sorting
0972      */
0973     void toggleIgnoreCase();
0975     /**
0976      * Tries to make the given @p match as current item in the view and emits
0977      * completion( match )
0978      */
0979     void slotCompletionMatch(const QString &match);
0982     void urlEntered(const QUrl &);
0983     void updateInformation(int files, int dirs);
0984     void completion(const QString &);
0985     void finishedLoading();
0987     /**
0988      * Emitted whenever the current fileview is changed, either by an explicit
0989      * call to setView() or by the user selecting a different view thru
0990      * the GUI.
0991      */
0992     void viewChanged(QAbstractItemView *newView);
0994     /**
0995      * Emitted when a file is highlighted or generally the selection changes in
0996      * multiselection mode. In the latter case, @p item is a null KFileItem.
0997      * You can access the selected items with selectedItems().
0998      */
0999     void fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &item);
1000     void dirActivated(const KFileItem &item);
1001     void fileSelected(const KFileItem &item);
1002     /**
1003      * Emitted when files are dropped. Dropping files is disabled by
1004      * default. You need to enable it with setAcceptDrops()
1005      * @param item the item on which the drop occurred or 0.
1006      * @param event the drop event itself.
1007      * @param urls the urls that where dropped.
1008      */
1009     void dropped(const KFileItem &item, QDropEvent *event, const QList<QUrl> &urls);
1011     /**
1012      * Emitted just before the context menu is shown, allows users to
1013      * extend the menu with custom actions.
1014      *
1015      * @param item the file on which the context menu was invoked
1016      * @param menu the context menu, pre-populated with the file-management actions
1017      */
1018     void contextMenuAboutToShow(const KFileItem &item, QMenu *menu);
1020     /**
1021      * Will notify that the icon size has changed. Since we save the icon size depending
1022      * on the view type (list view or a different kind of view), a call to setView() can
1023      * trigger this signal to be emitted.
1024      */
1025     void currentIconSizeChanged(int size);
1027     /**
1028      * Triggered when the user hit Enter/Return
1029      * @since 5.57
1030      */
1031     void keyEnterReturnPressed();
1033     /**
1034      * Emitted when renaming selected files has finished.
1035      *
1036      * @param urls URL list of the renamed files
1037      * @since 5.96
1038      */
1039     void renamingFinished(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
1041 private:
1042     KIOFILEWIDGETS_NO_EXPORT void setViewInternal(QAbstractItemView *view);
1044     friend class KDirOperatorPrivate;
1045     std::unique_ptr<KDirOperatorPrivate> d;
1046 };
1048 #endif