Warning, file /frameworks/kio/src/core/ksambasharedata.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Rodrigo Belem <rclbelem@gmail.com>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0007 #ifndef ksambasharedata_h
0008 #define ksambasharedata_h
0010 #include "kiocore_export.h"
0011 #include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
0013 class QString;
0014 class KSambaShare;
0015 class KSambaSharePrivate;
0016 class KSambaShareDataPrivate;
0018 /**
0019  * @class KSambaShareData ksambasharedata.h <KSambaShareData>
0020  *
0021  * This class represents a Samba user share. It is possible to share a directory with one or more
0022  * different names, update the share details or remove.
0023  *
0024  * @author Rodrigo Belem <rclbelem@gmail.com>
0025  * @since  4.7
0026  */
0027 class KIOCORE_EXPORT KSambaShareData
0028 {
0029 public:
0030     enum GuestPermission {
0031         GuestsNotAllowed,
0032         GuestsAllowed,
0033     };
0035     enum UserShareError {
0036         UserShareOk,
0037         UserShareExceedMaxShares,
0038         UserShareNameOk,
0039         UserShareNameInvalid,
0040         UserShareNameInUse,
0041         UserSharePathOk,
0042         UserSharePathInvalid,
0043         UserSharePathNotExists,
0044         UserSharePathNotDirectory,
0045         UserSharePathNotAbsolute,
0046         UserSharePathNotAllowed,
0047         UserShareAclOk,
0048         UserShareAclInvalid,
0049         UserShareAclUserNotValid,
0050         UserShareCommentOk,
0051         UserShareGuestsOk,
0052         UserShareGuestsInvalid,
0053         UserShareGuestsNotAllowed,
0054         UserShareSystemError, /* < A system error occurred; check KSambaShare::lastSystemErrorString */
0055     };
0057     KSambaShareData();
0058     KSambaShareData(const KSambaShareData &other);
0060     ~KSambaShareData();
0062     /**
0063      * @return @c the share name.
0064      */
0065     QString name() const;
0067     /**
0068      * @return @c the share path.
0069      */
0070     QString path() const;
0072     /**
0073      * @return @c the share comment.
0074      */
0075     QString comment() const;
0077     /**
0078      * Returns a @c containing a string describing the permission added to the users, such as
0079      * "[DOMAIN\]username1:X,[DOMAIN\]username2:X,...". X stands for "F" (full control), "R"
0080      * (read-only) and "D" (deny). By default the acl is Everyone:R.
0081      *
0082      * @return @c the share acl.
0083      */
0084     QString acl() const;
0086     /**
0087      * @return @c whether guest access to the share is allowed or not.
0088      */
0089     KSambaShareData::GuestPermission guestPermission() const;
0091     /**
0092      * Sets the share name. If the share name is changed and valid it will remove the existing
0093      * share and will create a new share.
0094      * The share name cannot use a name of a system user or containing the forbidden characters
0095      * '%, <, >, *, ?, |, /, \, +, =, ;, :, ",,. To check if the name is available or valid use
0096      * the method KSambaShare::isShareNameAvailable().
0097      *
0098      * @param name the name that will be given to the share.
0099      *
0100      * @return @c UserShareNameOk if the name is valid.
0101      * @return @c UserShareNameInvalid if the name contains invalid characters.
0102      * @return @c UserShareNameInUse if the name is already in use by another shared folder or a
0103      *            by a system user.
0104      */
0105     KSambaShareData::UserShareError setName(const QString &name);
0107     /**
0108      * Set the path for the share.
0109      *
0110      * @param path the path that will be given to the share.
0111      *
0112      * @return @c UserSharePathOk if valid.
0113      * @return @c UserSharePathInvalid if the path is in invalid format.
0114      * @return @c UserSharePathNotExists if the path does not exists.
0115      * @return @c UserSharePathNotDirectory if the path points to file instead of a directory.
0116      * @return @c UserSharePathNotAbsolute if the path is not is absolute form.
0117      * @return @c UserSharePathNotAllowed if the path is not owner by the user.
0118      */
0119     KSambaShareData::UserShareError setPath(const QString &path);
0121     /**
0122      * Sets the comment for the share.
0123      *
0124      * @param comment the comment that will be given to the share.
0125      *
0126      * @return @c UserShareCommentOk always.
0127      */
0128     KSambaShareData::UserShareError setComment(const QString &comment);
0130     /**
0131      * Sets the acl to the share.
0132      *
0133      * @param acl the acl that will be given to the share.
0134      *
0135      * @return @c UserShareAclOk if the acl is valid.
0136      * @return @c UserShareAclInvalid if the acl has invalid format.
0137      * @return @c UserShareAclUserNotValid if one of the users in the acl is invalid.
0138      */
0139     KSambaShareData::UserShareError setAcl(const QString &acl);
0141     /**
0142      * Flags if guest is allowed or not to access the share.
0143      *
0144      * @param permission the permission that will be given to the share.
0145      *
0146      * @return @c UserShareGuestsOk if the permission was set.
0147      * @return @c UserShareGuestsNotAllowed if the system does not allow guest access to the
0148      *            shares.
0149      */
0150     KSambaShareData::UserShareError setGuestPermission(const GuestPermission &permission = KSambaShareData::GuestsNotAllowed);
0152     /**
0153      * Share the folder with the information that has been set.
0154      *
0155      * @return @c UserShareOk if the share was added or other errors as applicable. Also see UserShareSystemError.
0156      */
0157     KSambaShareData::UserShareError save();
0159     /**
0160      * Unshare the folder held by the object.
0161      *
0162      * @return @c UserShareOk if the share was removed or other errors as applicable. Also see UserShareSystemError.
0163      */
0164     KSambaShareData::UserShareError remove();
0166     KSambaShareData &operator=(const KSambaShareData &other);
0167     bool operator==(const KSambaShareData &other) const;
0168     bool operator!=(const KSambaShareData &other) const;
0170 private:
0171     QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<KSambaShareDataPrivate> dd;
0173     friend class KSambaSharePrivate;
0174 };
0176 #endif