File indexing completed on 2024-09-08 12:18:07

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Alex Merry <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0007 #include <stdio.h>
0009 #include <QBuffer>
0010 #include <QCommandLineParser>
0011 #include <QCoreApplication>
0012 #include <QDir>
0013 #include <QFileInfo>
0014 #include <QImage>
0015 #include <QImageReader>
0016 #include <QImageWriter>
0017 #include <QTextStream>
0019 #include "fuzzyeq.cpp"
0021 int main(int argc, char **argv)
0022 {
0023     QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
0024     QCoreApplication::removeLibraryPath(QStringLiteral(PLUGIN_DIR));
0025     QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(QStringLiteral(PLUGIN_DIR));
0026     QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(QStringLiteral("readtest"));
0027     QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(QStringLiteral("1.0.0"));
0029     QCommandLineParser parser;
0030     parser.setApplicationDescription(QStringLiteral("Performs basic image conversion checking."));
0031     parser.addHelpOption();
0032     parser.addVersionOption();
0033     parser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("format"), QStringLiteral("format to test."));
0034     QCommandLineOption lossless(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("l") << QStringLiteral("lossless"),
0035                                 QStringLiteral("Check that reading back the data gives the same image."));
0036     QCommandLineOption ignoreDataCheck({QStringLiteral("no-data-check")}, QStringLiteral("Don't check that write data is exactly the same."));
0037     QCommandLineOption fuzz(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("f") << QStringLiteral("fuzz"),
0038                             QStringLiteral("Allow for some deviation in ARGB data."),
0039                             QStringLiteral("max"));
0040     parser.addOption(lossless);
0041     parser.addOption(ignoreDataCheck);
0042     parser.addOption(fuzz);
0044     parser.process(app);
0046     const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments();
0047     if (args.count() < 1) {
0048         QTextStream(stderr) << "Must provide a format\n";
0049         parser.showHelp(1);
0050     } else if (args.count() > 1) {
0051         QTextStream(stderr) << "Too many arguments\n";
0052         parser.showHelp(1);
0053     }
0055     uchar fuzziness = 0;
0056     if (parser.isSet(fuzz)) {
0057         bool ok;
0058         uint fuzzarg = parser.value(fuzz).toUInt(&ok);
0059         if (!ok || fuzzarg > 255) {
0060             QTextStream(stderr) << "Error: max fuzz argument must be a number between 0 and 255\n";
0061             parser.showHelp(1);
0062         }
0063         fuzziness = uchar(fuzzarg);
0064     }
0066     QString suffix =;
0067     QByteArray format = suffix.toLatin1();
0069     QDir imgdir(QStringLiteral(IMAGEDIR));
0070     if (parser.isSet(ignoreDataCheck)) {
0071         imgdir.setNameFilters({QLatin1String("*.png")});
0072     } else {
0073         imgdir.setNameFilters(QStringList(QLatin1String("*.") + suffix));
0074     }
0075     imgdir.setFilter(QDir::Files);
0077     int passed = 0;
0078     int failed = 0;
0080     QTextStream(stdout) << "********* "
0081                         << "Starting basic write tests for " << suffix << " images *********\n";
0082     const QFileInfoList lstImgDir = imgdir.entryInfoList();
0083     for (const QFileInfo &fi : lstImgDir) {
0084         QString pngfile;
0085         if (parser.isSet(ignoreDataCheck)) {
0086             pngfile = fi.filePath();
0087         } else {
0088             int suffixPos = fi.filePath().count() - suffix.count();
0089             pngfile = fi.filePath().replace(suffixPos, suffix.count(), QStringLiteral("png"));
0090         }
0091         QString pngfilename = QFileInfo(pngfile).fileName();
0093         QImageReader pngReader(pngfile, "png");
0094         QImage pngImage;
0095         if (! {
0096             QTextStream(stdout) << "ERROR: " << fi.fileName() << ": could not load " << pngfilename << ": " << pngReader.errorString() << "\n";
0097             ++failed;
0098             continue;
0099         }
0101         QByteArray writtenData;
0102         {
0103             QBuffer buffer(&writtenData);
0104             QImageWriter imgWriter(&buffer, format.constData());
0105             if (parser.isSet(lossless)) {
0106                 imgWriter.setQuality(100);
0107             }
0108             if (!imgWriter.write(pngImage)) {
0109                 QTextStream(stdout) << "FAIL : " << fi.fileName() << ": failed to write image data\n";
0110                 ++failed;
0111                 continue;
0112             }
0113         }
0115         if (!parser.isSet(ignoreDataCheck)) {
0116             QFile expFile(fi.filePath());
0117             if (! {
0118                 QTextStream(stdout) << "ERROR: " << fi.fileName() << ": could not open " << fi.fileName() << ": " << expFile.errorString() << "\n";
0119                 ++failed;
0120                 continue;
0121             }
0122             QByteArray expData = expFile.readAll();
0123             if (expData.isEmpty()) {
0124                 // check if there was actually anything to read
0125                 expFile.reset();
0126                 char buf[1];
0127                 qint64 result =, 1);
0128                 if (result < 0) {
0129                     QTextStream(stdout) << "ERROR: " << fi.fileName() << ": could not load " << fi.fileName() << ": " << expFile.errorString() << "\n";
0130                     ++failed;
0131                     continue;
0132                 }
0133             }
0135             if (expData != writtenData) {
0136                 QTextStream(stdout) << "FAIL : " << fi.fileName() << ": written data differs from " << fi.fileName() << "\n";
0137                 ++failed;
0138                 continue;
0139             }
0140         }
0142         QImage reReadImage;
0143         {
0144             QBuffer buffer(&writtenData);
0145             QImageReader imgReader(&buffer, format.constData());
0146             if (! {
0147                 QTextStream(stdout) << "FAIL : " << fi.fileName() << ": could not read back the written data\n";
0148                 ++failed;
0149                 continue;
0150             }
0151             reReadImage = reReadImage.convertToFormat(pngImage.format());
0152         }
0154         if (parser.isSet(lossless)) {
0155             if (!fuzzyeq(pngImage, reReadImage, fuzziness)) {
0156                 QTextStream(stdout) << "FAIL : " << fi.fileName() << ": re-reading the data resulted in a different image\n";
0157                 if (pngImage.size() == reReadImage.size()) {
0158                     for (int i = 0; i < pngImage.width(); ++i) {
0159                         for (int j = 0; j < pngImage.height(); ++j) {
0160                             if (pngImage.pixel(i, j) != reReadImage.pixel(i, j)) {
0161                                 QTextStream(stdout) << "Pixel is different " << i << ',' << j << ' ' << pngImage.pixel(i, j) << ' ' << reReadImage.pixel(i, j)
0162                                                     << '\n';
0163                             }
0164                         }
0165                     }
0166                 }
0167                 ++failed;
0168                 continue;
0169             }
0170         }
0172         QTextStream(stdout) << "PASS : " << fi.fileName() << "\n";
0173         ++passed;
0174     }
0176     QTextStream(stdout) << "Totals: " << passed << " passed, " << failed << " failed\n";
0177     QTextStream(stdout) << "********* "
0178                         << "Finished basic write tests for " << suffix << " images *********\n";
0180     return failed == 0 ? 0 : 1;
0181 }