File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 15:25:21

0001 /*  This file is part of the KDE libraries
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Chusslove Illich <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef KTRANSCRIPT_P_H
0008 #define KTRANSCRIPT_P_H
0010 #include <QHash>
0011 #include <QList>
0012 #include <QStringList>
0013 #include <QVariant>
0015 /**
0016  * @internal
0017  * (used by KLocalizedString)
0018  *
0019  * @c KTranscript provides support for programmable translations.
0020  * The class is abstract in order to facilitate dynamic loading.
0021  *
0022  * @author Chusslove Illich <>
0023  * @short class for supporting programmable translations
0024  */
0025 class KTranscript
0026 {
0027 public:
0028     /**
0029      * Evaluates interpolation.
0030      *
0031      * @param argv list of interpolation tokens
0032      * @param lang language of the translation
0033      * @param ctry locale country
0034      * @param msgctxt message context
0035      * @param dynctxt dynamic context
0036      * @param msgid original message
0037      * @param subs substitutions for message placeholders
0038      * @param vals values that were formatted to substitutions
0039      * @param ftrans finalized ordinary translation
0040      * @param mods scripting modules to load; the list is cleared after loading
0041      * @param error set to the message detailing the problem, if the script
0042                     failed; set to empty otherwise
0043      * @param fallback set to true if the script requested fallback to ordinary
0044                        translation; set to false otherwise
0045      * @return resolved interpolation if evaluation succeeded,
0046      *         empty string otherwise
0047      */
0048     virtual QString eval(const QList<QVariant> &argv,
0049                          const QString &lang,
0050                          const QString &ctry,
0051                          const QString &msgctxt,
0052                          const QHash<QString, QString> &dynctxt,
0053                          const QString &msgid,
0054                          const QStringList &subs,
0055                          const QList<QVariant> &vals,
0056                          const QString &ftrans,
0057                          QList<QStringList> &mods,
0058                          QString &error,
0059                          bool &fallback) = 0;
0061     /**
0062      * Returns the list of calls to execute an all messages after the
0063      * interpolations are done, as evaluations with no parameters.
0064      *
0065      * @param lang language of the translation
0066      * @return list of post calls
0067      */
0068     virtual QStringList postCalls(const QString &lang) = 0;
0070     /**
0071      * Destructor.
0072      */
0073     virtual ~KTranscript()
0074     {
0075     }
0076 };
0079 KTranscript *autotestCreateKTranscriptImp();
0080 void autotestDestroyKTranscriptImp();
0081 #endif
0083 #endif