Warning, file /frameworks/ki18n/po/sr/scripts/ki18n6/ki18n6.js was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // kdelibs4.js of Serbian KDE translation
0003 // ------------------------------
0004 // Property getter object contains the following data attributes:
0005 // - callname: the name of the getter call as exposed to PO files
0006 // - propkey: the key of the property as used in pmap files
0007 // - overrides: dictionary of values of this property for certain phrases,
0008 //              which were manually set in the PO file
0009 function Propgetter (callname, propkey)
0010 {
0011     this.callname = callname;
0012     this.propkey = propkey;
0013     this.overrides = {};
0015     this.getbase = Propgetter_getbase;
0017     this.getprop = Propgetter_getprop;
0018     this.getprop_uc = Propgetter_getprop_uc;
0019     this.getform = Propgetter_getform;
0020     this.getform_uc = Propgetter_getform_uc;
0021 }
0023 // Base of property/form getter methods attached to getter objects.
0024 // First the property for the given phrase is looked up in overrides,
0025 // and then in Transcript property map (read from pmap files).
0026 // If the property is not found, fallback is signalled if retself is false,
0027 // otherwise the phrase itself is returned.
0028 function Propgetter_getbase (phrase, retself)
0029 {
0030     if (phrase in this.overrides) {
0031         return this.overrides[phrase];
0032     }
0033     else {
0034         var prop = Ts.getProp(phrase, this.propkey)
0035         if (prop != undefined)
0036             return prop;
0037     }
0038     if (retself) {
0039         return phrase;
0040     }
0041     throw Ts.fallback();
0042 }
0044 // Property getter method attached to getter objects.
0045 function Propgetter_getprop (phrase)
0046 {
0047     return this.getbase(phrase, false);
0048 }
0050 // As previous, but returns the property with the first letter upcased.
0051 function Propgetter_getprop_uc (phrase)
0052 {
0053     var val = this.getprop(phrase);
0055     // The second argument is indicating the number of alternatives per
0056     // alternatives directive -- in case the first letter is within
0057     // an alternatives directive, all alternatives in that directive
0058     // should be processed.
0059     return Ts.toUpperFirst(val, 2);
0060 }
0062 // Form getter method attached to getter objects.
0063 function Propgetter_getform (phrase)
0064 {
0065     return this.getbase(phrase, true);
0066 }
0068 // As previous, but returns the form with the first letter upcased.
0069 function Propgetter_getform_uc (phrase)
0070 {
0071     var val = this.getform(phrase);
0072     // See the comment in Propgetter_getprop_uc().
0073     return Ts.toUpperFirst(val, 2);
0074 }
0076 // ------------------------------
0077 // Exposing property getters to PO.
0079 // Contains all global property getters.
0080 var _propgetters_ = {};
0082 // Set PO calls for given property getter object.
0083 function setcalls_prop (pgetr)
0084 {
0085     // Default call.
0086     Ts.setcall(pgetr.callname, pgetr.getprop, pgetr);
0087     // "Open with $[callname %1]"
0089     // Form call.
0090     Ts.setcall(pgetr.callname + "/ф", pgetr.getform, pgetr);
0091     // "Open with $[callname/ф %1]"
0093     // The calls which capitalize the first letter of the value,
0094     // named as the default calls but with the first letter capitalized.
0095     // Only set if the first letter of the call name is actually lowercase.
0096     callname_uc = Ts.toUpperFirst(pgetr.callname);
0097     if (callname_uc != pgetr.callname) {
0098         Ts.setcall(callname_uc, pgetr.getprop_uc, pgetr);
0099         // "$[Callname %1] starting..."
0100         Ts.setcall(callname_uc + "/ф", pgetr.getform_uc, pgetr);
0101         // "$[Callname/ф %1] starting..."
0102     }
0104     // Record getter objects globally.
0105     // Only for the original name, since the uppercase/form variants are not
0106     // used when properties are being set (when the global store is needed).
0107     _propgetters_[pgetr.callname] = pgetr;
0108 }
0110 // Set property value of phrase.
0111 function setprop (phrase, pkey, pval)
0112 {
0113     // Either create new, or select existing getter.
0114     var pgetr;
0115     if (!_propgetters_[pkey]) {
0116         // Populate new getter if not already defined.
0117         pgetr = new Propgetter(pkey, pkey);
0118         // Expose calls to PO.
0119         setcalls_prop(pgetr);
0120     }
0121     else {
0122         // Get previously defined getter.
0123         pgetr = _propgetters_[pkey];
0124     }
0126     // Add the property into overrides of selected getter.
0127     pgetr.overrides[phrase] = pval;
0128 }
0130 // Get property value of phrase.
0131 // Signals fallback if the property/phrase combination is not defined.
0132 function getprop (phrase, pkey)
0133 {
0134     if (_propgetters_[pkey]) {
0135         return _propgetters_[pkey].getprop(phrase);
0136     }
0137     throw Ts.fallback();
0138 }
0140 // Get form of the phrase, or phrase itself if no such form.
0141 function getform (phrase, fkey)
0142 {
0143     if (_propgetters_[fkey]) {
0144         return _propgetters_[fkey].getform(phrase);
0145     }
0146     return phrase;
0147 }
0149 // Returns true if the phrase has the property.
0150 function hasprop (phrase, pkey)
0151 {
0152     pg = _propgetters_[pkey];
0153     if (!pg) {
0154         return false;
0155     }
0156     if (!pg.overrides[phrase] && !Ts.getProp(phrase, pg.propkey)) {
0157         return false;
0158     }
0159     return true;
0160 }
0162 // ------------------------------
0163 // Predefined property getters.
0165 // Call names and corresponding keys in pmap for predefined getters.
0166 // The first letter in a call name should be lowercase; for each call
0167 // another call with the first letter in uppercase will be defined,
0168 // which will upcase the first letter in the property value before
0169 // returning it.
0170 var call_name_to_prop = {
0171     // Nouns.
0172     "_изв" : "_izvor", // english original
0173     "_род" : "_rod", // gender
0174     "_број" : "_broj", // number
0176     "ном" : "n", // nominative case
0177     "ген" : "g", // genitive case
0178     "дат" : "d", // dative case
0179     "аку" : "a", // accusative case
0180     "инс" : "i", // instrumental case
0181     "лок" : "l", // locative case
0183     // Expressive variants.
0184     "наредбено" : "_narb", // command
0185     "списковно" : "_spis", // listed
0187     // Adjectives.
0188     "ном-м" : "nm", // nominative, masculine
0189     "ген-м" : "gm", // genitive, masculine
0190     "дат-м" : "dm", // dative, masculine
0191     "аку-м" : "am", // accusative, masculine
0192     "инс-м" : "im", // instrumental, masculine
0193     "лок-м" : "lm", // locative, masculine
0194     "ном-ж" : "nz", // nominative, feminine
0195     "ген-ж" : "gz", // genitive, feminine
0196     "дат-ж" : "dz", // dative, feminine
0197     "аку-ж" : "az", // accusative, feminine
0198     "инс-ж" : "iz", // instrumental, feminine
0199     "лок-ж" : "lz", // locative, feminine
0200     "ном-с" : "ns", // nominative, neuter
0201     "ген-с" : "gs", // genitive, neuter
0202     "дат-с" : "ds", // dative, neuter
0203     "аку-с" : "as", // accusative, neuter
0204     "инс-с" : "is", // instrumental, neuter
0205     "лок-с" : "ls", // locative, neuter
0206     "ном-мк" : "nmk", // nominative, masculine, plural
0207     "ген-мк" : "gmk", // genitive, masculine, plural
0208     "дат-мк" : "dmk", // dative, masculine, plural
0209     "аку-мк" : "amk", // accusative, masculine, plural
0210     "инс-мк" : "imk", // instrumental, masculine, plural
0211     "лок-мк" : "lmk", // locative, masculine, plural
0212     "ном-жк" : "nzk", // nominative, feminine, plural
0213     "ген-жк" : "gzk", // genitive, feminine, plural
0214     "дат-жк" : "dzk", // dative, feminine, plural
0215     "аку-жк" : "azk", // accusative, feminine, plural
0216     "инс-жк" : "izk", // instrumental, feminine, plural
0217     "лок-жк" : "lzk", // locative, feminine, plural
0218     "ном-ск" : "nsk", // nominative, neuter, plural
0219     "ген-ск" : "gsk", // genitive, neuter, plural
0220     "дат-ск" : "dsk", // dative, neuter, plural
0221     "аку-ск" : "ask", // accusative, neuter, plural
0222     "инс-ск" : "isk", // instrumental, neuter, plural
0223     "лок-ск" : "lsk", // locative, neuter, plural
0224 };
0226 // Create getter objects for predefined getters.
0227 for (cname in call_name_to_prop) {
0228     // Create getter object as defined above.
0229     var pgetr = new Propgetter(cname, call_name_to_prop[cname]);
0230     // Expose calls to PO.
0231     setcalls_prop(pgetr);
0232 }
0234 // Special handling for instrumental case, when used for tool application:
0235 // don't pass it along as-is if same as nominative case of the phrase,
0236 // since the sentence can get very different, yet semantically correct meaning.
0237 // Instead, pass genitive case with the preposition "by the help of".
0238 {
0239     var pgetr = new Propgetter("инс-п", "i");
0241     // Replace default getter method.
0242     pgetr.getprop = function (phrase)
0243     {
0244         var prop_ins = _propgetters_["инс"].getprop(phrase);
0245         var prop_nom = _propgetters_["ном"].getprop(phrase);
0246         if (prop_ins == prop_nom) {
0247             var prop_gen = _propgetters_["ген"].getprop(phrase);
0248             return "помоћу " + prop_gen;
0249         }
0250         else {
0251             return prop_ins;
0252         }
0253     }
0255     setcalls_prop(pgetr);
0256 }
0258 // ------------------------------
0259 // Set properties of the given phrase.
0260 // The arguments to the call are the phrase, and a list of as many keys
0261 // followed by their value as desired (i.e. number of elements must be even).
0262 // Keys may also be comma-separated lists instead of a single key, in order
0263 // not to have to repeat the same value when it corresponds to several keys.
0264 //
0265 // The property keys become property getters which can be used to retrive
0266 // the value at a later point. If the getter for a given key already exists,
0267 // the new value is added into its overrides.
0268 //
0269 // Returns undefined.
0270 //
0271 function setprops (phrase, keyvals)
0272 {
0273     if (keyvals.length % 2 != 0)
0274         throw Error("Property setter given odd number of key/value elements.");
0276     for (var i = 0; i < keyvals.length; i += 2) {
0277         // Several keys may be given for a single prop, comma-separated.
0278         var pkeys = keyvals[i].split(",");
0279         var pval = keyvals[i + 1];
0281         // Set the value to each property key.
0282         for (var j = 0; j < pkeys.length; j += 1) {
0283             setprop(phrase, pkeys[j], pval);
0284         }
0285     }
0286 }
0288 // Manually set properties of the phrase given by the finalized msgstr
0289 // in the PO file and signal fallback.
0290 // For the rest of the behavior, see setprops()
0291 function setprops_msgstrf (/*...*/)
0292 {
0293     if (arguments.length % 2 != 0)
0294         throw Error("Msgstr property setter given odd number of arguments.");
0295     setprops(Ts.msgstrf(), arguments);
0296     throw Ts.fallback();
0297 }
0298 Ts.setcall("својства", setprops_msgstrf);
0299 // "$[callname prop1 value1 prop2 value2 ...]"
0301 // Manually set properties of the phrase given by the finalized msgstr
0302 // in the PO file and return empty string.
0303 // For the rest of the behavior, see setprops()
0304 function setprops_msgstrf_e (/*...*/)
0305 {
0306     if (arguments.length % 2 != 0)
0307         throw Error("Msgstr property setter given odd number of arguments.");
0308     setprops(Ts.msgstrf(), arguments);
0309     return "";
0310 }
0311 Ts.setcall("својства/п", setprops_msgstrf_e);
0312 // "$[callname prop1 value1 prop2 value2 ...]"
0314 // ------------------------------
0315 // Manual plural handling.
0316 // Only first three forms, as the fourth form is most likely not needed
0317 // when the plural needs to be scripted.
0318 // The first argument should be the proper value, not the substitution string
0319 // (i.e. do not call as $[~ %1 ...] but as $[~ ^1 ...]).
0320 function plural3 (n, form0, form1, form2)
0321 {
0322     if (n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11)
0323         return form0;
0324     else if (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20))
0325         return form1;
0326     else
0327         return form2;
0328 }
0329 Ts.setcall("множ", plural3);
0330 // "...and %2 $[callname ^2 file fila files]"
0332 // ------------------------------
0333 // General choice-by-case.
0334 function select_by_case (/* test, case1, choice1, ..., [default_choice] */)
0335 {
0336     if (arguments.length < 1)
0337         throw Error("Choice by case takes at least the test value.");
0339     for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 1; i += 2) {
0340         if (arguments[0] == arguments[i]) {
0341             return arguments[i + 1];
0342         }
0343     }
0344     // No case matched, see if we have a default.
0345     if ((arguments.length - 1) % 2 != 0) {
0346         return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
0347     } else {
0348         throw Ts.fallback();
0349     }
0350 }
0351 Ts.setcall("када", select_by_case);
0352 // "Do you want to %1 $[callname %1 open 'this bar' access 'thisu baru']"
0354 // ------------------------------
0355 // Select one of three forms according to the gender of the phrase.
0356 function select_by_gender (phrase, form_m, form_f, form_n)
0357 {
0358     // Select gender (throws fallback if phrase not found).
0359     var gender = getprop(phrase, "_род");
0361     if (gender == "м") {
0362         return form_m;
0363     }
0364     else if (gender == "ж") {
0365         return form_f;
0366     }
0367     else if (gender == "с") {
0368         return form_n;
0369     }
0370     else {
0371         throw Ts.fallback();
0372     }
0373 }
0374 Ts.setcall("по-роду", select_by_gender);
0375 // "Delete $[callname %1 this thisa thiso] %1?"
0377 // ------------------------------
0378 // Select one of two forms according to the number of the phrase.
0379 function select_by_number (phrase, form_s, form_p)
0380 {
0381     // Select number (default to singular if not found).
0382     var number = "ј";
0383     if (hasprop(phrase, "_број")) {
0384         number = getprop(phrase, "_број");
0385     }
0387     if (number == "к") { // plural
0388         return form_p;
0389     } else {
0390         return form_s;
0391     }
0392 }
0393 Ts.setcall("по-броју", select_by_number);
0394 // "%1 $[callname %1 waalks waalk] by the river."
0396 // ------------------------------
0397 // Select one of six forms according to the gender and number of the phrase.
0398 function select_by_number_gender (phrase,
0399                                   form_ms, form_fs, form_ns, // singulars
0400                                   form_mp, form_fp, form_np) // plurals
0401 {
0402     // Select number (default to singular if not found).
0403     var number = "ј";
0404     if (hasprop(phrase, "_број")) {
0405         number = getprop(phrase, "_број");
0406     }
0408     if (number == "к") { // plural
0409         return select_by_gender(phrase, form_mp, form_fp, form_np);
0410     } else {
0411         return select_by_gender(phrase, form_ms, form_fs, form_ns);
0412     }
0413 }
0414 Ts.setcall("по-роду-броју", select_by_number_gender);
0415 // "Delete $[callname %1 this thisa thiso thees theesa theeso] %1?"
0417 // ------------------------------
0418 // Select one the form according to the case and gender of another argument.
0419 function select_by_case_gender (gcase, gphrase, phrase) // plurals
0420 {
0421     var gender = getprop(gphrase, "_род");
0422     return getprop(phrase, gcase + "-" + gender);
0423 }
0424 Ts.setcall("по-падежу-роду", select_by_case_gender);
0425 // "Delete $[callname case %2 %1] [case %2]?"
0427 // ------------------------------
0428 // Object to query whether a character is one of expected letters.
0429 letter_arr = (""
0430     + "абвгдђежзијклљмнњопрстћуфхцчџшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛЉМНЊОПРСТЋУФХЦЧЏШ"
0431     + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
0432 ).split("");
0433 letter = {};
0434 for (var i = 0; i < letter_arr.length; ++i) {
0435     letter[letter_arr[i]] = 1;
0436 }
0438 // ------------------------------
0439 // Split phrase into words and intersections,
0440 // where words are taken as contiguous segments of letters.
0441 // The return value is a tuple of arrays of words and intersections.
0442 // There is always one more of intersections than words, so that
0443 // the original phrase can be reassembled as
0444 // intrs[0] + words[0] + ... + intrs[n - 2] + words[n - 2] + intrs[n - 1].
0445 function split_phrase (phrase)
0446 {
0447     intrs = [];
0448     words = [];
0450     var i = 0;
0451     while (i < phrase.length) {
0452         var i1 = i;
0453         while (i1 < phrase.length && !letter[phrase[i1]]) {
0454             ++i1;
0455         }
0456         intrs.push(phrase.substring(i, i1));
0457         var i2 = i1;
0458         while (i2 < phrase.length && letter[phrase[i2]]) {
0459             ++i2;
0460         }
0461         if (i2 > i1) {
0462             words.push(phrase.substring(i1, i2));
0463             if (i2 == phrase.length) {
0464                 intrs.push("");
0465             }
0466         }
0467         i = i2;
0468     }
0470     return [words, intrs];
0471 }
0473 // ------------------------------
0474 // Apply call to each word in the phrase.
0475 // The call must accept the word as the last argument.
0476 function apply_to_word (/* phrase, callname, ...args before word... */)
0477 {
0478     if (arguments.length < 2)
0479         throw Error("Applicator takes at least the phrase and the call name.");
0481     phrase = arguments[0];
0482     calln = arguments[1];
0483     cargs = [calln];
0484     for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
0485         cargs.push(arguments[i]);
0486     }
0488     lst = split_phrase(phrase);
0489     words = lst[0];
0490     intrs = lst[1];
0492     nwords = [];
0493     for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
0494         cargs.push(words[i]);
0495         nwords.push(Ts.acall.apply(Ts, cargs));
0496         cargs.pop();
0497     }
0499     str = ""
0500     for (var i = 0; i < nwords.length; ++i) {
0501         str += intrs[i] + nwords[i];
0502     }
0503     str += intrs[nwords.length];
0505     return str;
0506 }
0507 Ts.setcall("на-реч", apply_to_word);
0508 // "Repeat until $[callname casecall %1], and on this date..."
0510 // ------------------------------
0511 // Decline person's name into given case.
0512 // Parse name into first and last name, determine gender according to
0513 // first name, decline according to gender and assemble.
0514 // If name cannot be fully declined, returns original name if retself is true,
0515 // otherwise signals fallback.
0516 // TODO: Just delegates to ordinary getters for the time being.
0517 function decline_person_name_base (gcase, fullname, retself)
0518 {
0519     if (retself) {
0520         return getform(fullname, gcase);
0521     }
0522     else {
0523         return getprop(fullname, gcase);
0524     }
0525 }
0527 // Decline person's name, signal fallback if not possible.
0528 function decline_person_name (gcase, fullname)
0529 {
0530     return decline_person_name_base(gcase, fullname, false);
0531 }
0532 Ts.setcall("именски", decline_person_name);
0533 // "You have invited $[callname case %1] to the party."
0535 // Decline person's name, return as-is if not possible.
0536 function decline_person_name_nf (gcase, fullname)
0537 {
0538     return decline_person_name_base(gcase, fullname, true);
0539 }
0540 Ts.setcall("именски/ф", decline_person_name_nf);
0541 // "You have invited $[callname case %1] to the party."
0543 // ------------------------------
0544 // Match style attributes to gender of the font family name,
0545 // for the requested grammatical case.
0546 // The message must have dynamic context 'family' equal to the family name,
0547 // so that its gender can be obtained.
0548 // Style string may be composed of several space-separated attributes.
0549 // Family name and style attributes are expected in the nominative case.
0550 // Returns composed style string in the proper gender/case.
0551 function match_style_to_font (compstyle, gcase)
0552 {
0553     var family = Ts.dynctxt("family");
0554     if (!family) {
0555         throw Ts.fallback();
0556     }
0557     var gender = getprop(family, "_род");
0558     var number = ""
0559     if (hasprop(family, "_број")) {
0560         number = getprop(family, "_број");
0561     }
0562     var styles = compstyle.split(" ");
0563     var final = "";
0564     for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i += 1) {
0565         final += " " + getprop(styles[i], gcase + "-" + gender + number);
0566     }
0567     return final.substr(1); // to remove initial space
0568 }
0569 Ts.setcall("стил-према-фонту", match_style_to_font);
0571 // ------------------------------
0572 // Pick a phrase depending on a dynamic context field.
0573 // Input is the keyword of the context field, followed by pairs of
0574 // regex matcher on context value and corresponding phrase,
0575 // and optionally followed by default phrase in case the value does not match.
0576 // If the value does not match and default phrase is not given,
0577 // fallback is signaled.
0578 // If requested dynamic context field does not exist, fallback is signaled.
0579 function select_by_context (/* ctxt_key,
0580                                valrx_1, phrase_1, ..., valrx_N, phrase_N
0581                                [, default_phrase]*/)
0582 {
0583     if (arguments.length < 1)
0584         throw Error("Selector by context takes at least the context keyword.");
0586     var ctxtkey = arguments[0];
0587     var ctxtval = Ts.dynctxt(ctxtkey);
0589     var phrase;
0590     for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
0591         if (ctxtval.match(RegExp(arguments[i]))) {
0592             phrase = arguments[i + 1];
0593             break;
0594         }
0595     }
0596     if (phrase == undefined) {
0597         if (arguments.length % 2 == 0) {
0598             phrase = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
0599         } else {
0600             throw Ts.fallback();
0601         }
0602     }
0604     return phrase;
0605 }
0606 Ts.setcall("по-контексту", select_by_context);
0608 // ------------------------------
0609 // Load property maps.
0610 Ts.loadProps("trapnakron");
0611 // // Do not load fonts pmap if the user requested so.
0612 // if (!Ts.getConfBool("translate-fonts", true)) {
0613 // }