File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 15:24:05

0001 /*
0002  * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
0003  *           (C) 2006 Germain Garand <>
0004  *           (C) 2006 Allan Sandfeld Jense <>
0005  *
0006  * Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
0007  *
0008  * Other contributors:
0009  *   Robert O'Callahan <>
0010  *   David Baron <>
0011  *   Christian Biesinger <>
0012  *   Randall Jesup <>
0013  *   Roland Mainz <>
0014  *   Josh Soref <>
0015  *   Boris Zbarsky <>
0016  *
0017  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0018  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
0019  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0020  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0021  *
0022  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0023  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0025  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
0026  *
0027  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
0028  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
0029  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
0030  *
0031  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
0032  * of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
0033  * (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
0034  * License Version 2.0, found at
0035  * (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
0036  * applicable instead of those above.  If you wish to allow use of your
0037  * version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
0038  * licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
0039  * version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
0040  * deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
0041  * other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
0042  * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
0043  * version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
0044  */
0046 //#define BOX_DEBUG
0048 #include "render_layer.h"
0049 #include "khtmlview.h"
0050 #include "render_canvas.h"
0051 #include "render_arena.h"
0052 #include "render_replaced.h"
0053 #include "render_form.h"
0054 #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
0055 #include "xml/dom2_eventsimpl.h"
0056 #include "misc/paintbuffer.h"
0057 #include "html/html_blockimpl.h"
0058 #include "xml/dom_restyler.h"
0060 #include <QStyle>
0061 #include <QStack>
0063 using namespace DOM;
0064 using namespace khtml;
0066 ScrollBarWidget *RenderLayer::gScrollBar = nullptr;
0068 #ifndef NDEBUG
0069 static bool inRenderLayerDetach;
0070 #endif
0072 void
0073 RenderScrollMediator::slotValueChanged()
0074 {
0075     if (m_layer->renderer()->canvas()->isPerformingLayout()) {
0076         if (!m_waitingForUpdate) {
0077             QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotValueChanged()));
0078         }
0079         m_waitingForUpdate = true;
0080     } else {
0081         m_waitingForUpdate = false;
0082         m_layer->updateScrollPositionFromScrollbars();
0083     }
0084 }
0086 RenderLayer::RenderLayer(RenderObject *object)
0087     : m_object(object),
0088       m_parent(nullptr),
0089       m_previous(nullptr),
0090       m_next(nullptr),
0091       m_first(nullptr),
0092       m_last(nullptr),
0093       m_x(0),
0094       m_y(0),
0095       m_scrollX(0),
0096       m_scrollY(0),
0097       m_scrollXOrigin(0),
0098       m_scrollWidth(0),
0099       m_scrollHeight(0),
0100       m_hBar(nullptr),
0101       m_vBar(nullptr),
0102       m_scrollMediator(nullptr),
0103       m_posZOrderList(nullptr),
0104       m_negZOrderList(nullptr),
0105       m_overflowList(nullptr),
0106       m_zOrderListsDirty(true),
0107       m_overflowListDirty(true),
0108       m_isOverflowOnly(shouldBeOverflowOnly()),
0109       m_markedForRepaint(false),
0110       m_hasOverlaidWidgets(false),
0111       m_visibleContentStatusDirty(true),
0112       m_hasVisibleContent(false),
0113       m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty(false),
0114       m_hasVisibleDescendant(false),
0115       m_inScrollbarRelayout(false),
0116       m_marquee(nullptr)
0117 {
0118     if (!object->firstChild() && object->style()) {
0119         m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
0120         m_hasVisibleContent = object->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE;
0121     }
0122     m_buffer[0] = nullptr;
0123     m_buffer[1] = nullptr;
0124     m_wasStackingContext = object->style() ? isStackingContext() : false;
0125 }
0127 RenderLayer::~RenderLayer()
0128 {
0129     // Child layers will be deleted by their corresponding render objects, so
0130     // our destructor doesn't have to do anything.
0131     delete m_hBar;
0132     delete m_vBar;
0133     delete m_buffer[0];
0134     delete m_buffer[1];
0135     delete m_scrollMediator;
0136     delete m_posZOrderList;
0137     delete m_negZOrderList;
0138     delete m_overflowList;
0139     delete m_marquee;
0140 }
0142 void RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition()
0143 {
0145     // The canvas is sized to the docWidth/Height over in RenderCanvas::layout, so we
0146     // don't need to ever update our layer position here.
0147     if (renderer()->isCanvas()) {
0148         return;
0149     }
0151     int x = m_object->xPos();
0152     int y = m_object->yPos() - m_object->borderTopExtra();
0154     if (!m_object->isPositioned()) {
0155         // We must adjust our position by walking up the render tree looking for the
0156         // nearest enclosing object with a layer.
0157         RenderObject *curr = m_object->parent();
0158         while (curr && !curr->layer()) {
0159             x += curr->xPos();
0160             y += curr->yPos();
0161             curr = curr->parent();
0162         }
0163         if (curr) {
0164             y += curr->borderTopExtra();
0165         }
0166     }
0168     if (m_object->isRelPositioned()) {
0169         static_cast<RenderBox *>(m_object)->relativePositionOffset(x, y);
0170     }
0172     // Subtract our parent's scroll offset.
0173     if (m_object->isPositioned() && enclosingPositionedAncestor()) {
0174         RenderLayer *positionedParent = enclosingPositionedAncestor();
0176         // For positioned layers, we subtract out the enclosing positioned layer's scroll offset.
0177         positionedParent->subtractScrollOffset(x, y);
0178         positionedParent->checkInlineRelOffset(m_object, x, y);
0179     } else if (parent()) {
0180         parent()->subtractScrollOffset(x, y);
0181     }
0183     setPos(x, y);
0184 }
0186 QRegion RenderLayer::paintedRegion(RenderLayer *rootLayer)
0187 {
0188     updateZOrderLists();
0189     QRegion r;
0190     const RenderStyle *s = renderer()->style();
0191     bool isTrans = (s->opacity() < 1.0);
0192     if (isTrans && m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0193         if (!s->opacity()) {
0194             return r;
0195         }
0196         for (RenderLayer *ch = firstChild(); ch; ch = ch->nextSibling()) {
0197             r += ch->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0198         }
0199     } else if (m_negZOrderList && m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0200         uint count = m_negZOrderList->count();
0201         for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0202             RenderLayer *child = m_negZOrderList->at(i);
0203             r += child->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0204         }
0205     }
0207     if (m_hasVisibleContent) {
0208         int x = 0; int y = 0;
0209         convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, x, y);
0210         QRect cr(x, y, width(), height());
0211         if (s->visibility() == VISIBLE && (s->backgroundImage() || s->backgroundColor().isValid() || s->hasBorder() ||
0212                                            renderer()->scrollsOverflow() || renderer()->isReplaced())) {
0213             if (!s->hidesOverflow()) {
0214                 r += renderer()->visibleFlowRegion(x, y);
0215             }
0216             r += cr;
0217         } else {
0218             r += renderer()->visibleFlowRegion(x, y);
0219         }
0220     }
0222     if (!isTrans && m_posZOrderList && m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0223         uint count = m_posZOrderList->count();
0224         for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0225             RenderLayer *child = m_posZOrderList->at(i);
0226             r += child->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0227         }
0228     }
0229     return r;
0230 }
0232 void RenderLayer::repaint(Priority p, bool markForRepaint)
0233 {
0234     if (markForRepaint && m_markedForRepaint) {
0235         return;
0236     }
0237     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
0238         child->repaint(p, markForRepaint);
0239     }
0240     QRect layerBounds, damageRect, fgrect;
0241     calculateRects(renderer()->canvas()->layer(), renderer()->viewRect(), layerBounds, damageRect, fgrect);
0242     m_visibleRect = damageRect.intersected(layerBounds);
0243     if (m_visibleRect.isValid()) {
0244         renderer()->canvas()->repaintViewRectangle(m_visibleRect.x(), m_visibleRect.y(), m_visibleRect.width(), m_visibleRect.height(), (p > NormalPriority));
0245     }
0246     if (markForRepaint) {
0247         m_markedForRepaint = true;
0248     }
0249 }
0251 void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions(RenderLayer *rootLayer, bool doFullRepaint, bool checkForRepaint)
0252 {
0253     if (doFullRepaint) {
0254         m_object->repaint();
0255         checkForRepaint = doFullRepaint = false;
0256     }
0258     updateLayerPosition(); // For relpositioned layers or non-positioned layers,
0259     // we need to keep in sync, since we may have shifted relative
0260     // to our parent layer.
0262     if (m_hBar || m_vBar) {
0263         // Need to position the scrollbars.
0264         int x = 0;
0265         int y = 0;
0266         convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, x, y);
0267         QRect layerBounds = QRect(x, y, width(), height());
0268         positionScrollbars(layerBounds);
0269     }
0271     updateVisibilityStatus();
0273     if (m_hasVisibleContent && checkForRepaint && m_markedForRepaint) {
0274         QRect layerBounds, damageRect, fgrect;
0275         calculateRects(rootLayer, renderer()->viewRect(), layerBounds, damageRect, fgrect);
0276         QRect vr = damageRect.intersected(layerBounds);
0277         if (vr != m_visibleRect && vr.isValid()) {
0278             renderer()->canvas()->repaintViewRectangle(vr.x(), vr.y(), vr.width(), vr.height());
0279             m_visibleRect = vr;
0280         }
0281     }
0282     m_markedForRepaint = false;
0284     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
0285         child->updateLayerPositions(rootLayer, doFullRepaint, checkForRepaint);
0286     }
0288     // With all our children positioned, now update our marquee if we need to.
0289     if (m_marquee) {
0290         m_marquee->updateMarqueePosition();
0291     }
0292 }
0294 void RenderLayer::setHasVisibleContent(bool b)
0295 {
0296     if (m_hasVisibleContent == b && !m_visibleContentStatusDirty) {
0297         return;
0298     }
0299     m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
0300     m_hasVisibleContent = b;
0301     if (m_hasVisibleContent) {
0302         // ### dirty painted region
0303         // m_region = QRegion();
0304         if (!isOverflowOnly())
0305             if (RenderLayer *sc = stackingContext()) {
0306                 sc->dirtyZOrderLists();
0307             }
0308     }
0309     if (parent()) {
0310         parent()->childVisibilityChanged(m_hasVisibleContent);
0311     }
0312 }
0314 void RenderLayer::dirtyVisibleContentStatus()
0315 {
0316     m_visibleContentStatusDirty = true;
0317     if (parent()) {
0318         parent()->dirtyVisibleDescendantStatus();
0319     }
0320 }
0322 void RenderLayer::childVisibilityChanged(bool newVisibility)
0323 {
0324     if (m_hasVisibleDescendant == newVisibility || m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty) {
0325         return;
0326     }
0327     if (newVisibility) {
0328         RenderLayer *l = this;
0329         while (l && !l->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty && !l->m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0330             l->m_hasVisibleDescendant = true;
0331             l = l->parent();
0332         }
0333     } else {
0334         dirtyVisibleDescendantStatus();
0335     }
0336 }
0338 void RenderLayer::dirtyVisibleDescendantStatus()
0339 {
0340     RenderLayer *l = this;
0341     while (l && !l->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty) {
0342         l->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = true;
0343         l = l->parent();
0344     }
0345 }
0347 void RenderLayer::updateVisibilityStatus()
0348 {
0349     if (m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty) {
0350         m_hasVisibleDescendant = false;
0351         for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
0352             child->updateVisibilityStatus();
0353             if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0354                 m_hasVisibleDescendant = true;
0355                 break;
0356             }
0357         }
0358         m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = false;
0359     }
0361     if (m_visibleContentStatusDirty) {
0362         if (m_object->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
0363             m_hasVisibleContent = true;
0364         } else {
0365             // layer may be hidden but still have some visible content, check for this
0366             m_hasVisibleContent = false;
0367             RenderObject *r = m_object->firstChild();
0368             while (r) {
0369                 if (r->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !r->layer()) {
0370                     m_hasVisibleContent = true;
0371                     break;
0372                 }
0373                 if (r->firstChild() && !r->layer()) {
0374                     r = r->firstChild();
0375                 } else if (r->nextSibling()) {
0376                     r = r->nextSibling();
0377                 } else {
0378                     do {
0379                         r = r->parent();
0380                         if (r == m_object) {
0381                             r = nullptr;
0382                         }
0383                     } while (r && !r->nextSibling());
0384                     if (r) {
0385                         r = r->nextSibling();
0386                     }
0387                 }
0388             }
0389         }
0390         m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
0391     }
0392 }
0394 void RenderLayer::updateWidgetMasks(RenderLayer *rootLayer)
0395 {
0396     if (hasOverlaidWidgets() && !renderer()->canvas()->pagedMode()) {
0397         updateZOrderLists();
0398         uint count = m_posZOrderList ? m_posZOrderList->count() : 0;
0399         bool needUpdate = false;
0400         KHTMLView *sa = nullptr;
0401         if (count > 0) {
0402             sa = m_object->document()->view();
0403             m_region = QRect(0, 0, sa->contentsWidth(), sa->contentsHeight());
0404             for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0405                 RenderLayer *child = m_posZOrderList->at(i);
0406                 if (child->zIndex() == 0 && child->renderer()->style()->position() == PSTATIC) {
0407                     continue;    // we don't know the widget's exact stacking position within flow
0408                 }
0409                 m_region -= child->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0410             }
0411             needUpdate = true;
0412         }
0413         RenderLayer *sc = this;
0414         int zx = zIndex();
0415         while ((sc = sc->stackingContext())) {
0416             sc->updateZOrderLists();
0417             bool found = false;
0418             if (zx < 0) {
0419                 count = sc->m_negZOrderList ? sc->m_negZOrderList->count() : 0;
0420                 needUpdate = needUpdate || count > 0;
0421                 for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0422                     found = found || sc->m_negZOrderList->at(i)->zIndex() > zx;
0423                     if (found) {
0424                         if (!sa) {
0425                             sa = m_object->document()->view();
0426                             m_region = QRect(0, 0, sa->contentsWidth(), sa->contentsHeight());
0427                         }
0428                         m_region -= sc->m_negZOrderList->at(i)->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0429                     }
0430                 }
0431             }
0432             count = sc->m_posZOrderList ? sc->m_posZOrderList->count() : 0;
0433             if (count > 0) {
0434                 needUpdate = true;
0435                 for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
0436                     found = found || sc->m_posZOrderList->at(i)->zIndex() > zx;
0437                     if (found) {
0438                         if (!sa) {
0439                             sa = m_object->document()->view();
0440                             m_region = QRect(0, 0, sa->contentsWidth(), sa->contentsHeight());
0441                         }
0442                         m_region -= sc->m_posZOrderList->at(i)->paintedRegion(rootLayer);
0443                     }
0444                 }
0445             }
0446             zx = sc->zIndex();
0447         }
0448         if (!needUpdate) {
0449             needUpdate = !m_region.isEmpty();
0450             m_region = QRegion();
0451         }
0452         if (needUpdate) {
0453             renderer()->updateWidgetMasks();
0454         }
0455     }
0456     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
0457         child->updateWidgetMasks(rootLayer);
0458     }
0459 }
0461 int RenderLayer::width() const
0462 {
0463     int w = m_object->width();
0464     if (!m_object->hasOverflowClip()) {
0465         w = qMax(m_object->overflowWidth(), w);
0466     }
0467     return w;
0468 }
0470 int RenderLayer::height() const
0471 {
0472     int h = m_object->height() + m_object->borderTopExtra() + m_object->borderBottomExtra();
0473     if (!m_object->hasOverflowClip()) {
0474         h = qMax(m_object->overflowHeight(), h);
0475     }
0476     return h;
0477 }
0479 RenderLayer *RenderLayer::stackingContext() const
0480 {
0481     RenderLayer *curr = parent();
0482     for (; curr && !curr->m_object->isCanvas() &&
0483             curr->m_object->style()->hasAutoZIndex();
0484             curr = curr->parent()) {};
0485     return curr;
0486 }
0488 RenderLayer *RenderLayer::enclosingPositionedAncestor() const
0489 {
0490     RenderLayer *curr = parent();
0491     for (; curr && !curr->m_object->isCanvas() &&
0492             !curr->m_object->isPositioned() && !curr->m_object->isRelPositioned();
0493             curr = curr->parent()) {};
0495     return curr;
0496 }
0498 bool RenderLayer::isTransparent() const
0499 {
0500     return m_object->style()->opacity() < 1.0f;
0501 }
0503 RenderLayer *RenderLayer::transparentAncestor() const
0504 {
0505     RenderLayer *curr = parent();
0506     for (; curr && curr->m_object->style()->opacity() == 1.0f; curr = curr->parent()) {};
0507     return curr;
0508 }
0510 void *RenderLayer::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena *renderArena) throw()
0511 {
0512     return renderArena->allocate(sz);
0513 }
0515 void RenderLayer::operator delete(void *ptr, size_t sz)
0516 {
0517     assert(inRenderLayerDetach);
0519     // Stash size where detach can find it.
0520     *(size_t *)ptr = sz;
0521 #endif
0522 }
0524 void RenderLayer::detach(RenderArena *renderArena)
0525 {
0526 #ifndef NDEBUG
0527     inRenderLayerDetach = true;
0528 #endif
0529     delete this;
0530 #ifndef NDEBUG
0531     inRenderLayerDetach = false;
0532 #endif
0534     // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory.
0535     renderArena->free(*(size_t *)this, this);
0536 }
0538 void RenderLayer::addChild(RenderLayer *child, RenderLayer *beforeChild)
0539 {
0540     RenderLayer *prevSibling = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
0541     if (prevSibling) {
0542         child->setPreviousSibling(prevSibling);
0543         prevSibling->setNextSibling(child);
0544     } else {
0545         setFirstChild(child);
0546     }
0548     if (beforeChild) {
0549         beforeChild->setPreviousSibling(child);
0550         child->setNextSibling(beforeChild);
0551     } else {
0552         setLastChild(child);
0553     }
0555     child->setParent(this);
0557     if (child->isOverflowOnly()) {
0558         dirtyOverflowList();
0559     } else {
0560         // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained.  The stackingContext() can be null in the
0561         // case where we're building up generated content layers.  This is ok, since the lists will start
0562         // off dirty in that case anyway.
0563         RenderLayer *stackingContext = child->stackingContext();
0564         if (stackingContext) {
0565             stackingContext->dirtyZOrderLists();
0566         }
0567     }
0568     child->updateVisibilityStatus();
0569     if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0570         childVisibilityChanged(true);
0571     }
0572 }
0574 RenderLayer *RenderLayer::removeChild(RenderLayer *oldChild)
0575 {
0576     // remove the child
0577     if (oldChild->previousSibling()) {
0578         oldChild->previousSibling()->setNextSibling(oldChild->nextSibling());
0579     }
0580     if (oldChild->nextSibling()) {
0581         oldChild->nextSibling()->setPreviousSibling(oldChild->previousSibling());
0582     }
0584     if (m_first == oldChild) {
0585         m_first = oldChild->nextSibling();
0586     }
0587     if (m_last == oldChild) {
0588         m_last = oldChild->previousSibling();
0589     }
0591     if (oldChild->isOverflowOnly()) {
0592         dirtyOverflowList();
0593     } else {
0594         // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained.  When called via the
0595         // reattachment process in removeOnlyThisLayer, the layer may already be disconnected
0596         // from the main layer tree, so we need to null-check the |stackingContext| value.
0597         RenderLayer *stackingContext = oldChild->stackingContext();
0598         if (stackingContext) {
0599             stackingContext->dirtyZOrderLists();
0600         }
0601     }
0603     oldChild->setPreviousSibling(nullptr);
0604     oldChild->setNextSibling(nullptr);
0605     oldChild->setParent(nullptr);
0607     oldChild->updateVisibilityStatus();
0608     if (oldChild->m_hasVisibleContent || oldChild->m_hasVisibleDescendant) {
0609         childVisibilityChanged(false);
0610     }
0612     return oldChild;
0613 }
0615 void RenderLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer()
0616 {
0617     if (!m_parent) {
0618         return;
0619     }
0621     // Remove us from the parent.
0622     RenderLayer *parent = m_parent;
0623     RenderLayer *nextSib = nextSibling();
0624     parent->removeChild(this);
0626     // Now walk our kids and reattach them to our parent.
0627     RenderLayer *current = m_first;
0628     while (current) {
0629         RenderLayer *next = current->nextSibling();
0630         removeChild(current);
0631         parent->addChild(current, nextSib);
0632         current = next;
0633     }
0635     detach(renderer()->renderArena());
0636 }
0638 void RenderLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer()
0639 {
0640     if (!m_parent && renderer()->parent()) {
0641         // We need to connect ourselves when our renderer() has a parent.
0642         // Find our enclosingLayer and add ourselves.
0643         RenderLayer *parentLayer = renderer()->parent()->enclosingLayer();
0644         if (parentLayer)
0645             parentLayer->addChild(this,
0646                                   renderer()->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, renderer()));
0647     }
0649     // Remove all descendant layers from the hierarchy and add them to the new position.
0650     for (RenderObject *curr = renderer()->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
0651         curr->moveLayers(m_parent, this);
0652     }
0653 }
0655 void RenderLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer *ancestorLayer, int &x, int &y) const
0656 {
0657     if (ancestorLayer == this) {
0658         return;
0659     }
0661     if (m_object->style()->position() == PFIXED) {
0662         // Add in the offset of the view.  We can obtain this by calling
0663         // absolutePosition() on the RenderCanvas.
0664         int xOff, yOff;
0665         m_object->absolutePosition(xOff, yOff, true);
0666         x += xOff;
0667         y += yOff;
0668         return;
0669     }
0671     RenderLayer *parentLayer;
0672     if (m_object->style()->position() == PABSOLUTE) {
0673         parentLayer = enclosingPositionedAncestor();
0674     } else {
0675         parentLayer = parent();
0676     }
0678     if (!parentLayer) {
0679         return;
0680     }
0682     parentLayer->convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, x, y);
0684     x += xPos();
0685     y += yPos();
0686 }
0688 void RenderLayer::scrollOffset(int &x, int &y)
0689 {
0690     x += scrollXOffset();
0691     y += scrollYOffset();
0692 }
0694 void RenderLayer::subtractScrollOffset(int &x, int &y)
0695 {
0696     x -= scrollXOffset();
0697     y -= scrollYOffset();
0698 }
0700 void RenderLayer::checkInlineRelOffset(const RenderObject *o, int &x, int &y)
0701 {
0702     if (o->style()->position() != PABSOLUTE || !renderer()->isRelPositioned() || !renderer()->isInlineFlow()) {
0703         return;
0704     }
0706     // Our renderer is an enclosing relpositioned inline, we need to add in the offset of the first line
0707     // box from the rest of the content, but only in the cases where we know our descendant is positioned
0708     // relative to the inline itself.
0709     assert(o->container() == m_object);
0711     RenderFlow *flow = static_cast<RenderFlow *>(m_object);
0712     int sx = 0, sy = 0;
0713     if (flow->firstLineBox()) {
0714         if (flow->style()->direction() == LTR) {
0715             sx = flow->firstLineBox()->xPos();
0716         } else {
0717             sx = flow->lastLineBox()->xPos();
0718         }
0719         sy = flow->firstLineBox()->yPos();
0720     } else {
0721         sx = flow->staticX(); // ###
0722         sy = flow->staticY();
0723     }
0724     bool isInlineType = o->style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType();
0726     if (!o->hasStaticX()) {
0727         x += sx;
0728     }
0730     // Despite the positioned child being a block display type inside an inline, we still keep
0731     // its x locked to our left.  Arguably the correct behavior would be to go flush left to
0732     // the block that contains us, but that isn't what other browsers do.
0733     if (o->hasStaticX() && !isInlineType)
0734         // Avoid adding in the left border/padding of the containing block twice.  Subtract it out.
0735     {
0736         x += sx - (o->containingBlock()->borderLeft() + o->containingBlock()->paddingLeft());
0737     }
0739     if (!o->hasStaticY()) {
0740         y += sy;
0741     }
0742 }
0744 void RenderLayer::scrollToOffset(int x, int y, bool updateScrollbars, bool repaint, bool dispatchEvent)
0745 {
0746     assert(!renderer()->canvas()->isPerformingLayout() || !dispatchEvent);
0747     if (renderer()->style()->overflowX() != OMARQUEE || !renderer()->hasOverflowClip()) {
0748         if (x < 0) {
0749             x = 0;
0750         }
0751         if (y < 0) {
0752             y = 0;
0753         }
0755         // Call the scrollWidth/Height functions so that the dimensions will be computed if they need
0756         // to be (for overflow:hidden blocks).
0757         // ### merge the scrollWidth()/scrollHeight() methods
0758         int maxX = m_scrollWidth - m_object->clientWidth();
0759         int maxY = m_scrollHeight - m_object->clientHeight();
0761         if (x > maxX) {
0762             x = maxX;
0763         }
0764         if (y > maxY) {
0765             y = maxY;
0766         }
0767     }
0769     if ((m_scrollX == x - m_scrollXOrigin) && m_scrollY == y) {
0770         return;    // nothing to do
0771     }
0773     // FIXME: Eventually, we will want to perform a blit.  For now never
0774     // blit, since the check for blitting is going to be very
0775     // complicated (since it will involve testing whether our layer
0776     // is either occluded by another layer or clipped by an enclosing
0777     // layer or contains fixed backgrounds, etc.).
0778     m_scrollX = x - m_scrollXOrigin;
0779     m_scrollY = y;
0781     // Update the positions of our child layers.
0782     RenderLayer *rootLayer = root();
0783     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
0784         child->updateLayerPositions(rootLayer);
0785     }
0787     // Just schedule a full repaint of our object.
0788     if (repaint) {
0789         m_object->repaint(RealtimePriority);
0790     }
0792     if (updateScrollbars) {
0793         if (m_hBar) {
0794             m_hBar->setValue(scrollXOffset());
0795         }
0796         if (m_vBar) {
0797             m_vBar->setValue(m_scrollY);
0798         }
0799     }
0801     if (!dispatchEvent) {
0802         return;
0803     }
0805     // Fire the scroll DOM event. Do this the very last thing, since the handler may kill us.
0806     m_object->element()->dispatchHTMLEvent(EventImpl::SCROLL_EVENT, false, false);
0807 }
0809 void RenderLayer::updateScrollPositionFromScrollbars()
0810 {
0811     bool needUpdate = false;
0812     int newX = m_scrollX;
0813     int newY = m_scrollY;
0815     if (m_hBar) {
0816         bool rtl = (m_hBar->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft);
0817         newX = rtl ? m_hBar->maximum() - m_hBar->value() : m_hBar->value();
0818         if (newX != m_scrollX) {
0819             needUpdate = true;
0820         }
0821     }
0823     if (m_vBar) {
0824         newY = m_vBar->value();
0825         if (newY != m_scrollY) {
0826             needUpdate = true;
0827         }
0828     }
0830     if (needUpdate) {
0831         scrollToOffset(newX, newY, false);
0832     }
0833 }
0835 void
0836 RenderLayer::showScrollbar(Qt::Orientation o, bool show)
0837 {
0838     ScrollBarWidget *sb = (o == Qt::Horizontal) ? m_hBar : m_vBar;
0840     if (show && !sb) {
0841         KHTMLView *view = m_object->document()->view();
0842         sb = new ScrollBarWidget(o, view->widget());
0843         sb->move(0, -50000);
0844         sb->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground);
0845         sb->show();
0846         if (!m_scrollMediator) {
0847             m_scrollMediator = new RenderScrollMediator(this);
0848         }
0849         m_scrollMediator->connect(sb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotValueChanged()));
0850     } else if (!show && sb) {
0851         delete sb;
0852         sb = nullptr;
0853     }
0855     if (o == Qt::Horizontal) {
0856         m_hBar = sb;
0857     } else {
0858         m_vBar = sb;
0859     }
0860 }
0862 bool RenderLayer::hasReversedScrollbar() const
0863 {
0864     if (!m_vBar) {
0865         return false;
0866     }
0867     return (m_vBar->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft);
0868 }
0870 int RenderLayer::verticalScrollbarWidth()
0871 {
0872     if (!m_vBar) {
0873         return 0;
0874     }
0876 #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES
0877     return m_vBar->width();
0878 #else
0879     return m_vBar->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent);
0880 #endif
0882 }
0884 int RenderLayer::horizontalScrollbarHeight()
0885 {
0886     if (!m_hBar) {
0887         return 0;
0888     }
0890 #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES
0891     return m_hBar->height();
0892 #else
0893     return m_hBar->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent);
0894 #endif
0896 }
0898 void RenderLayer::positionScrollbars(const QRect &absBounds)
0899 {
0900 #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES
0901     if (m_vBar) {
0902         view->addChild(m_vBar, absBounds.x() + absBounds.width() - m_object->borderRight() - m_vBar->width(),
0903                        absBounds.y() + m_object->borderTop());
0904         m_vBar->resize(m_vBar->width(), absBounds.height() -
0905                        (m_object->borderTop() + m_object->borderBottom()) -
0906                        (m_hBar ? m_hBar->height() - 1 : 0));
0907     }
0909     if (m_hBar) {
0910         view->addChild(m_hBar, absBounds.x() + m_object->borderLeft(),
0911                        absBounds.y() + absBounds.height() - m_object->borderBottom() - m_hBar->height());
0912         m_hBar->resize(absBounds.width() - (m_object->borderLeft() + m_object->borderRight()) -
0913                        (m_vBar ? m_vBar->width() - 1 : 0), m_hBar->height());
0914     }
0915 #else
0916     int tx = absBounds.x();
0917     int ty = absBounds.y();
0918     int bl = m_object->borderLeft();
0919     int bt = m_object->borderTop();
0920     int w = width() - bl - m_object->borderRight();
0921     int h = height() - bt - m_object->borderBottom();
0923     if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || (!m_vBar && !m_hBar)) {
0924         return;
0925     }
0927     tx += bl;
0928     ty += bt;
0930     ScrollBarWidget *b = m_hBar;
0931     if (!m_hBar) {
0932         b = m_vBar;
0933     }
0934     int sw = b->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent);
0935     bool rtl = b->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft;
0937     if (m_vBar) {
0938         QRect vBarRect = QRect(tx + (rtl ? 0 : w - sw), ty, sw, h - (m_hBar ? sw : 0));
0939         m_vBar->resize(vBarRect.width(), vBarRect.height());
0940         m_vBar->m_kwp->setPos(QPoint(vBarRect.x(), vBarRect.y()));
0941     }
0943     if (m_hBar) {
0944         QRect hBarRect = QRect(tx + (rtl && m_vBar ? sw : 0), ty + h - sw, w - (!rtl && m_vBar ? sw : 0), sw);
0945         m_hBar->resize(hBarRect.width(), hBarRect.height());
0946         m_hBar->m_kwp->setPos(QPoint(hBarRect.x(), hBarRect.y()));
0947     }
0948 #endif
0949 }
0951 #define LINE_STEP   10
0952 #define PAGE_KEEP   40
0954 void RenderLayer::checkScrollbarsAfterLayout()
0955 {
0956     int rightPos = m_object->rightmostPosition(true);
0957     int bottomPos = m_object->lowestPosition(true);
0959     /*  TODO
0960         m_scrollLeft = m_object->leftmostPosition(true);
0961         m_scrollTop = m_object->highestPosition(true);
0962     */
0964     int clientWidth = m_object->clientWidth();
0965     int clientHeight = m_object->clientHeight();
0966     m_scrollWidth = clientWidth;
0967     m_scrollHeight = clientHeight;
0969     if (rightPos - m_object->borderLeft() > m_scrollWidth) {
0970         m_scrollWidth = rightPos - m_object->borderLeft();
0971     }
0972     if (bottomPos - m_object->borderTop() > m_scrollHeight) {
0973         m_scrollHeight = bottomPos - m_object->borderTop();
0974     }
0976     m_scrollXOrigin = 0; // ### (m_object->style()->direction() == RTL) ? m_scrollWidth - clientWidth : 0;
0978     bool needHorizontalBar = rightPos > width();
0979     bool needVerticalBar = bottomPos > height();
0981     bool haveHorizontalBar = m_hBar && m_hBar->isEnabled();
0982     bool haveVerticalBar = m_vBar && m_vBar->isEnabled();
0984     bool hasOvf = m_object->hasOverflowClip();
0986     // overflow:scroll should just enable/disable.
0987     if (m_hBar && hasOvf && m_object->style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL) {
0988         m_hBar->setEnabled(needHorizontalBar);
0989     }
0990     if (m_vBar && hasOvf && m_object->style()->overflowY() == OSCROLL) {
0991         m_vBar->setEnabled(needVerticalBar);
0992     }
0994     // Sometimes we originally had a scrolling overflow, but it got changed to
0995     // hidden/visible.
0996     bool deadScrollX = m_hBar && !m_object->scrollsOverflowX();
0997     bool deadScrollY = m_vBar && !m_object->scrollsOverflowY();
0999     // overflow:auto may need to lay out again if scrollbars got added/removed.
1000     // Also remove now useless scrollbars for non-scrollable overflows
1001     bool scrollbarsChanged = (hasOvf && m_object->style()->overflowX() == OAUTO && haveHorizontalBar != needHorizontalBar)
1002                              || (hasOvf && m_object->style()->overflowY() == OAUTO && haveVerticalBar != needVerticalBar)
1003                              || deadScrollX || deadScrollY;
1004     if (scrollbarsChanged && !m_inScrollbarRelayout) {
1005         if (m_object->style()->overflowX() == OAUTO) {
1006             showScrollbar(Qt::Horizontal, needHorizontalBar);
1007             if (m_hBar) {
1008                 m_hBar->setEnabled(true);
1009             } else {
1010                 resetXOffset();
1011             }
1012         }
1013         if (m_object->style()->overflowY() == OAUTO) {
1014             showScrollbar(Qt::Vertical, needVerticalBar);
1015             if (m_vBar) {
1016                 m_vBar->setEnabled(true);
1017             } else {
1018                 resetYOffset();
1019             }
1020         }
1022         if (deadScrollX) {
1023             showScrollbar(Qt::Horizontal, false);
1024             resetXOffset();
1025         }
1027         if (deadScrollY) {
1028             showScrollbar(Qt::Vertical, false);
1029             resetYOffset();
1030         }
1032         m_object->setNeedsLayout(true);
1033         m_inScrollbarRelayout = true;
1034         if (m_object->isRenderBlock()) {
1035             static_cast<RenderBlock *>(m_object)->layoutBlock(true);
1036         } else {
1037             m_object->layout();
1038         }
1039         m_inScrollbarRelayout = false;
1040         return;
1041     }
1043     m_inScrollbarRelayout = false;
1045     // Set up the range (and page step/line step).
1046     if (m_hBar) {
1047         int pageStep = (clientWidth - PAGE_KEEP);
1048         if (pageStep < 0) {
1049             pageStep = clientWidth;
1050         }
1051         m_hBar->setSingleStep(LINE_STEP);
1052         m_hBar->setPageStep(pageStep);
1053         m_hBar->setRange(0, needHorizontalBar ? m_scrollWidth - clientWidth : 0);
1054         if (hasReversedScrollbar()) {
1055             m_hBar->setValue(m_hBar->maximum() - m_scrollX);
1056         }
1057     }
1058     if (m_vBar) {
1059         int pageStep = (clientHeight - PAGE_KEEP);
1060         if (pageStep < 0) {
1061             pageStep = clientHeight;
1062         }
1063         m_vBar->setSingleStep(LINE_STEP);
1064         m_vBar->setPageStep(pageStep);
1065         m_vBar->setRange(0, needVerticalBar ? m_scrollHeight - clientHeight : 0);
1066     }
1067 }
1069 void RenderLayer::paintScrollbars(RenderObject::PaintInfo &pI)
1070 {
1071     if (!m_object->element()) {
1072         return;
1073     }
1075     if (m_hBar) {
1076         if (!m_buffer[0] || m_buffer[0]->size() != m_hBar->size()) {
1077             delete m_buffer[0];
1078             m_buffer[0] = new QPixmap(m_hBar->size());
1079         }
1080         QPoint p = m_hBar->m_kwp->absolutePos();
1081         RenderWidget::paintWidget(pI, m_hBar, p.x(), p.y(), m_buffer);
1082     }
1083     if (m_vBar) {
1084         if (!m_buffer[1] || m_buffer[1]->size() != m_vBar->size()) {
1085             delete m_buffer[1];
1086             m_buffer[1] = new QPixmap(m_vBar->size());
1087         }
1088         QPixmap *tmp[1];
1089         tmp[0] = m_buffer[1];
1090         QPoint p = m_vBar->m_kwp->absolutePos();
1091         RenderWidget::paintWidget(pI, m_vBar, p.x(), p.y(), tmp);
1092     }
1093 }
1095 void RenderLayer::paint(QPainter *p, const QRect &damageRect, bool selectionOnly)
1096 {
1097     paintLayer(this, p, damageRect, selectionOnly);
1098 }
1100 void RenderLayer::setClip(QPainter *p, const QRect &paintDirtyRect, const QRect &clipRect, bool /*setup*/)
1101 {
1102     if (paintDirtyRect == clipRect) {
1103         return;
1104     }
1105     KHTMLView *v = m_object->canvas()->view();
1106     QRegion r = clipRect;
1107     if (p->hasClipping()) {
1108         if (!v->clipHolder()) {
1109             v->setClipHolder(new QStack<QRegion>);
1110         }
1111         v->clipHolder()->push(p->clipRegion());
1112         r &= v->clipHolder()->top();
1113     }
1114     p->setClipRegion(r);
1115 }
1117 void RenderLayer::restoreClip(QPainter *p, const QRect &paintDirtyRect, const QRect &clipRect, bool /*cleanup*/)
1118 {
1119     if (paintDirtyRect == clipRect) {
1120         return;
1121     }
1122     KHTMLView *v = m_object->document()->view();
1123     if (v->clipHolder() && !v->clipHolder()->isEmpty()) {
1124         p->setClipRegion(v->clipHolder()->pop());
1125     } else {
1126         p->setClipRegion(QRegion(), Qt::NoClip);
1127     }
1128 }
1130 void RenderLayer::paintLayer(RenderLayer *rootLayer, QPainter *p,
1131                              const QRect &paintDirtyRect, bool selectionOnly)
1132 {
1133     assert(rootLayer != this || !m_object->canvas()->view()->clipHolder());
1135     if (!m_object->style()->opacity()) {
1136         return;
1137     }
1139     // Calculate the clip rects we should use.
1140     QRect layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply;
1141     calculateRects(rootLayer, paintDirtyRect, layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply);
1142     int x = layerBounds.x();
1143     int y = layerBounds.y();
1145     // Ensure our lists are up-to-date.
1146     updateZOrderLists();
1147     updateOverflowList();
1149     // Set our transparency if we need to.
1150     khtml::BufferedPainter *bPainter = nullptr;
1151     if (isTransparent()) {
1152         //### cache paintedRegion
1153         QRegion rr = paintedRegion(rootLayer) & damageRect;
1154         if (p->hasClipping()) {
1155             rr &= p->clipRegion();
1156         }
1157         bPainter = khtml::BufferedPainter::start(p, rr);
1158     }
1159     // We want to paint our layer, but only if we intersect the damage rect.
1160     bool shouldPaint = intersectsDamageRect(layerBounds, damageRect) && m_hasVisibleContent;
1161     if (shouldPaint && !selectionOnly) {
1162         // Paint our background first, before painting any child layers.
1163         if (!damageRect.isEmpty()) {
1164             // Establish the clip used to paint our background.
1165             setClip(p, paintDirtyRect, damageRect);
1167             // Paint the background.
1168             RenderObject::PaintInfo paintInfo(p, damageRect, PaintActionElementBackground);
1169             renderer()->paint(paintInfo,
1170                               x - renderer()->xPos(), y - renderer()->yPos() + renderer()->borderTopExtra());
1172             // Position our scrollbars.
1173             positionScrollbars(layerBounds);
1175             // Our scrollbar widgets paint exactly when we tell them to, so that they work properly with
1176             // z-index.  We paint after we painted the background/border, so that the scrollbars will
1177             // sit above the background/border.
1178             paintScrollbars(paintInfo);
1180             // Restore the clip.
1181             restoreClip(p, paintDirtyRect, damageRect);
1182         }
1183     }
1185     // Now walk the sorted list of children with negative z-indices.
1186     if (m_negZOrderList) {
1187         for (int i = 0; i < m_negZOrderList->count(); i++) {
1188             RenderLayer *child = m_negZOrderList->at(i);
1189             child->paintLayer(rootLayer, p, paintDirtyRect, selectionOnly);
1190         }
1191     }
1193     // Now establish the appropriate clip and paint our child RenderObjects.
1194     if (shouldPaint && !clipRectToApply.isEmpty()) {
1195         // Set up the clip used when painting our children.
1196         setClip(p, paintDirtyRect, clipRectToApply);
1198         RenderObject::PaintInfo paintInfo(p, clipRectToApply, PaintActionSelection);
1200         int tx = x - renderer()->xPos();
1201         int ty = y - renderer()->yPos() + renderer()->borderTopExtra();
1203         if (selectionOnly) {
1204             renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1205         } else {
1206             paintInfo.phase = PaintActionChildBackgrounds;
1207             renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1208             paintInfo.phase = PaintActionFloat;
1209             renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1210             paintInfo.phase = PaintActionForeground;
1211             renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1212             RenderCanvas *rc = static_cast<RenderCanvas *>(renderer()->document()->renderer());
1213             if (rc->maximalOutlineSize()) {
1214                 paintInfo.phase = PaintActionOutline;
1215                 renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1216             }
1217             if (renderer()->canvas()->hasSelection()) {
1218                 paintInfo.phase = PaintActionSelection;
1219                 renderer()->paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
1220             }
1221         }
1223         // Now restore our clip.
1224         restoreClip(p, paintDirtyRect, clipRectToApply);
1225     }
1227     // Paint any child layers that have overflow.
1228     if (m_overflowList)
1229         foreach (RenderLayer *layer, *m_overflowList) {
1230             layer->paintLayer(rootLayer, p, paintDirtyRect, selectionOnly);
1231         }
1233     // Now walk the sorted list of children with positive z-indices.
1234     if (m_posZOrderList) {
1235         for (int i = 0; i < m_posZOrderList->count(); i++) {
1236             RenderLayer *child = m_posZOrderList->at(i);
1237             child->paintLayer(rootLayer, p, paintDirtyRect, selectionOnly);
1238         }
1239     }
1241 #ifdef BOX_DEBUG
1242     {
1243         int ax = 0;
1244         int ay = 0;
1245         renderer()->absolutePosition(ax, ay);
1246         p->setPen(QPen(QColor("yellow"), 1, Qt::DotLine));
1247         p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
1248         p->drawRect(ax, ay, width(), height());
1249     }
1250 #endif
1252     // End our transparency layer
1253     if (bPainter) {
1254         khtml::BufferedPainter::end(p, bPainter, m_object->style()->opacity());
1255     }
1257     if (rootLayer == this && m_object->canvas()->view()->clipHolder()) {
1258         KHTMLView *const v = m_object->canvas()->view();
1259         assert(v->clipHolder()->isEmpty());
1260         delete v->clipHolder();
1261         v->setClipHolder(nullptr);
1262     }
1263 }
1265 bool RenderLayer::nodeAtPoint(RenderObject::NodeInfo &info, int x, int y)
1266 {
1267     // Clear our our scrollbar variable
1268     RenderLayer::gScrollBar = nullptr;
1270     int stx = m_x;
1271     int sty = m_y;
1273     if (renderer()->isCanvas()) {
1274         static_cast<RenderCanvas *>(renderer())->view()->revertTransforms(stx, sty);
1275     }
1277     QRect damageRect(stx, sty, width(), height());
1278     RenderLayer *insideLayer = nodeAtPointForLayer(this, info, x, y, damageRect);
1280     // Now determine if the result is inside an anchor.
1281     DOM::NodeImpl *node = info.innerNode();
1282     while (node) {
1283         if (node->hasAnchor() && !info.URLElement()) {
1284             info.setURLElement(node);
1285         }
1286         node = node->parentNode();
1287     }
1289     // Next set up the correct :hover/:active state along the new chain.
1290     updateHoverActiveState(info);
1292     // Now return whether we were inside this layer (this will always be true for the root
1293     // layer).
1294     return insideLayer;
1295 }
1297 RenderLayer *RenderLayer::nodeAtPointForLayer(RenderLayer *rootLayer, RenderObject::NodeInfo &info,
1298         int xMousePos, int yMousePos, const QRect &hitTestRect)
1299 {
1300     // Calculate the clip rects we should use.
1301     QRect layerBounds, bgRect, fgRect;
1302     calculateRects(rootLayer, hitTestRect, layerBounds, bgRect, fgRect);
1304     // Ensure our lists are up-to-date.
1305     updateZOrderLists();
1306     updateOverflowList();
1308     // This variable tracks which layer the mouse ends up being inside.  The minute we find an insideLayer,
1309     // we are done and can return it.
1310     RenderLayer *insideLayer = nullptr;
1312     // Begin by walking our list of positive layers from highest z-index down to the lowest
1313     // z-index.
1314     if (m_posZOrderList) {
1315         uint count = m_posZOrderList->count();
1316         for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1317             RenderLayer *child = m_posZOrderList->at(i);
1318             insideLayer = child->nodeAtPointForLayer(rootLayer, info, xMousePos, yMousePos, hitTestRect);
1319             if (insideLayer) {
1320                 return insideLayer;
1321             }
1322         }
1323     }
1325     // Now check our overflow objects.
1326     if (m_overflowList) {
1327         QVector<RenderLayer *>::iterator it = m_overflowList->end();
1328         while (it != m_overflowList->begin()) {
1329             --it;
1330             insideLayer = (*it)->nodeAtPointForLayer(rootLayer, info,  xMousePos, yMousePos, hitTestRect);
1331             if (insideLayer) {
1332                 return insideLayer;
1333             }
1334         }
1335     }
1337     // Next we want to see if the mouse pos is inside the child RenderObjects of the layer.
1338     if (containsPoint(xMousePos, yMousePos, fgRect) &&
1339             renderer()->nodeAtPoint(info, xMousePos, yMousePos,
1340                                     layerBounds.x() - renderer()->xPos(),
1341                                     layerBounds.y() - renderer()->yPos() + m_object->borderTopExtra(),
1342                                     HitTestChildrenOnly)) {
1343         if (info.innerNode() != m_object->element()) {
1344             return this;
1345         }
1346     }
1348     // Now check our negative z-index children.
1349     if (m_negZOrderList) {
1350         uint count = m_negZOrderList->count();
1351         for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1352             RenderLayer *child = m_negZOrderList->at(i);
1353             insideLayer = child->nodeAtPointForLayer(rootLayer, info, xMousePos, yMousePos, hitTestRect);
1354             if (insideLayer) {
1355                 return insideLayer;
1356             }
1357         }
1358     }
1360     // Next we want to see if the mouse pos is inside this layer but not any of its children.
1361     if (containsPoint(xMousePos, yMousePos, bgRect) &&
1362             renderer()->nodeAtPoint(info, xMousePos, yMousePos,
1363                                     layerBounds.x() - renderer()->xPos(),
1364                                     layerBounds.y() - renderer()->yPos() + m_object->borderTopExtra(),
1365                                     HitTestSelfOnly)) {
1366         return this;
1367     }
1369     // No luck.
1370     return nullptr;
1371 }
1373 void RenderLayer::calculateClipRects(const RenderLayer *rootLayer, QRect &overflowClipRect,
1374                                      QRect &posClipRect, QRect &fixedClipRect)
1375 {
1376     if (parent()) {
1377         parent()->calculateClipRects(rootLayer, overflowClipRect, posClipRect, fixedClipRect);
1378     }
1380     switch (m_object->style()->position()) {
1381     // A fixed object is essentially the root of its containing block hierarchy, so when
1382     // we encounter such an object, we reset our clip rects to the fixedClipRect.
1383     case PFIXED:
1384         posClipRect = fixedClipRect;
1385         overflowClipRect = fixedClipRect;
1386         break;
1387     case PABSOLUTE:
1388         overflowClipRect = posClipRect;
1389         break;
1390     case PRELATIVE:
1391         posClipRect = overflowClipRect;
1392         break;
1393     default:
1394         break;
1395     }
1397     // Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
1398     if (m_object->hasOverflowClip() || m_object->hasClip()) {
1399         // This layer establishes a clip of some kind.
1400         int x = 0;
1401         int y = 0;
1402         convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, x, y);
1404         if (m_object->hasOverflowClip()) {
1405             QRect newOverflowClip = m_object->overflowClipRect(x, y);
1406             overflowClipRect  = newOverflowClip.intersected(overflowClipRect);
1407             if (m_object->isPositioned() || m_object->isRelPositioned()) {
1408                 posClipRect = newOverflowClip.intersected(posClipRect);
1409             }
1410         }
1411         if (m_object->hasClip()) {
1412             QRect newPosClip = m_object->clipRect(x, y);
1413             posClipRect = posClipRect.intersected(newPosClip);
1414             overflowClipRect = overflowClipRect.intersected(newPosClip);
1415             fixedClipRect = fixedClipRect.intersected(newPosClip);
1416         }
1417     }
1418 }
1420 void RenderLayer::calculateRects(const RenderLayer *rootLayer, const QRect &paintDirtyRect, QRect &layerBounds,
1421                                  QRect &backgroundRect, QRect &foregroundRect)
1422 {
1423     QRect overflowClipRect = paintDirtyRect;
1424     QRect posClipRect = paintDirtyRect;
1425     QRect fixedClipRect = paintDirtyRect;
1426     if (parent()) {
1427         parent()->calculateClipRects(rootLayer, overflowClipRect, posClipRect, fixedClipRect);
1428     }
1430     int x = 0;
1431     int y = 0;
1432     convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, x, y);
1433     layerBounds = QRect(x, y, width(), height());
1435     backgroundRect = m_object->style()->position() == PFIXED ? fixedClipRect :
1436                      (m_object->isPositioned() ? posClipRect : overflowClipRect);
1437     foregroundRect = backgroundRect;
1439     // Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
1440     if (m_object->hasOverflowClip() || m_object->hasClip()) {
1441         // This layer establishes a clip of some kind.
1442         if (m_object->hasOverflowClip()) {
1443             foregroundRect = foregroundRect.intersected(m_object->overflowClipRect(x, y));
1444         }
1446         if (m_object->hasClip()) {
1447             // Clip applies to *us* as well, so go ahead and update the damageRect.
1448             QRect newPosClip = m_object->clipRect(x, y);
1449             backgroundRect = backgroundRect.intersected(newPosClip);
1450             foregroundRect = foregroundRect.intersected(newPosClip);
1451         }
1453         // If we establish a clip at all, then go ahead and make sure our background
1454         // rect is intersected with our layer's bounds.
1455         backgroundRect = backgroundRect.intersected(layerBounds);
1456     }
1457 }
1459 bool RenderLayer::intersectsDamageRect(const QRect &layerBounds, const QRect &damageRect) const
1460 {
1461     return (renderer()->isCanvas() || renderer()->isRoot() || renderer()->isBody() ||
1462             (renderer()->hasOverhangingFloats() && !renderer()->hasOverflowClip()) ||
1463             (renderer()->isInline() && !renderer()->isReplaced()) ||
1464             layerBounds.intersects(damageRect));
1465 }
1467 bool RenderLayer::containsPoint(int x, int y, const QRect &damageRect) const
1468 {
1469     return (renderer()->isCanvas() || renderer()->isRoot() || renderer()->isInlineFlow() ||
1470             damageRect.contains(x, y));
1471 }
1473 // This code has been written to anticipate the addition of CSS3-::outside and ::inside generated
1474 // content (and perhaps XBL).  That's why it uses the render tree and not the DOM tree.
1475 static RenderObject *hoverAncestor(RenderObject *obj)
1476 {
1477     return (!obj->isInline() && obj->continuation()) ? obj->continuation() : obj->parent();
1478 }
1480 static RenderObject *commonAncestor(RenderObject *obj1, RenderObject *obj2)
1481 {
1482     if (!obj1 || !obj2) {
1483         return nullptr;
1484     }
1486     for (RenderObject *currObj1 = obj1; currObj1; currObj1 = hoverAncestor(currObj1))
1487         for (RenderObject *currObj2 = obj2; currObj2; currObj2 = hoverAncestor(currObj2))
1488             if (currObj1 == currObj2) {
1489                 return currObj1;
1490             }
1492     return nullptr;
1493 }
1495 void RenderLayer::updateHoverActiveState(RenderObject::NodeInfo &info)
1496 {
1497     // We don't update :hover/:active state when the info is marked as readonly.
1498     if (info.readonly()) {
1499         return;
1500     }
1502     DOM::NodeImpl *e = m_object->element();
1503     DOM::DocumentImpl *doc = e ? e->document() : nullptr;
1504     if (!doc) {
1505         return;
1506     }
1508     // Check to see if the hovered node has changed.  If not, then we don't need to
1509     // do anything.
1510     DOM::NodeImpl *oldHoverNode = doc->hoverNode();
1511     DOM::NodeImpl *newHoverNode = info.innerNode();
1513     if (oldHoverNode == newHoverNode && (!oldHoverNode || oldHoverNode->active() == {
1514         return;
1515     }
1517     // Update our current hover node.
1518     doc->setHoverNode(newHoverNode);
1519     if ( {
1520         doc->setActiveNode(newHoverNode);
1521     } else {
1522         doc->setActiveNode(nullptr);
1523     }
1525     // We have two different objects.  Fetch their renderers.
1526     RenderObject *oldHoverObj = oldHoverNode ? oldHoverNode->renderer() : nullptr;
1527     RenderObject *newHoverObj = newHoverNode ? newHoverNode->renderer() : nullptr;
1529     // Locate the common ancestor render object for the two renderers.
1530     RenderObject *ancestor = commonAncestor(oldHoverObj, newHoverObj);
1532     // The old hover path only needs to be cleared up to (and not including) the common ancestor;
1533     for (RenderObject *curr = oldHoverObj; curr && curr != ancestor; curr = hoverAncestor(curr)) {
1534         curr->setMouseInside(false);
1535         if (curr->element()) {
1536             curr->element()->setActive(false);
1537             curr->element()->setHovered(false);
1538         }
1539     }
1541     // Now set the hover state for our new object up to the root.
1542     for (RenderObject *curr = newHoverObj; curr; curr = hoverAncestor(curr)) {
1543         curr->setMouseInside(true);
1544         if (curr->element()) {
1545             curr->element()->setActive(;
1546             curr->element()->setHovered(true);
1547         }
1548     }
1549 }
1551 // Sort the buffer from lowest z-index to highest.  The common scenario will have
1552 // most z-indices equal, so we optimize for that case (i.e., the list will be mostly
1553 // sorted already).
1554 static void sortByZOrder(QVector<RenderLayer *> *buffer,
1555                          QVector<RenderLayer *> *mergeBuffer,
1556                          uint start, uint end)
1557 {
1558     if (start >= end) {
1559         return;    // Sanity check.
1560     }
1562     if (end - start <= 6) {
1563         // Apply a bubble sort for smaller lists.
1564         for (uint i = end - 1; i > start; i--) {
1565             bool sorted = true;
1566             for (uint j = start; j < i; j++) {
1567                 RenderLayer *elt = buffer->at(j);
1568                 RenderLayer *elt2 = buffer->at(j + 1);
1569                 if (elt->zIndex() > elt2->zIndex()) {
1570                     sorted = false;
1571                     buffer->replace(j, elt2);
1572                     buffer->replace(j + 1, elt);
1573                 }
1574             }
1575             if (sorted) {
1576                 return;
1577             }
1578         }
1579     } else {
1580         // Peform a merge sort for larger lists.
1581         uint mid = (start + end) / 2;
1582         sortByZOrder(buffer, mergeBuffer, start, mid);
1583         sortByZOrder(buffer, mergeBuffer, mid, end);
1585         RenderLayer *elt = buffer->at(mid - 1);
1586         RenderLayer *elt2 = buffer->at(mid);
1588         // Handle the fast common case (of equal z-indices).  The list may already
1589         // be completely sorted.
1590         if (elt->zIndex() <= elt2->zIndex()) {
1591             return;
1592         }
1594         // We have to merge sort.
1595         uint i1 = start;
1596         uint i2 = mid;
1598         elt = buffer->at(i1);
1599         elt2 = buffer->at(i2);
1601         while (i1 < mid || i2 < end) {
1602             if (i1 < mid && (i2 == end || elt->zIndex() <= elt2->zIndex())) {
1603                 mergeBuffer->append(elt);
1604                 i1++;
1605                 if (i1 < mid) {
1606                     elt = buffer->at(i1);
1607                 }
1608             } else {
1609                 mergeBuffer->append(elt2);
1610                 i2++;
1611                 if (i2 < end) {
1612                     elt2 = buffer->at(i2);
1613                 }
1614             }
1615         }
1617         for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
1618             buffer->replace(i, mergeBuffer->at(i - start));
1619         }
1621         mergeBuffer->clear();
1622     }
1623 }
1625 void RenderLayer::dirtyZOrderLists()
1626 {
1627     if (m_posZOrderList) {
1628         m_posZOrderList->clear();
1629     }
1630     if (m_negZOrderList) {
1631         m_negZOrderList->clear();
1632     }
1633     m_zOrderListsDirty = true;
1634 }
1636 void RenderLayer::dirtyOverflowList()
1637 {
1638     if (m_overflowList) {
1639         m_overflowList->clear();
1640     }
1641     m_overflowListDirty = true;
1642 }
1644 void RenderLayer::updateZOrderLists()
1645 {
1646     if (!isStackingContext() || !m_zOrderListsDirty) {
1647         return;
1648     }
1650     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
1651         child->collectLayers(m_posZOrderList, m_negZOrderList);
1652     }
1654     // Sort the two lists.
1655     if (m_posZOrderList) {
1656         QVector<RenderLayer *> mergeBuffer;
1657         sortByZOrder(m_posZOrderList, &mergeBuffer, 0, m_posZOrderList->count());
1658     }
1659     if (m_negZOrderList) {
1660         QVector<RenderLayer *> mergeBuffer;
1661         sortByZOrder(m_negZOrderList, &mergeBuffer, 0, m_negZOrderList->count());
1662     }
1664     m_zOrderListsDirty = false;
1665 }
1667 void RenderLayer::updateOverflowList()
1668 {
1669     if (!m_overflowListDirty) {
1670         return;
1671     }
1673     for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
1674         if (child->isOverflowOnly()) {
1675             if (!m_overflowList) {
1676                 m_overflowList = new QVector<RenderLayer *>;
1677             }
1678             m_overflowList->append(child);
1679         }
1680     }
1682     m_overflowListDirty = false;
1683 }
1685 void RenderLayer::collectLayers(QVector<RenderLayer *> *&posBuffer, QVector<RenderLayer *> *&negBuffer)
1686 {
1687     updateVisibilityStatus();
1689     // Overflow layers are just painted by their enclosing layers, so they don't get put in zorder lists.
1690     if ((m_hasVisibleContent || (m_hasVisibleDescendant && isStackingContext())) && !isOverflowOnly()) {
1691         // Determine which buffer the child should be in.
1692         QVector<RenderLayer *> *&buffer = (zIndex() >= 0) ? posBuffer : negBuffer;
1694         // Create the buffer if it doesn't exist yet.
1695         if (!buffer) {
1696             buffer = new QVector<RenderLayer *>();
1697         }
1699         // Append ourselves at the end of the appropriate buffer.
1700         buffer->append(this);
1701     }
1703     // Recur into our children to collect more layers, but only if we don't establish
1704     // a stacking context.
1705     if (m_hasVisibleDescendant && !isStackingContext()) {
1706         for (RenderLayer *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
1707             child->collectLayers(posBuffer, negBuffer);
1708         }
1709     }
1710 }
1712 #ifdef ENABLE_DUMP
1713 static QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &ts, const QRect &r)
1714 {
1715     return ts << "at (" << r.x() << "," << r.y() << ") size " << r.width() << "x" << r.height();
1716 }
1718 static void write(QTextStream &ts, RenderObject &o, const QString &indent)
1719 {
1720     o.dump(ts, indent);
1722     for (RenderObject *child = o.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
1723         if (child->layer()) {
1724             continue;
1725         }
1726         write(ts, *child, indent + "   ");
1727     }
1728 }
1730 static void write(QTextStream &ts, const RenderLayer &l,
1731                   const QRect &layerBounds, const QRect &backgroundClipRect, const QRect &clipRect,
1732                   int layerType = 0, const QString &indent = QString())
1734 {
1735     ts << indent << "layer";
1737     ts << " at (" << l.xPos() << "," << l.yPos() << ") size " << l.width() << "x" << l.height();
1739     if (layerBounds != layerBounds.intersected(backgroundClipRect)) {
1740         ts << " backgroundClip " << backgroundClipRect;
1741     }
1742     if (layerBounds != layerBounds.intersected(clipRect)) {
1743         ts << " clip " << clipRect;
1744     }
1746     if (layerType == -1) {
1747         ts << " layerType: background only";
1748     } else if (layerType == 1) {
1749         ts << " layerType: foreground only";
1750     }
1752     ts << "\n";
1754     if (layerType != -1) {
1755         write(ts, *l.renderer(), indent + "   ");
1756     }
1758     ts << "\n";
1759 }
1761 static void writeLayers(QTextStream &ts, const RenderLayer *rootLayer, RenderLayer *l,
1762                         const QRect &paintDirtyRect, const QString &indent)
1763 {
1764     // Calculate the clip rects we should use.
1765     QRect layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply;
1766     l->calculateRects(rootLayer, paintDirtyRect, layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply);
1768     // Ensure our lists are up-to-date.
1769     l->updateZOrderLists();
1770     l->updateOverflowList();
1772     bool shouldPaint = l->intersectsDamageRect(layerBounds, damageRect);
1773     QVector<RenderLayer *> *negList = l->negZOrderList();
1774     QVector<RenderLayer *> *ovfList = l->overflowList();
1775     if (shouldPaint && negList && negList->count() > 0) {
1776         write(ts, *l, layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply, -1, indent);
1777     }
1779     if (negList) {
1780         for (int i = 0; i != negList->count(); ++i) {
1781             writeLayers(ts, rootLayer, negList->at(i), paintDirtyRect, indent);
1782         }
1783     }
1785     if (shouldPaint) {
1786         write(ts, *l, layerBounds, damageRect, clipRectToApply, negList && negList->count() > 0, indent);
1787     }
1789     if (ovfList) {
1790         for (QVector<RenderLayer *>::iterator it = ovfList->begin(); it != ovfList->end(); ++it) {
1791             writeLayers(ts, rootLayer, *it, paintDirtyRect, indent);
1792         }
1793     }
1795     QVector<RenderLayer *> *posList = l->posZOrderList();
1796     if (posList) {
1797         for (int i = 0; i != posList->count(); ++i) {
1798             writeLayers(ts, rootLayer, posList->at(i), paintDirtyRect, indent);
1799         }
1800     }
1801 }
1803 void RenderLayer::dump(QTextStream &ts, const QString &ind)
1804 {
1805     assert(renderer()->isCanvas());
1807     writeLayers(ts, this, this, QRect(xPos(), yPos(), width(), height()), ind);
1808 }
1810 #endif
1812 bool RenderLayer::shouldBeOverflowOnly() const
1813 {
1814     return renderer()->style() && renderer()->hasOverflowClip() &&
1815            !renderer()->isPositioned() && !renderer()->isRelPositioned() && !isTransparent();
1816 }
1818 void RenderLayer::styleChanged()
1819 {
1820     RenderLayer *parentSC = stackingContext();
1822     // If we stopped being a stacking context, make sure to clear our
1823     // child lists so we don't end up with dangling references when a kid
1824     // is removed (as it wouldn't know to remove from us)
1825     bool nowStackingContext = isStackingContext();
1826     if (!nowStackingContext && (m_posZOrderList || m_negZOrderList)) {
1827         delete m_posZOrderList;
1828         m_posZOrderList = nullptr;
1829         delete m_negZOrderList;
1830         m_negZOrderList = nullptr;
1831     }
1833     // If we stopped or started being a stacking context, dirty the parent, as
1834     // who is responsible for some of the layers may change
1835     if (nowStackingContext != m_wasStackingContext && parentSC) {
1836         parentSC->dirtyZOrderLists();
1837     }
1839     m_wasStackingContext = nowStackingContext;
1841     bool isOverflowOnly = shouldBeOverflowOnly();
1842     if (isOverflowOnly != m_isOverflowOnly) {
1843         m_isOverflowOnly = isOverflowOnly;
1844         RenderLayer *p = parent();
1845         if (p) {
1846             p->dirtyOverflowList();
1847         }
1848         if (parentSC) {
1849             parentSC->dirtyZOrderLists();
1850         }
1851     }
1853     if (m_object->hasOverflowClip() &&
1854             m_object->style()->overflowX() == OMARQUEE && m_object->style()->marqueeBehavior() != MNONE) {
1855         if (!m_marquee) {
1856             m_marquee = new Marquee(this);
1857         }
1858         m_marquee->updateMarqueeStyle();
1859     } else if (m_marquee) {
1860         delete m_marquee;
1861         m_marquee = nullptr;
1862     }
1863 }
1865 void RenderLayer::suspendMarquees()
1866 {
1867     if (m_marquee) {
1868         m_marquee->suspend();
1869     }
1871     for (RenderLayer *curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
1872         curr->suspendMarquees();
1873     }
1874 }
1876 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1877 // Marquee implementation
1879 Marquee::Marquee(RenderLayer *l)
1880     : m_layer(l), m_currentLoop(0), m_totalLoops(0), m_timerId(0), m_start(0), m_end(0), m_speed(0), m_unfurlPos(0), m_reset(false),
1881       m_suspended(false), m_stopped(false), m_whiteSpace(NORMAL), m_direction(MAUTO)
1882 {
1883 }
1885 int Marquee::marqueeSpeed() const
1886 {
1887     int result = m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeSpeed();
1888     DOM::NodeImpl *elt = m_layer->renderer()->element();
1889     if (elt && elt->id() == ID_MARQUEE) {
1890         HTMLMarqueeElementImpl *marqueeElt = static_cast<HTMLMarqueeElementImpl *>(elt);
1891         result = qMax(result, marqueeElt->minimumDelay());
1892     }
1893     return result;
1894 }
1896 EMarqueeDirection Marquee::direction() const
1897 {
1898     // FIXME: Support the CSS3 "auto" value for determining the direction of the marquee.
1899     // For now just map MAUTO to MBACKWARD
1900     EMarqueeDirection result = m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeDirection();
1901     EDirection dir =  m_layer->renderer()->style()->direction();
1902     if (result == MAUTO) {
1903         result = MBACKWARD;
1904     }
1905     if (result == MFORWARD) {
1906         result = (dir == LTR) ? MRIGHT : MLEFT;
1907     }
1908     if (result == MBACKWARD) {
1909         result = (dir == LTR) ? MLEFT : MRIGHT;
1910     }
1912     // Now we have the real direction.  Next we check to see if the increment is negative.
1913     // If so, then we reverse the direction.
1914     Length increment = m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeIncrement();
1915     if (increment.isNegative()) {
1916         result = static_cast<EMarqueeDirection>(-result);
1917     }
1919     return result;
1920 }
1922 bool Marquee::isHorizontal() const
1923 {
1924     return direction() == MLEFT || direction() == MRIGHT;
1925 }
1927 bool Marquee::isUnfurlMarquee() const
1928 {
1929     EMarqueeBehavior behavior = m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeBehavior();
1930     return (behavior == MUNFURL);
1931 }
1933 int Marquee::computePosition(EMarqueeDirection dir, bool stopAtContentEdge)
1934 {
1935     RenderObject *o = m_layer->renderer();
1936     RenderStyle *s = o->style();
1937     if (isHorizontal()) {
1938         bool ltr = s->direction() == LTR;
1939         int clientWidth = o->clientWidth();
1940         int contentWidth = ltr ? o->rightmostPosition(true, false) : o->leftmostPosition(true, false);
1941         if (ltr) {
1942             contentWidth += (o->paddingRight() - o->borderLeft());
1943         } else {
1944             contentWidth = o->width() - contentWidth;
1945             contentWidth += (o->paddingLeft() - o->borderRight());
1946         }
1947         if (dir == MRIGHT) {
1948             if (stopAtContentEdge) {
1949                 return qMax(0, ltr ? (contentWidth - clientWidth) : (clientWidth - contentWidth));
1950             } else {
1951                 return ltr ? contentWidth : clientWidth;
1952             }
1953         } else {
1954             if (stopAtContentEdge) {
1955                 return qMin(0, ltr ? (contentWidth - clientWidth) : (clientWidth - contentWidth));
1956             } else {
1957                 return ltr ? -clientWidth : -contentWidth;
1958             }
1959         }
1960     } else {
1961         int contentHeight = m_layer->renderer()->lowestPosition(true, false) -
1962                             m_layer->renderer()->borderTop() + m_layer->renderer()->paddingBottom();
1963         int clientHeight = m_layer->renderer()->clientHeight();
1964         if (dir == MUP) {
1965             if (stopAtContentEdge) {
1966                 return qMin(contentHeight - clientHeight, 0);
1967             } else {
1968                 return -clientHeight;
1969             }
1970         } else {
1971             if (stopAtContentEdge) {
1972                 return qMax(contentHeight - clientHeight, 0);
1973             } else {
1974                 return contentHeight;
1975             }
1976         }
1977     }
1978 }
1980 void Marquee::start()
1981 {
1982     if (m_timerId || m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeIncrement().isZero()) {
1983         return;
1984     }
1986     if (!m_suspended && !m_stopped) {
1987         if (isUnfurlMarquee()) {
1988             bool forward = direction() == MDOWN || direction() == MRIGHT;
1989             bool isReversed = (forward && m_currentLoop % 2) || (!forward && !(m_currentLoop % 2));
1990             m_unfurlPos = isReversed ? m_end : m_start;
1991             m_layer->renderer()->setChildNeedsLayout(true);
1992         } else {
1993             if (isHorizontal()) {
1994                 m_layer->scrollToOffset(m_start, 0, false, false, false);
1995             } else {
1996                 m_layer->scrollToOffset(0, m_start, false, false, false);
1997             }
1998         }
1999     } else {
2000         m_suspended = false;
2001     }
2003     m_stopped = false;
2004     m_timerId = startTimer(speed());
2005 }
2007 void Marquee::suspend()
2008 {
2009     if (m_timerId) {
2010         killTimer(m_timerId);
2011         m_timerId = 0;
2012     }
2014     m_suspended = true;
2015 }
2017 void Marquee::stop()
2018 {
2019     if (m_timerId) {
2020         killTimer(m_timerId);
2021         m_timerId = 0;
2022     }
2024     m_stopped = true;
2025 }
2027 void Marquee::updateMarqueePosition()
2028 {
2029     bool activate = (m_totalLoops <= 0 || m_currentLoop < m_totalLoops);
2030     if (activate) {
2031         if (isUnfurlMarquee()) {
2032             if (m_unfurlPos < m_start) {
2033                 m_unfurlPos = m_start;
2034                 m_layer->renderer()->setChildNeedsLayout(true);
2035             } else if (m_unfurlPos > m_end) {
2036                 m_unfurlPos = m_end;
2037                 m_layer->renderer()->setChildNeedsLayout(true);
2038             }
2039         } else {
2040             EMarqueeBehavior behavior = m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeBehavior();
2041             m_start = computePosition(direction(), behavior == MALTERNATE);
2042             m_end = computePosition(reverseDirection(), behavior == MALTERNATE || behavior == MSLIDE);
2043         }
2044         if (!m_stopped) {
2045             start();
2046         }
2047     }
2048 }
2050 void Marquee::updateMarqueeStyle()
2051 {
2052     RenderStyle *s = m_layer->renderer()->style();
2054     if (m_direction != s->marqueeDirection() || (m_totalLoops != s->marqueeLoopCount() && m_currentLoop >= m_totalLoops)) {
2055         m_currentLoop = 0;    // When direction changes or our loopCount is a smaller number than our current loop, reset our loop.
2056     }
2058     m_totalLoops = s->marqueeLoopCount();
2059     m_direction = s->marqueeDirection();
2060     m_whiteSpace = s->whiteSpace();
2062     if (m_layer->renderer()->isHTMLMarquee()) {
2063         // Hack for WinIE.  In WinIE, a value of 0 or lower for the loop count for SLIDE means to only do
2064         // one loop.
2065         if (m_totalLoops <= 0 && (s->marqueeBehavior() == MSLIDE || s->marqueeBehavior() == MUNFURL)) {
2066             m_totalLoops = 1;
2067         }
2069         // Hack alert: Set the white-space value to nowrap for horizontal marquees with inline children, thus ensuring
2070         // all the text ends up on one line by default.  Limit this hack to the <marquee> element to emulate
2071         // WinIE's behavior.  Someone using CSS3 can use white-space: nowrap on their own to get this effect.
2072         // Second hack alert: Set the text-align back to auto.  WinIE completely ignores text-align on the
2073         // marquee element.
2074         // FIXME: Bring these up with the CSS WG.
2075         if (isHorizontal() && m_layer->renderer()->childrenInline()) {
2076             s->setWhiteSpace(NOWRAP);
2077             s->setTextAlign(TAAUTO);
2078         }
2079     }
2081     if (speed() != marqueeSpeed()) {
2082         m_speed = marqueeSpeed();
2083         if (m_timerId) {
2084             killTimer(m_timerId);
2085             m_timerId = startTimer(speed());
2086         }
2087     }
2089     // Check the loop count to see if we should now stop.
2090     bool activate = (m_totalLoops <= 0 || m_currentLoop < m_totalLoops);
2091     if (activate && !m_timerId) {
2092         m_layer->renderer()->setNeedsLayout(true);
2093     } else if (!activate && m_timerId) {
2094         // Destroy the timer.
2095         killTimer(m_timerId);
2096         m_timerId = 0;
2097     }
2098 }
2100 void Marquee::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * /*evt*/)
2101 {
2102     if (m_layer->renderer()->needsLayout()) {
2103         return;
2104     }
2106     if (m_reset) {
2107         m_reset = false;
2108         if (isHorizontal()) {
2109             m_layer->scrollToXOffset(m_start);
2110         } else {
2111             m_layer->scrollToYOffset(m_start);
2112         }
2113         return;
2114     }
2116     RenderStyle *s = m_layer->renderer()->style();
2118     int endPoint = m_end;
2119     int range = m_end - m_start;
2120     int newPos;
2121     if (range == 0) {
2122         newPos = m_end;
2123     } else {
2124         bool addIncrement = direction() == MUP || direction() == MLEFT;
2125         bool isReversed = s->marqueeBehavior() == MALTERNATE && m_currentLoop % 2;
2126         if (isUnfurlMarquee()) {
2127             isReversed = (!addIncrement && m_currentLoop % 2) || (addIncrement && !(m_currentLoop % 2));
2128             addIncrement = !isReversed;
2129         }
2130         if (isReversed) {
2131             // We're going in the reverse direction.
2132             endPoint = m_start;
2133             range = -range;
2134             if (!isUnfurlMarquee()) {
2135                 addIncrement = !addIncrement;
2136             }
2137         }
2138         bool positive = range > 0;
2139         int clientSize = isUnfurlMarquee() ? abs(range) :
2140                          (isHorizontal() ? m_layer->renderer()->clientWidth() : m_layer->renderer()->clientHeight());
2141         int increment = qMax(1, abs(m_layer->renderer()->style()->marqueeIncrement().width(clientSize)));
2142         int currentPos = isUnfurlMarquee() ? m_unfurlPos :
2143                          (isHorizontal() ? m_layer->scrollXOffset() : m_layer->scrollYOffset());
2144         newPos =  currentPos + (addIncrement ? increment : -increment);
2145         if (positive) {
2146             newPos = qMin(newPos, endPoint);
2147         } else {
2148             newPos = qMax(newPos, endPoint);
2149         }
2150     }
2152     if (newPos == endPoint) {
2153         m_currentLoop++;
2154         if (m_totalLoops > 0 && m_currentLoop >= m_totalLoops) {
2155             killTimer(m_timerId);
2156             m_timerId = 0;
2157         } else if (s->marqueeBehavior() != MALTERNATE && s->marqueeBehavior() != MUNFURL) {
2158             m_reset = true;
2159         }
2160     }
2162     if (isUnfurlMarquee()) {
2163         m_unfurlPos = newPos;
2164         m_layer->renderer()->setChildNeedsLayout(true);
2165     } else {
2166         if (isHorizontal()) {
2167             m_layer->scrollToXOffset(newPos);
2168         } else {
2169             m_layer->scrollToYOffset(newPos);
2170         }
2171     }
2172 }
2174 #include "moc_render_layer.cpp"