File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 15:23:46

0001 #ifndef LOADER_CLIENT_H
0002 #define LOADER_CLIENT_H
0004 #include <QPixmap>
0005 #include "dom/dom_string.h"
0007 namespace khtml
0008 {
0009 class CachedObject;
0010 class CachedImage;
0012 /**
0013  * @internal
0014  *
0015  * a client who wants to load stylesheets, images or scripts from the web has to
0016  * inherit from this class and overload one of the 3 functions
0017  *
0018  */
0019 class KHTML_EXPORT CachedObjectClient
0020 {
0021 public:
0022     virtual ~CachedObjectClient();
0023     // clipped pixmap (if it is not yet completely loaded,
0024     // size of the complete (finished loading) pixmap
0025     // rectangle of the part that has been loaded very recently
0026     // pointer to us
0027     // return whether we need manual update
0028     // don't ref() or deref() elements in setPixmap!!
0029     virtual void updatePixmap(const QRect &, CachedImage *);
0030     virtual void setStyleSheet(const DOM::DOMString &/*url*/, const DOM::DOMString &/*sheet*/, const DOM::DOMString &/*charset*/, const DOM::DOMString &/*mimetype*/);
0031     virtual void notifyFinished(CachedObject * /*finishedObj*/);
0032     virtual void error(int err, const QString &text);
0033 };
0034 }
0036 #endif