Warning, /frameworks/khtml/src/misc/htmlattrs.in is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # First, list attributes with a case-insensitive value 0002 accept-charset 0003 accept 0004 accesskey 0005 align 0006 alink 0007 autocomplete 0008 autoplay 0009 axis 0010 behavior 0011 bgcolor 0012 bgproperties 0013 border 0014 bordercolor 0015 cellpadding 0016 cellspacing 0017 char 0018 challenge 0019 charoff 0020 charset 0021 checked 0022 clear 0023 codetype 0024 color 0025 cols 0026 colspan 0027 compact 0028 contenteditable 0029 controls 0030 coords 0031 declare 0032 defer 0033 dir 0034 direction 0035 disabled 0036 enctype 0037 face 0038 frame 0039 frameborder 0040 height 0041 hidden 0042 hreflang 0043 hspace 0044 html 0045 http-equiv 0046 ismap 0047 lang 0048 language 0049 left 0050 leftmargin 0051 link 0052 loop 0053 marginheight 0054 marginwidth 0055 maxlength 0056 media 0057 method 0058 multiple 0059 nohref 0060 noresize 0061 nosave 0062 noshade 0063 nowrap 0064 onabort 0065 onerror 0066 onresize 0067 oversrc 0068 pagex 0069 pagey 0070 placeholder 0071 plain 0072 pluginpage 0073 pluginspage 0074 pluginurl 0075 poster 0076 readonly 0077 rel 0078 rev 0079 rows 0080 rowspan 0081 rules 0082 scope 0083 scrollamount 0084 scrolldelay 0085 scrolling 0086 selected 0087 shape 0088 size 0089 span 0090 start 0091 style 0092 tabindex 0093 target 0094 text 0095 top 0096 topmargin 0097 truespeed 0098 type 0099 unknown 0100 valign 0101 valuetype 0102 version 0103 visibility 0104 vlink 0105 vspace 0106 width 0107 wrap 0108 z-index 0109 END_CI_ATTRIBUTES 0110 0111 # Then attributes listed as [CS] and [CT] in the HTML specification, 0112 # which value is to be treated case sensitively. 0113 abbr 0114 action 0115 alt 0116 archive 0117 background 0118 cite 0119 class 0120 classid 0121 code 0122 codebase 0123 content 0124 data 0125 datetime 0126 for 0127 headers 0128 href 0129 id 0130 label 0131 longdesc 0132 name 0133 object 0134 onblur 0135 onchange 0136 onclick 0137 ondblclick 0138 onfocus 0139 onhashchange 0140 onkeydown 0141 onkeypress 0142 onkeyup 0143 onload 0144 onmessage 0145 onmousedown 0146 onmousemove 0147 onmouseout 0148 onmouseover 0149 onmouseup 0150 onreset 0151 onselect 0152 onscroll 0153 onsubmit 0154 onunload 0155 profile 0156 prompt 0157 scheme 0158 src 0159 standby 0160 summary 0161 title 0162 usemap 0163 value 0164 # xmlns is not a HTML attribute, but like HTML attributes it has empty prefix and namespace 0165 xmlns