Warning, /frameworks/khtml/src/html/kentities.gperf is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 %language=C++
0002 %enum
0003 %readonly-tables
0004 %compare-strncmp
0005 %struct-type
0006 %define lookup-function-name kde_findEntity
0007 %define hash-function-name hash_Entity
0008 %define word-array-name wordlist_Entity
0009 %define class-name KCodecsEntities
0010 %{
0011 /*   This file is part of the KDE libraries
0013      Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@mpi-hd.mpg.de)
0015      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0016      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0017      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0018      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0020      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0021      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0023      Library General Public License for more details.
0025      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0026      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0027      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0028      Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0030   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0032     kentities.gperf: input file to generate a hash table for entities
0033     kentities.c: DO NOT EDIT! generated by the command
0034     "gperf -k '*' -D -s 2 --output-file=kentities.h kentities.gperf"
0035     from kentities.gperf
0036 */  
0037 %}
0038 struct entity {
0039     const char *name;
0040     int code;
0041 };
0042 %%
0043 AElig, 0x00c6
0044 Aacute, 0x00c1
0045 Acirc, 0x00c2
0046 Agrave, 0x00c0
0047 Alpha, 0x0391
0048 AMP, 38
0049 Aring, 0x00c5
0050 Atilde, 0x00c3
0051 Auml, 0x00c4
0052 Beta, 0x0392
0053 Ccaron, 0x010c
0054 Ccedil, 0x00c7
0055 Chi, 0x03a7
0056 Dagger, 0x2021
0057 Dcaron, 0x010e
0058 Delta, 0x0394
0059 ETH, 0x00d0
0060 Eacute, 0x00c9
0061 Ecaron, 0x011a
0062 Ecirc, 0x00ca
0063 Egrave, 0x00c8
0064 Eague, 0x00c9
0065 Epsilon, 0x0395
0066 Eta, 0x0397
0067 Euml, 0x00cb
0068 Gamma, 0x0393
0069 GT, 62
0070 Iacute, 0x00cd
0071 Icirc, 0x00ce
0072 Igrave, 0x00cc
0073 Iota, 0x0399
0074 Iuml, 0x00cf
0075 Kappa, 0x039a
0076 Lambda, 0x039b
0077 LT, 60
0078 Mu, 0x039c
0079 Ncaron, 0x0147
0080 Ntilde, 0x00d1
0081 Nu, 0x039d
0082 OElig, 0x0152
0083 Oacute, 0x00d3
0084 Ocirc, 0x00d4
0085 Ograve, 0x00d2
0086 Omega, 0x03a9
0087 Omicron, 0x039f
0088 Oslash, 0x00d8
0089 Otilde, 0x00d5
0090 Ouml, 0x00d6
0091 Phi, 0x03a6
0092 Pi, 0x03a0
0093 Prime, 0x2033
0094 Psi, 0x03a8
0095 QUOT, 34
0096 Rcaron, 0x0158
0097 Rho, 0x03a1
0098 Scaron, 0x0160
0099 Sigma, 0x03a3
0100 THORN, 0x00de
0101 Tau, 0x03a4
0102 Tcaron, 0x0164
0103 Theta, 0x0398
0104 Uacute, 0x00da
0105 Ucirc, 0x00db
0106 Ugrave, 0x00d9
0107 Upsilon, 0x03a5
0108 Uring, 0x016e
0109 Uuml, 0x00dc
0110 Xi, 0x039e
0111 Yacute, 0x00dd
0112 Yuml, 0x0178
0113 Zcaron, 0x017d
0114 Zeta, 0x0396
0115 aacute, 0x00e1
0116 acirc, 0x00e2
0117 acute, 0x00b4
0118 aelig, 0x00e6
0119 agrave, 0x00e0
0120 alefsym, 0x2135
0121 alpha, 0x03b1
0122 amp, 38
0123 and, 0x2227
0124 ang, 0x2220
0125 apos, 0x0027
0126 aring, 0x00e5
0127 asymp, 0x2248
0128 atilde, 0x00e3
0129 auml, 0x00e4
0130 bdquo, 0x201e
0131 beta, 0x03b2
0132 brvbar, 0x00a6
0133 bull, 0x2022
0134 cap, 0x2229
0135 ccaron, 0x010d
0136 ccedil, 0x00e7
0137 cedil, 0x00b8
0138 cent, 0x00a2
0139 chi, 0x03c7
0140 circ, 0x02c6
0141 clubs, 0x2663
0142 cong, 0x2245
0143 copy, 0x00a9
0144 crarr, 0x21b5
0145 cup, 0x222a
0146 curren, 0x00a4
0147 dArr, 0x21d3
0148 dagger, 0x2020
0149 darr, 0x2193
0150 dcaron, 0x10f
0151 deg, 0x00b0
0152 delta, 0x03b4
0153 diams, 0x2666
0154 divide, 0x00f7
0155 dol, 0x0024
0156 dollar, 0x0024
0157 eacute, 0x00e9
0158 ecaron, 0x011b
0159 eague, 0x00e9
0160 ecirc, 0x00ea
0161 egrave, 0x00e8
0162 emdash, 0x2014
0163 empty, 0x2205
0164 emsp, 0x2003
0165 endash, 0x2013
0166 ensp, 0x2002
0167 epsilon, 0x03b5
0168 equiv, 0x2261
0169 eta, 0x03b7
0170 eth, 0x00f0
0171 euml, 0x00eb
0172 euro, 0x20ac
0173 exist, 0x2203
0174 fnof, 0x0192
0175 forall, 0x2200
0176 frac12, 0x00bd
0177 frac14, 0x00bc
0178 frac34, 0x00be
0179 frasl, 0x2044
0180 gamma, 0x03b3
0181 ge, 0x2265
0182 gt, 62
0183 hArr, 0x21d4
0184 harr, 0x2194
0185 hearts, 0x2665
0186 hellip, 0x2026
0187 iacute, 0x00ed
0188 icirc, 0x00ee
0189 iexcl, 0x00a1
0190 igrave, 0x00ec
0191 image, 0x2111
0192 infin, 0x221e
0193 int, 0x222b
0194 iota, 0x03b9
0195 iquest, 0x00bf
0196 isin, 0x2208
0197 iuml, 0x00ef
0198 kappa, 0x03ba
0199 lArr, 0x21d0
0200 lambda, 0x03bb
0201 lang, 0x2329
0202 laquo, 0x00ab
0203 larr, 0x2190
0204 lceil, 0x2308
0205 ldquo, 0x201c
0206 le, 0x2264
0207 lfloor, 0x230a
0208 lowast, 0x2217
0209 loz, 0x25ca
0210 lrm, 0x200e
0211 lsaquo, 0x2039
0212 lsquo, 0x2018
0213 lt, 60
0214 macr, 0x00af
0215 mdash, 0x2014
0216 micro, 0x00b5
0217 middot, 0x00b7
0218 minus, 0x2212
0219 mu, 0x03bc
0220 nabla, 0x2207
0221 nbsp, 0x00a0
0222 ncaron, 0x0148
0223 ndash, 0x2013
0224 ne, 0x2260
0225 ni, 0x220b
0226 not, 0x00ac
0227 notin, 0x2209
0228 nsub, 0x2284
0229 ntilde, 0x00f1
0230 nu, 0x03bd
0231 oacute, 0x00f3
0232 ocirc, 0x00f4
0233 oelig, 0x0153
0234 ograve, 0x00f2
0235 oline, 0x203e
0236 omega, 0x03c9
0237 omicron, 0x03bf
0238 oplus, 0x2295
0239 or, 0x2228
0240 ordf, 0x00aa
0241 ordm, 0x00ba
0242 oslash, 0x00f8
0243 otilde, 0x00f5
0244 otimes, 0x2297
0245 ouml, 0x00f6
0246 para, 0x00b6
0247 part, 0x2202
0248 percnt, 0x0025
0249 permil, 0x2030
0250 perp, 0x22a5
0251 phi, 0x03c6
0252 pi, 0x03c0
0253 piv, 0x03d6
0254 plusmn, 0x00b1
0255 pound, 0x00a3
0256 prime, 0x2032
0257 prod, 0x220f
0258 prop, 0x221d
0259 psi, 0x03c8
0260 quot, 34
0261 rArr, 0x21d2
0262 radic, 0x221a
0263 rang, 0x232a
0264 raquo, 0x00bb
0265 rarr, 0x2192
0266 rcaron, 0x0159
0267 rceil, 0x2309
0268 rdquo, 0x201d
0269 real, 0x211c
0270 reg, 0x00ae
0271 rfloor, 0x230b
0272 rho, 0x03c1
0273 rlm, 0x200f
0274 rsaquo, 0x203a
0275 rsquo, 0x2019
0276 sbquo, 0x201a
0277 scaron, 0x0161
0278 sdot, 0x22c5
0279 sect, 0x00a7
0280 shy, 0x00ad
0281 sigma, 0x03c3
0282 sigmaf, 0x03c2
0283 sim, 0x223c
0284 spades, 0x2660
0285 sub, 0x2282
0286 sube, 0x2286
0287 sum, 0x2211
0288 sup1, 0x00b9
0289 supl, 0x00b9
0290 sup2, 0x00b2
0291 sup3, 0x00b3
0292 sup, 0x2283
0293 supe, 0x2287
0294 szlig, 0x00df
0295 tau, 0x03c4
0296 tcaron, 0x0165
0297 there4, 0x2234
0298 theta, 0x03b8
0299 thetasym, 0x03d1
0300 thinsp, 0x2009
0301 thorn, 0x00fe
0302 tilde, 0x02dc
0303 times, 0x00d7
0304 trade, 0x2122
0305 uArr, 0x21d1
0306 uacute, 0x00fa
0307 uarr, 0x2191
0308 ucirc, 0x00fb
0309 ugrave, 0x00f9
0310 uml, 0x00a8
0311 upsih, 0x03d2
0312 upsilon, 0x03c5
0313 uring, 0x016f
0314 uuml, 0x00fc
0315 weierp, 0x2118
0316 xi, 0x03be
0317 yacute, 0x00fd
0318 yen, 0x00a5
0319 yuml, 0x00ff
0320 zcaron, 0x017e
0321 zeta, 0x03b6
0322 zwj, 0x200d
0323 zwnj, 0x200c
0324 %%