Warning, /frameworks/khtml/src/css/cssproperties.in is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # all valid CSS2 properties.
0003 #
0004 # aural properties are commented out, as we don't support them anyway.
0005 #
0006 # some properties are used in khtml, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get
0007 # HTML4 compatibility in the rendering engine.
0008 #
0009 # Mircosoft extensions are documented here:
0010 # http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp
0011 #
0013 #
0014 background-color
0015 background-image
0016 background-repeat
0017 background-attachment
0018 background-position
0019 # IE Extensions
0020 background-position-x
0021 background-position-y
0022 # CSS3 Extensions
0023 background-clip
0024 background-origin
0025 background-size
0026 border-top-right-radius
0027 border-bottom-right-radius
0028 border-bottom-left-radius
0029 border-top-left-radius
0030 border-radius
0032 border-collapse
0033 border-spacing
0034 -khtml-border-horizontal-spacing
0035 -khtml-border-vertical-spacing
0036 border-top-color
0037 border-right-color
0038 border-bottom-color
0039 border-left-color
0040 border-top-style
0041 border-right-style
0042 border-bottom-style
0043 border-left-style
0044 border-top-width
0045 border-right-width
0046 border-bottom-width
0047 border-left-width
0048 bottom
0049 caption-side
0050 clear
0051 clip
0052 color
0053 content
0054 counter-increment
0055 counter-reset
0056 cursor
0057 direction
0058 display
0059 empty-cells
0060 float
0061 font-family
0062 font-size
0063 font-style
0064 font-variant
0065 font-weight
0066 height
0067 left
0068 letter-spacing
0069 line-height
0070 list-style-image
0071 list-style-position
0072 list-style-type
0073 margin-top
0074 margin-right
0075 margin-bottom
0076 margin-left
0077 -khtml-margin-start
0078 -khtml-marquee
0079 -khtml-marquee-direction
0080 -khtml-marquee-increment
0081 -khtml-marquee-repetition
0082 -khtml-marquee-speed
0083 -khtml-marquee-style
0084 max-height
0085 max-width
0086 min-height
0087 min-width
0088 orphans
0089 opacity
0090 outline-color
0091 outline-offset
0092 outline-style
0093 outline-width
0094 overflow
0095 overflow-x
0096 overflow-y
0097 padding-top
0098 padding-right
0099 padding-bottom
0100 padding-left
0101 -khtml-padding-start
0102 #page
0103 page-break-after
0104 page-break-before
0105 page-break-inside
0106 position
0108 right
0109 size
0110 src
0111 table-layout
0112 text-align
0113 text-decoration
0114 text-indent
0115 text-overflow
0116 text-shadow
0117 text-transform
0118 top
0119 unicode-bidi
0120 unicode-range
0121 vertical-align
0122 visibility
0123 white-space
0124 widows
0125 width
0126 word-wrap
0127 word-spacing
0128 z-index
0129 background
0130 border
0131 border-color
0132 border-style
0133 border-top
0134 border-right
0135 border-bottom
0136 border-left
0137 border-width
0138 box-sizing
0139 font
0140 list-style
0141 margin
0142 outline
0143 padding
0144 # some more IE extensions
0145 scrollbar-base-color
0146 scrollbar-face-color
0147 scrollbar-shadow-color
0148 scrollbar-highlight-color
0149 scrollbar-3dlight-color
0150 scrollbar-darkshadow-color
0151 scrollbar-track-color
0152 scrollbar-arrow-color
0153 # khtml internals
0154 -khtml-flow-mode
0155 -khtml-user-input
0156 #
0157 # SVG (1.1)
0158 #
0159 alignment-baseline
0160 baseline-shift
0161 # clip
0162 clip-path
0163 clip-rule
0164 # color
0165 color-interpolation
0166 color-interpolation-filters
0167 color-profile
0168 color-rendering
0169 # cursor
0170 # direction
0171 # display
0172 dominant-baseline
0173 enable-background
0174 fill
0175 fill-opacity
0176 fill-rule
0177 filter
0178 flood-color
0179 flood-opacity
0180 # font
0181 # font-family
0182 # font-size
0183 font-size-adjust
0184 font-stretch
0185 # font-style
0186 # font-variant
0187 # font-weight
0188 glyph-orientation-horizontal
0189 glyph-orientation-vertical
0190 image-rendering
0191 kerning
0192 # letter-spacing
0193 lighting-color
0194 marker
0195 marker-end
0196 marker-mid
0197 marker-start
0198 mask
0199 # opacity
0200 # overflow
0201 pointer-events
0202 shape-rendering
0203 stop-color
0204 stop-opacity
0205 stroke
0206 stroke-dasharray
0207 stroke-dashoffset
0208 stroke-linecap
0209 stroke-linejoin
0210 stroke-miterlimit
0211 stroke-opacity
0212 stroke-width
0213 text-anchor
0214 # text-decoration
0215 text-rendering
0216 # unicode-bidi
0217 # visibility
0218 # word-spacing
0219 writing-mode