Warning, /frameworks/kholidays/holidays/plan2/holiday_pl_pl is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 :: 0002 :: Country: Poland 0003 :: 0004 :: Language: Polish 0005 :: 0006 :: Author: Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz <kpjas@promail.pl> 0007 :: 0008 :: Updated: 0009 :: 2019-03-22: added english names, sort categories. 0010 :: 2022-02-12: added Fat Thursday and "State Holidays without day-off" 0011 :: 0012 :: Source: 0013 :: 0014 0015 :: Metadata 0016 country "PL" 0017 language "pl" 0018 :name "optional - defaults to country name" 0019 description "Polskie Święta Narodowe" 0020 0021 :: Public Holidays 0022 : New Year's Day 0023 "Nowy Rok" public on january 1 0024 : Epiphany (public holiday since 2011) 0025 "Trzech Króli" public on january 6 0026 : Easter 0027 "Niedziela Wielkanocna" public religious on easter 0028 : Easter Monday 0029 "Poniedziałek Wielkanocny" public on easter plus 1 day 0030 : May Day 0031 "Święto Pracy" public on may 1 0032 : Constitution Day 0033 "Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja" public on may 3 0034 : Pentecost Sunday 0035 "Zielone Świątki" public religious on easter plus 49 days 0036 : Corpus Christi 0037 "Boże Ciało" public religious on easter plus 60 days 0038 : Assumption 0039 "Wniebowzięcie NMP" public on august 15 0040 : All Saints day 0041 "Wszystkich Świętych" public religious on november 1 0042 : Independence Day 0043 "Święto Niepodległości" public on november 11 0044 : Christmas Day and Second day of Christmastide 0045 "Boże Narodzenie" public religious on december 25 length 2 days 0046 0047 :: Religious 0048 : Ash Wednesday 0049 "Popielec" religious on easter minus 46 days 0050 : Good Friday 0051 "Wielki Piątek" religious on easter minus 2 days 0052 : Palm Sunday 0053 "Niedziela Palmowa" religious on easter minus 7 days 0054 : All souls' Day 0055 "Zaduszki" religious on november 2 0056 : Vigil 0057 "Wigilia" religious on december 24 0058 0059 :: Financial 0060 0061 :: Cultural 0062 :Grandma's Day 0063 "Dzień Babci" Cultural on january 21 0064 : Grandpa's Day 0065 "Dzień Dziadka" Cultural on january 22 0066 : Valentine's Day 0067 "Walentynki" cultural on february 14 0068 : Women's Day 0069 "Dzień Kobiet" cultural on march 8 0070 : Fat Tuesday 0071 : FIXME: No information on events happening on Fat Tuesday in Poland 0072 "Śledzik" cultural on easter minus 47 days 0073 : Fat Thursday 0074 "Tłusty Czwartek" cultural on easter minus 52 days 0075 : Flag Day 0076 "Dzień Flagi" cultural on may 2 0077 : Mother's Day 0078 "Dzień Matki" cultural on may 26 0079 : Children's Day 0080 "Dzień Dziecka" cultural on june 1 0081 : Father's Day 0082 "Dzień Ojca" cultural on june 23 0083 : Saint Andrew's Day 0084 "Andrzejki" cultural on november 30 0085 : Saint Nicholas Day 0086 "Mikołajki" cultural on december 6 0087 : New Year's eve 0088 "Sylwester" cultural on december 31 0089 0090 :: State Holidays without day-off (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=447201) 0091 : Polish Science Day 0092 "Dzień Nauki Polskiej" cultural on february 19 0093 0094 :National "cursed soldiers" Remembrance Day, 0095 "Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Żołnierzy Wyklętych" cultural on march 1 0096 0097 :National Day for the Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under Nazi German Occupation 0098 "Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Polaków ratujących Żydów pod okupacją niemiecką" cultural on march 24 0099 0100 :Baptism of Poland Day: 0101 "Święto Chrztu Polski" cultural on april 14 0102 0103 :Victory Day 0104 "Narodowy Dzień Zwycięstwa" cultural on may 8 0105 0106 :Day of Struggle and Martyrdom of the Polish Villages 0107 "Dzień Walki i Męczeństwa Wsi Polskiej" cultural on july 12 0108 0109 :National Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Day 0110 "Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Powstania Warszawskiego" cultural on august 1 0111 0112 :Day of Solidarity and Freedom 0113 "Dzień Solidarności i Wolności" cultural on august 31 0114 0115 :National Day of Remembrance for Steadfast Clergy 0116 "Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Duchownych Niezłomnych" cultural on october 19 0117 0118 :National Day of the Victorious Greater Poland Uprising 0119 "Narodowy Dzień Zwycięskiego Powstania Wielkopolskiego" cultural on december 27 0120 0121 0122 :: School 0123 0124 :: Daylight Saving 0125 0126 :: Name Days 0127 0128 :: To be sorted