Warning, /frameworks/kholidays/holidays/plan2/holiday_cm_fr is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 :: 0002 :: Country: Cameroun 0003 :: 0004 :: Language: French 0005 :: 0006 :: Author: Sébastien Demanou <demsking@gmail.com> 0007 :: 0008 :: Updated: 2016-03-26 0009 :: 0010 :: Source: http://www.minfopra.gov.cm/textes/REPARATIONS/LOI%20N%C2%B0%2073-5%20DU%207%20DEC%201973.pdf 0011 :: http://www.mintour.gov.cm/infos-pratiques/fetes-legales-et-feries/ 0012 :: https://french.yaounde.usembassy.gov/holidays-fr.html 0013 :: http://www.ambafrance-cm.org/Histoire-du-Cameroun 0014 :: https://www.francophonie.org/Statut-et-date-d-adhesion-des.html 0015 :: 0016 :: Missing: Missing muslim religious holidays due to their indeterminate date 0017 :: 0018 0019 :: Metadata 0020 country "CM" 0021 language "fr" 0022 :name "optional - defaults to country name" 0023 : "National holiday file for Cameroun" 0024 description "Fêtes et jours fériés au Cameroun" 0025 0026 :: Public Holidays 0027 "Jour de l'an" public on january 1 0028 "Journée de la femme" public cultural on march 8 0029 "Fête du Travail" public on may 1 0030 "Fête de la Jeunesse" public cultural on february 11 0031 "Fête Nationale" public on may 20 0032 0033 :: Religious Holidays 0034 "Pâques" public religious on easter length 1 day 0035 "Ascension" public religious on easter plus 39 days 0036 "Pentecôte" public religious on easter plus 49 days length 2 days 0037 "Assomption" public religious on august 15 0038 "Toussaint" public religious on november 1 0039 "Noël" public religious on december 25 0040 "Épiphanie" religious on first sunday in january 0041 "Mercredi des Cendres" public religious on easter minus 46 days 0042 "Vendredi Saint" religious on easter minus 2 days 0043 "Fête des morts" religious on november 2 0044 0045 :: Historical Dates 0046 "Jour de l'indépendance du Cameroun" historical on 1.1.1960 0047 "Adoption de la Constitution du Cameroun" historical on 21.2.1960 0048 "Réunification du Cameroun" historical on 1.10.1961 0049 "Adhésion du Cameroun au Commonwealth" historical on 1.11.1995 0050 0051 :: Financial 0052 0053 :: Cultural 0054 "St Valentin" cultural on february 14 0055 0056 :: School 0057 0058 :: Daylight Saving 0059 0060 :: Seasons 0061 0062 :: Name Days