Warning, /frameworks/kdoctools/src/man-template.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0004 ]>
0006 <!--Rename this template to man-$applicationname.x.docbook,
0007 where x is the manual section, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_page#Manual_sections
0008 -->
0010 <refentry lang="&language;">
0011 <refentryinfo>
0012 <!-- replace Foo with the application name-->
0013 <title>Foo User's Manual</title>
0014 <author><personname>
0015 <firstname><!--Your first name--></firstname>
0016 <surname><!--Your last name--></surname>
0017 </personname>
0018 <email><!--Your email address--></email></author>
0019 <!--Date when this manpage was written, in the ISO 8601 format 'yyyy-mm-dd'-->
0020 <date>2015-04-03</date>
0021 <!--version information of application this manpage is valid for.
0022 Change date/releaseinfo only if
0023    docbook is updated and verified to be valid for the current app version
0024    docbook is proofreaded and verified to be valid for the current app version
0025 -->
0026 <releaseinfo>Frameworks xx.yy or Plasma xx.yy or Applications xx.yy or $applicationname xx.yy</releaseinfo>
0027 <!-- replace $applicationname with the application name; &kde; as prefix/namespace could
0028 be not needed, ask the promo team in case of doubt
0029 Example:
0030 Frameworks xx.yy for docbooks in frameworks
0031 Plasma xx.yy for docbooks in plasma
0032 Applications xx.yy for docbooks released as Applications
0033 xx.yy (Applications xx.yy) for docbooks with own version released as Applications
0034 $applicationname xx.yy for applications with independent release schedule (extragear/playground)
0035 -->
0037 <productname>KDE Frameworks or KDE Plasma or KDE Applications</productname>
0038 <!-- no productname in man pages for extragear applications -->
0039 </refentryinfo>
0041 <refmeta>
0042 <refentrytitle><command><!--The command this page is about--></command></refentrytitle>
0043 <manvolnum><!--The section this page should be in--></manvolnum>
0044 </refmeta>
0046 <refnamediv>
0047 <refname><command><!--The command this page is about--></command></refname>
0048 <refpurpose><!--Very brief description, suitable for 'whatis'--></refpurpose>
0049 </refnamediv>
0051 <refsynopsisdiv>
0052 <cmdsynopsis>
0053 <command><!--The command this page is about--></command>
0054 <arg choice="req"><!--Required command specific options--></arg>
0055 <arg choice="opt"><!--Optional command specific options--></arg>
0056 <arg choice="opt">Generic Options</arg>
0057 </cmdsynopsis>
0058 </refsynopsisdiv>
0060 <refsect1>
0061 <title>Description</title>
0062 <para><!--Description of the app, what it's for, what it does and doesn't
0063 do.--> </para> 
0065 </refsect1>
0067 <refsect1>
0068 <title>Options</title>
0069 <!--App options, in a variablelist-->
0070 <variablelist>
0071 <varlistentry>
0072 <term><option></option></term>
0073 <listitem><para>
0074 </para></listitem>
0075 </varlistentry>
0077 </variablelist>
0079 </refsect1>
0081 <!--The Following sections are optional, but recommended if they are
0082 applicable.-->
0084 <refsect1>
0085 <title>Environment</title>
0086 <para><!--Environment variables that affect this command, how to set
0087 them, who sets them, how they affect it, probably in a variablelist.  Only for
0088 man sections 1, 6, 7 and 8--></para>
0089 </refsect1>
0091 <refsect1>
0092 <title>Files</title>
0093 <para><!--Files used by this command (eg, rc files, locations of caches
0094 etc.)  who puts them there, how they are configured, and if it's safe
0095 to remove them, probably in a variablelist.--></para>
0096 </refsect1>
0098 <refsect1>
0099 <title>See Also</title>
0100 <simplelist>
0101 <member>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink
0102 url="help:/ --commandname-- ">help:/<!--command--></ulink>
0103 (either enter this &URL; into &konqueror;, or run
0104 <userinput><command>khelpcenter</command>
0105 <parameter>help:/<!--command--></parameter></userinput>).</member>
0106 <!--for man pages replace "help:/" with "man:/" in this member-->
0107 <member>kf6options(7)</member> <!-- only for application with a GUI-->
0108 <member>qt6options(7)</member> <!-- only for application with a GUI-->
0109 <!--<member>foo(1)</member> more man page references if applicable-->
0110 <member>There is also further information available at <!--link to
0111 website if applicable--></member>
0112 </simplelist>
0113 </refsect1>
0115 <refsect1>
0116 <title>Examples</title>
0117 <para><!-- Give examples on how to use the program with different parameters
0118 here, don't forget to explain what each invocation does exactly. Be verbose,
0119 many users find this the most useful part of the documentation! --></para>
0120 </refsect1>
0122 <refsect1>
0123 <title>Standards</title>
0125 <para><!--If the app adheres to any particular standards or RFC's, note
0126 them here.--> </para>
0127 </refsect1>
0129 <refsect1>
0130 <title>History</title>
0131 <para><!--Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this, or you
0132 might keep a modification log here.  If the log gets overly long or detailed,
0133 consider maintaining it in a separate file, though.-->
0134 </para>
0135 </refsect1>
0137 <refsect1>
0138 <title>Bugs</title>
0139 <para><!--Things that cause specific errors, so that people may avoid it,
0140 or at least will be prepared for it.-->
0141 </para>
0142 </refsect1>
0144 <refsect1>
0145 <title>Restrictions</title>
0146 <para><!--Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-)--></para>
0147 </refsect1>
0149 <refsect1>
0150 <title>Authors</title>
0151 <para><!--Author information of the developer and man page writer.--></para>
0152 </refsect1>
0154 </refentry>