Warning, /frameworks/kdoctools/src/customization/fr/strings.entities is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- These entities should be translated, but NOT CHANGED, NOR EXTENDED.
0002      For language-specific extensions, use user.entities.
0003      Translate everything between quotes, except names of general 
0004      entities (&...;). -->
0006 <!ENTITY kappname "cette application">
0007 <!-- Entities to fill in slots in docbook version of FDL notice.
0008      The default values of the parameter entities is IGNORE. -->
0009 <![%FDLIS;[
0010 <!ENTITY FDLISTitles "LISTE DE LEURS TITRES"><!-- keep capitals -->
0011 <!ENTITY FDLInvariantSections "les sections invariantes étant &FDLISTitles;">
0012  ]]>
0013 <!ENTITY FDLInvariantSections "section invariante">
0014 <![%FDLFCT;[
0015 <!ENTITY FDLFCTTitles "LISTE"><!-- keep capitals -->
0016 <!ENTITY FDLFrontCoverText "les textes de première de couverture étant &FDLFCTTitles;">
0017  ]]>
0018 <!ENTITY FDLFrontCoverText "texte de première de couverture">
0019 <![%FDLBCT;[
0020 <!ENTITY FDLBCTTitles "LISTE DE LEURS TITRES"><!-- keep capitals -->
0021 <!ENTITY FDLBackCoverText "les textes de quatrième de couverture étant &FDLBCTTitles;">
0022  ]]>
0023 <!ENTITY FDLBackCoverText "texte de quatrième de couverture">