Warning, /frameworks/kdoctools/src/customization/en-GB/user.entities is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- This file contains entities (only!) to make authoring/translating
0002      a document easier.  They are necessarily language-specific.
0003      In the case of name clashes, entities in this file always lose.
0004      Keep the entities simple, but _always_ provide them with full markup.
0005      Please keep the entities sorted on the name: it will avoid duplicate
0006      names (which if they occur will cost you a _lot_ of time)
0007  -->
0009 <!ENTITY Alt                    "<keycap>Alt</keycap>">
0010 <!ENTITY Backspace              "<keycap>Backspace</keycap>">
0011 <!ENTITY cataloguemanager       "<application>Catalogue Manager</application>">
0012 <!ENTITY cdrom                  '<hardware>CD-ROM drive</hardware>'>
0013 <!ENTITY Ctrl                   "<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>">
0014 <!ENTITY dpi                    '<acronym>dpi</acronym>'>
0015 <!ENTITY eg                     "<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev>">
0016 <!ENTITY Enter                  "<keycap>Enter</keycap>">
0017 <!ENTITY Esc                    "<keycap>Esc</keycap>">
0018 <!ENTITY etc                    "<abbrev>etc.</abbrev>">
0019 <!ENTITY FAQ                    '<acronym>FAQ</acronym>'>
0020 <!ENTITY ie                     "<abbrev>i.e.</abbrev>">
0021 <!ENTITY kde-frameworks "<productname>&kde; Frameworks</productname>">
0022 <!ENTITY kf5-full       "&kde-frameworks; <productnumber>5</productnumber>">
0023 <!ENTITY kf6-full       "&kde-frameworks; <productnumber>6</productnumber>">
0024 <!ENTITY khelpcenter            "<application>KHelpCentre</application>">
0025 <!ENTITY LMB                    "<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button">
0026 <!ENTITY MMB                    "<mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button">
0027 <!ENTITY OS                     "operating system"><!-- <acronym>OS</acronym>-->
0028 <!ENTITY plasma-media-center    "<productname>&kde; Plasma Media Center</productname>">
0029 <!ENTITY plasma-netbook "<productname>&kde; Plasma Netbook</productname>">
0030 <!ENTITY plasma-desktop "<productname>&kde; Plasma Desktop</productname>">
0031 <!ENTITY plasma-workspaces      "<productname>&kde; Plasma Workspaces</productname>">
0032 <!ENTITY RMB                    "<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button">
0033 <!ENTITY Shift                  "<keycap>Shift</keycap>">
0034 <!ENTITY systemtray             "<application>system tray</application>">
0035 <!ENTITY Tab                    "<keycap>Tab</keycap>">